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Posts posted by LordTynell

  1. My fear, however, is that we will instead get this:


    a. Scaling happens because you visit a planet, no way around it.

    b. Scaling will work by putting a "stat ceiling" based on whatever planet you're on. Gear doesn't matter.

    c. H4s will still require shlepping to and from the location.

    This implantation would be terrible, IMO.


    Time will tell.


    This is what I have a bad feeling about. A clumsy implementation of a system no one was clamoring for.

  2. This reminds me of the flying debate in WoW. Over there, you had a vast majority against the removal of flying and a minority stating, "Flying isn't needed - we need it to make the worlds ALIVE!" Flying was an accepted norm in WoW. A gift for getting to level 60 and then epic flying, and then super epic flying (or whatever 310% was).


    Well, in case you missed the "WoWTanic" sub losses in WOD, it didn't turn out well. Now, that's not to say that's the only reason WoW dropped about 4.5 million subs since November 2014, but it seems to a bunch of little things..


    Kind of like KotFE:


    No new group content at launch.

    Level scaling.

    Making people do dailies to get their companions back.

    One story for all classes.


    I've played this game since Day 1 Early Release. As Obi-Wan said, "I have a bad feeling about this."


    Disclaimer: This is an opinion. My opinion.

  3. http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/37452359.jpg


    You've all noticed it. You may have asked yourselves, why doesn't he capitalize his name? Who does he think he is?! Is he a hipster, man child, or troll? Does he just not give a #$%@ !?


    Well, what ever his reason is. (This petition may be removed if there is good one) It's high time that Eric is forced to capitalize his signature. I know I'm not alone in this. Please support this petition, whether you are a grammar nazi, biggot, constipated, troll, have OCD, respect common courtesy, have a shred of decency, or habitually wake up on the wrong side of the bed.


    Please sign if the lowercase "e" bugs you to!


    Don't kiss butt, dude.

  4. Ok, so I have a weird question - when you buy the level 7 upgrades off the GTN, are they the same as if you buy them off the Cartel Market?


    The reason I ask - I have a Jedi Guardian - bought the 3 packs - he destroys "Impossible Sector." I have a SI who bought most of the upgrades off the GTN, all that is missing is shield generator and shield re-energizer. Well, the SI has a hell of a time killing anything, even with all the grade 7 weapon upgrades, while my JG just skates on by. I play these back to back (and have for the last 3 days to make sure I wasn't imagining things).


    Anyone else have a similar experience? Maybe it's a quick work around bug? I mean, I can complete the missions either way, just confused. Thanks!

  5. Did I ever say any of that? No.


    As for why people do that, it's because this they don't want to have to remake characters in order to experience content that they would have otherwise missed. Content that has been promised by the developers.


    If it's been promised why did they backtrack on all of it? Why did WoW kill the dance studio? Developers can change their mind - and they don't really owe you an explanation.

  6. A lot can happen in 10 minutes. Friendships can be made, broken, or strengthened by a single comment. How much more can happen in 10 minutes? Also, I never said that I get a kick out of getting compliments out of NPCs. I enjoy the companions for their characters and their writing. I enjoy seeing how they react to different situations, I listen to the jokes they make. For all the flak BioWare gets, I really think that they have really good writers. I enjoy them for their storytelling and entertainment value, not out of some "need" for self-gratification.


    Why can't you enjoy them without pushing that they change, then? Have you stopped leveling all of your characters to ensure you get the proper dialogues?

  7. For the sake of argument, let's say that the added SGR content would only be 10 minutes, which would be assumed to be per character. So, if there are 16 SGR-able companions (one per gender per class), that's a whopping 160 minutes, nearly 3 hours of content. And once you add this on to the non-romantic interactions with companions that are already in the game, this number skyrockets.


    Also, a lot can happen in ten minutes. Just think what would happen if the climax of a quest-line was cut out, or a big character-defining moment. People get attached to their companions. Not everyone will, but I know I've gotten attached to some. Elara Dorne, Mako, and T-7 (all platonic) for example. Companions contribute a great deal to my enjoyment of the game. And those added 10 minutes could do a lot to further emotional attachments with companions.


    Nothing that matters in life happens in 10 minutes. Nothing. If you cling that largely to a segment where "NPCs" tell you how great you are, I feel sorry for you. Real life is much more fulfilling. I'd rather a significant other call me wonderful than a scripted process.

  8. We both know that statement is not true, companion romances are a substantial part of this game, infact it's one of many things unique that seperates SW:TOR from other MMOs, and many people are interested in them.


    Substantial? Come on. No it's not. It's 10 mins of cutscenes that can't be replayed.

  9. Who are you to say weather anything they release will create a return or not, unless you work for BW/EA then please do tell. They would make a killing on paid server transfers but they haven't released those either.


    It's "whether." And I am not saying anything. You are the one who basically is taking the position that adding this content would be beneficial to all. I am telling you that if it's a wise business decision, they'll put it in. And I am not so sure of the actual desire for paid transfers. This isn't a successful game with a raiding community (see WoW for success).

  10. Many people asked nicely, yet no information was given, so more drastic measures were taken.

    In the end, BioWare shot themselves in the foot.


    Actually, you bite the hand that feeds. I hope you get your wish and this game dies just to provide what you want. Your empty righteousness will be grand. Meanwhile - Blizzard is laughing all the way to the bank.

  11. Look, you can hate the math - but honestly, I am just being real.


    Wish you guys the best. I am a hetero male; and I'll be honest, the only SGRA I want is Mako/Fem!BH, but if I get that, everyone should get everything.


    I just am saying, it seems the issue isn't as big as we think. I want it to be bigger, but I think they have so much on their plate with F2P/B2P, they could care less about it all.


    Anyway, keeping the hope alive.



  12. This thread has been running continuously since January 17. Some statistics:


    Total posts (not counting those deleted along the way): 6,024

    Total views: 461,987

    Total BioWare Staff Responses: 0


    Anyone else see a problem with that?


    How many individual posters? That's the key point. If you have, say, 100 posters, who consistently post, that's not the same as saying 6,024 people are supporting it. Also, let's say it -was- 6,024 posters, and we're assuming this game has, well, 300,000 subs. Well, that's 2% of the player base.


    When we look at it like that - I hope you can understand that there are quite larger issues for Bioware to tackle. They have that whole F2P model thing coming out, a new warzone, a new op, most likely a new flashpoint, etc.


    2%. And that's thinking that all posts are by separate individuals, and we know that's not true because we know, Uluain, that you have posted in these threads probably 200 times or more (which would be like 6%).


    So on the macro level, it's not as serious as an issue overall as you're making it out to be. It matters to you. But what about the 2% that want the space expanded? What about the 2% that want Pazaak?


    We know it's coming, you and your posse have made sure everyone knows that. And I hope for you guys it comes sooner rather than later. However, I'd recommend to just sit back and understand that there are a ton of splinter groups and pleasing all of them is a very difficult process.


    And always be aware Bioware can change their mind. I am sure I don't need to remind you of Aerial PVP and the Dance Studio in WoW. Game developers seem to change their thoughts on a whim.


    Anyway, best of luck to you guys, just trying to add some perspective.

  13. Life's not fair, nor is a video game. If they go P2W, so be it. If they stay F2P with cosmetics, so be it.


    They have research and focus groups and marking reports - you don't. BioWare and EA will make the best decision based on the market's need, not your little gripe.

  14. Unfortunately, I think SGRAs are going the way of a certain "Dance Studio" or "Aerial PVP." This game is dying and lurching for F2P. SGRAs may make it in, but... it might be a pay to play kind of thing.


    There are so many problems with this game, it just seems like this may be backburner. And if it's put foreburner, it may push a lot of people to leave, not because of Same Sex, but because their issues weren't correct first.


    Blizzard is still succeeding without any RAs. Remember what this game copied.


    I love the RAs, and would *love* to get some Mako with my Fem BH, but.. writing seems like it's on the wall.

  15. HAHA WOO!!!!!!!!!


    I knew it, now they complain about BUSY SERVERS!!!!! Wooohooo!!! hahahaaa


    Uhm, you like queues? A server with a lot of people to play with is one thing. Waiting 30 mins to log in, that's just silly. Don't play semantics.

  16. I disagree. Waiting in a queue is not a good sign or acceptable. I want another option than Ebon Hawke if this is what it's going to be like


    I totally concur. If I am forced to wait to play nightly, I can easily take my money back to the ever-loving arms of Blizzard. At least they don't make me queue. And they have a barbershop... and chat bubbles... and, wait for it, you can sit in a chair.


    Bioware, mistake after mistake.

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