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Posts posted by LordTynell

  1. Turn off Lvlsync so you can solo all FE heroics... Seriously enough already with this sync rage. It shoud be done for FE content. Otherwise you will crying out because its easy...

    You can't put 65 lvl to mid of grinding zones, so you have to sync them...

    Note: You can solo thanks the op comps right now, yet you can't when they ate the glorious nerf hammer.

    For the sake of FE, heroics should become much harder, and sync should be adjusted to much more lower stats. It's already easy enough...


    Forcing group content in a casual focused game will kill it. This game is built to be enjoyed solo. Why would they put companions you can recruit behind an artificial gate.


    It turned out well how it is.

  2. well its hard to find said post because companions have never been this OP before.


    People complaining about the Ops grind and the rakghoul event are probably not happy about a lot of things but i think that companions had very little to do with it. Can you point out a thread that specifically says im quitting because my companion sucks? Finally, for your post, check out thread titled "Sorry, but Fallen Empire is your swan song" he mentions it. It is probably as indirect as the examples you are trying to point me.


    What I am trying to say is there are about 30 people posting about how "OP" companions are. This means there are probably 45-60k people playing right now not complaining about them being OP.


    Some of those are new subs that dig the new direction. I like more money going into this game.

  3. Can you describe hard challenges? Cause i think in this case its all a matter of perspective. are we saying that if you die once at all then the game is considered hard, or are we saying that if we die multiple times facing different challenges then we are calling it hard? At this point i don't see a situation where you should ever die. thats not me being an elitist but just the thinking that if your tank can kill everything himself before he dies without needing you then where is the threat?


    I don't remember anyone complaining that the leveling at launch was very hard but at the same time if you pulled too much or fought something that was was out of your scope your companion wasn't the one who saved you.


    I also think that out of the two( your companion and you) that you should be the stronger of the pair. That's why i think this is really broken.


    nothing wrong with being accessible but making it so i don't get to kill anything is kind of nuts imho.


    No offense, but that's your opinion. The metrics showed Bioware what people wanted. It might not align with your vision, and that's cool.


    But this game is a true story MMO. They went all in for it.

  4. But the problem is that if you make it too easy people will leave as well, honestly have you ever seen threads on the forums complaining that the game is too hard? I haven't, but now I've seen at least three threads, made by long time players, suggesting that the game is too easy. Also saying people don't raid isn't true because on fleet I can always see people searching for groups and the reason why less people might raid is due to lack of new raids and this is coming from someone who doesn't do raids.


    You mean long time players who don't like the new vision of KotFE? Bioware told you it was fundamentally changing the game for the new casual player. It's brought a lot of people in. Old subs are just that.


    And please don't argue about the raiding thing. It barely gets done beyond LFR in the most popular game. I doubt people are itching to get a new SWTOR op.


    The game has changed, Son of Flynn. And it's for the better.

  5. Nothing wrong with toning some things down for new players on things like the lower planets until they get in the swing of things, but I don't think he should be invincible.


    Also why so defensive? am i to take it that you are happy with how things are? I know some people like to watch games instead of play them or maybe watch TV while playing but don't you think this is a bit much? You don't want people to clear it too fast they will just leave and not come back for a year.


    Defensive? No, my good man. Tired of people using passive-aggressive thought control. It's not their game. Find me a single post where someone is quitting because companions are OP.


    Now find me a quitting post re: Ops, grind, rakghoul event, etc.

  6. Honestly I felt the game (PvE) was at the right difficulty before 4.0, now it is just too easy IMO which leads to problems like the one the OP is saying. It's not punishing them, it's getting them to learn the game and enjoy it.


    Maybe they enjoy it without having to learn companions? They made a choice to design the game like this. No one needs to learn anything. They have metrics on what people do. Newsflash - people do not raid in this game. They barely do hardmodes. So why is it an issue to do heroic quests/story quests with a companion? You think they want it to be longer?


    Make it a difficult grind - people leave.

  7. I hope companions get nerfed back to reality.


    and sooner rather than later. Many will have access to KotFE this Tuesday so hopefully they adjust companions when the servers come down early Tuesday morning.


    I alt tabbed out of my act 3 boss fight and my healer companion killed Thanaton. Thats obviously not how its supposed to work.


    So,.. you're asking for a challenge.. in a game.. where STORY is the main component. Right. Companions are fine, leave them alone.

  8. Just noticing after coming back from a break that Khem Val is a little too powerful. I noticed this when i was running around and pulled way to much and saw that Khem was able to tank all 6 mobs 2 silvers and 4 trash mobs and take very little damage. After some playing around i found out that he gets a Buff every few seconds that reduces half the damage he takes. The little damage he takes he is able to heal himself back up on his own.


    I decided to send him after the Monolith in one of the first missions i am playing in Zoist and even on the monsters most powerful attacks he takes next to zero damage. He was able to take off pretty big chunks of health.


    I always thought that companions were someone you bring along for the ride while you turn into one of the most powerful people in the galaxy, but it seems that I am the companion now???


    Just wondering on everyone else's experience was.


    Oh, boo hoo, leveling is easy. Heroics to grind are easy.. boo hoo. Wildstar died in its first incarnation... wonder why,

  9. People just don't learn how to play their roles anymore, because everything is getting too easy.

    And then as soon as it gets a little challengeing, people are overwhelmed. I was in a flashpoint yesterday via GF, and it

    was all dd's.....but still people didn't feel the need to heal themselves up before fights. Plus the tank didn't even know what that was.

    On the other hand you can't blame them, when you have companions that can do most of the content alone :)

    I would like if players took their time again and wait and discuss strategies before just pulling everything.


    So, you want them to punish these people and get them to cancel subs and quit playing? Yeah, great plan.

  10. I felt this way immediately. It's funny how part of these 4.0 changes was to make old content more relevant, but it's made it more laughably easy even for actual level characters. I ran a new Inquisitor through Korriban last night. I was always able to solo Armed and Dangerous at lvl 10 with Khem, but I had to be careful, but last night (at lvl 11) I just steamrolled the entire room in about 2 minutes. By the way, it bugged out and didn't update when I took Lord Sundar's ring and I had to reset the encounter and do it again lol.


    Wait.. you mean they want you to focus on story rather than challenge of leveling...


    It's like it's their selling point or something.

  11. *before 4.0- "Companions are turning into useless dress up dolls! I've spent years tweaking their gear for optimal performance rotations and you're taking it awaaaaaay!!!"


    *4.0 drops....watches companion solo gold mob....


    "Companions hit to harrrrrrrrd! BW nerf harrrrrrrd!"




    Companions are fine....nothing to see here....move along.


    Well, the vocal minority has to find something to scream and whine about, right?

  12. Oh wise one, tell me how I do it with my lvl 44 Sith Juggernaut, when he is...tadaa...on the planet of his level?


    Uh, he's talking about the max level toons that go back to lower level planets. No reason to try to play semantics when you know he's not talking about leveling.

  13. Heres a simple answer...and Im not gonna be mean about it.


    The same reason we didnt get a toggle for Level sync...BW/EA just arent going to do it at this point. It would take a lot of coding time, and test time to get that to function properly...and honestly the "Companions are too powerful" crowd seem to be in the minority.


    No, whats going to happen is this...people will continue to whine (sorry, but it is a whine, no different then the whining Im doing in other threads), and EA/BW will nerf companion ability into the dirt...companions will become near useless for any content near your level...So well be back in the same boat, if not worse than before 4.0 in companion strength...


    You know, you can't stop whiners. They think their yelling and screaming out other opinions makes theirs more valid. It doesn't. They don't have metrics, they have tears.


    The companions are that way for a reason. It's the same reason WoW took out group quests. The real answer is most people do not want group content. So, the companion is an awesome fix to that.

  14. I think companions are working as intended. These are for new players. If you have played this game > 1 year, you probably have presence buffs and the content (especially lower planets) should be trivial. It was trivial before, it's trivial now.


    We can't gear our companions, we lost their special abilities, yet you guys complain that it should be a harsher leveling process. That doesn't fly in today's MMOs. Sorry. They want to retain subs, not lose them because some tiny vocal minority wants artificial challenge.

  15. The title states it perfectly. With the changes that were made to the companions were just what was needed.


    To all of the people complaining that their companions are overpowered, they are not. Make a new character on a new server all alone and see how powerful they are, they are not. What has happened is you use your legacy, datacrons and all of the items and materials to boost your efficiency off the chart. You should have an easier time when you have a number of leveled characters and a legacy bank stuffed full.


    If you want a challenge, it is up to you on how hard you want to make it. You can enter into instanced content that will not use your companion. You can lower your gear levels (and still keep the same look, thanks outfit designer!), run any content without a companion or turn them on passive. Again leveling and beginner instances and areas =! (does not equal) end game.


    I was not sure about the level sync but with the improvements so far everything had been good.


    Thanks BioWare I am having a great time.


    Very well said. I applaud your post.


    These people complaining lack one thing: metrics. They can moan and decry Bioware all day, but they don't have a clue how the overall game is being viewed.

  16. This, dismiss your comps, or put them on passive, your troubles are over, stop trying to screw up our enjoyment of the game with your capricious demands, and actually find your own ways to challenge yourself.


    The problem is, these people don't want the challenge. They could seek it themselves. Instead, they wish to push their thought pattern on others. It's a passive-aggressive way of thought control.

  17. Leveling shouldn't be easy - it should teach you your class. Even before 3.0 there were more then enough morons in endgame, with absolutely no idea what they are doing, expecting to be carried and destroying MY fun in group content. So yea, I do have a reason to care. Now it's gonna get worse... Oh wait. Bolster is even more OP...


    They did ****ed up difficulty balance with this expancion. Sad thing is, if they ever try to fix this, window-lickers will revolt


    Making things more difficult certainly worked for Warcraft with Cataclysm. It almost certainly worked with Wildstar. Wait.. no it didn't.


    In the day and age of the casual gamer, who flitters with the wind, the mantra of challenge and learn your class have been replaced with ease of access and ease of content. If they run into challenge, they move on to the next. The draconian raid or die mentality has been dead for quite some time. It's why Tactical Flashpoints and LFR are the new norm.


    If you truly want challenge, play without your companion. Wear greens. Challenge is what you make of it, and if you depend on someone to do it for you, you'll always be disappointed.

  18. Great, can you hand out some examples of games where you do not need to do anything?


    I'm sorry, do you want this game to be another game? If you like, you can go play that game.


    This is SWTOR, where people come to play... SWTOR - not whatever game you want me to find.


    Not to be snarky, but if this game just clones another, it loses what uniqueness it has.

  19. I'm not against them being useful, and hell, I would have supported a reasonable buff to them to make up for level sync...but this is ridiculous.


    Ridiculous to you.


    Fun to me.


    I've been here since 2010; I don't mind it. Leveling should be easy - it's the fourth pillar, it's the STORY. Why do you care how easy it is for someone to progress? Does their story progression offend you?

  20. It is no game design when you can go afk and let the companion do everything alone.


    That's your opinion. That's all it is. No metrics, just your thoughts on the matter.


    I like the redesign. I think it adds to the fun. See, that's my opinion.


    They're allowed to be different.

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