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Everything posted by YourFutureEx

  1. It's really not NEW, it's changed back to the old way where you can actually tell your abilities are off cooldown. People will complain about the sun if it shines to bright.
  2. This game is better than WoW. That is why I am here.
  3. Maybe the OP is just a horrible player? We all know he/she is the ONLY Republic on their server right? It's SO HARD to group up with people when you're a habitual whiner and antisocial. Learn how to play the game, you will like it better that way.
  4. There is something inside the game to report problems and bugs that is more effective than trolling the forums. Report your problems there so they can stack the list of people having the same problems. Sitting here fighting about something on the forums is just stupid. That's the whole point of us getting P'O'ed. I consider myself a fanboy of Star Wars, but far from a BW/EA lover, hell, even Lucasarts isn't on my list of faves (Force Unleashed II POS ring any bells?). The fact is, they don't have anyone looking at the forums actively trying to pick out problems from the tens of people trolling these forums. They have a program that picks up on language and algorithms to find when someone is trolling. Go play the game, make a ticket, and then, if you still want, play the game. Otherwise, go back to whatever high quality MMO you think is best. Why is this so hard?
  5. I don't think you realize that SWTOR is the first game that actually can "compete" with WoW, which, in all honesty, is the only real success on the MMO market in the past 5 years. Even EVE Online, having a strong and steady following, isn't as well known as WoW and their millions of subscribers. Let's face it, Star Trek online died just because it sucked and there was nothing to do. Rift is laughable as a weak WoW clone. DC Universe Online lacked any real quality at all. What's left? This is the biggest and best game to come along in awhile. I really don't see how you, a mere player, with no programming experience, can know what it takes to implement change in a project such as this. Btw... Trion? Flop. Try again.
  6. You people need to broaden your scope and actually realize how truley huge this game is. What will you be saying if they fix all your complaints in the next six months? I know youi people will just find something else to complain about. Whatever the reasons are that you must convince us, and yourself, to go back to WoW, it's all you. It's easy to quit, just don't play and put your account on hold. I did it after five years of playing (and the announcement of Pandas, quit that day.)
  7. For those of you that can't see past the miniscule bugs in this BRAND NEW game that they built from the ground up, I expect you to go away and play your WoW. It's a point to the makers of this achievement in gaming that it is more playable NOW than WoW is. Go backk to Stormwind or Orgrimmar and just stand there and queue for stuff all day unless you're farming/grinding for something. I still don't see the point in you people having to convince us that WoW is better than this game, because it's not anywhere near the calibre that this game is. If you don't like it, leave. How hard is that?
  9. If you don't like the game and are unsatisfied with it, then WHY DO YOU PLAY?!?!? Free country last I heard. Just leave, we won't notice.
  10. I've seen, nor heard, of ANY of those problems, nor is this game unfinished or broken. How about you go back and research the hundreds of problems on WoW before you post. No PVP for 8 months? Instances with unbeatable bosses then weeks later the devs tell us that "oh yeah, that dungeon isn't finished yet so that boss is unbeatable right now." Get your facts straight. Just because you suck at PVP you don't have to post about it... QQ half a second delay QQ World ending, games been out a month!!!
  11. Another one of those "gotta get to 50!!! NOW!" kinda people, I can tell. You have one 50 so now you think the game is fail. The game is a month old, you need to stick around and see what the changes are. These guys can only work so fast here. Have you even stopped to smell the roses? This game is a huge accomplishement. Not to mention it's the first real competetor to World of Farmcraft since THAT game launched (with many fails for an entire 8 months, no less!). Get your head on straight, this game already beats WoW in gameplay, graphics, and story. Level another toon and stop wasting our time.
  12. That's ignorant!! It would be like switching from the Horde to the Alliance, how stupid would that be? Gimme a break dude, go QQ someplace that will make a difference.
  13. Besides you making a worthless complaint about something totally the subsribers choice, how do you suggest they handle this? Personally, I folled Sith because I like to be a Sith, and guess what, if they were to all of the sudden limit my choices, I'd be gone in a heartbeat. Obviously you didn't think your post through one bit.
  14. "Winners never quit, and quitters never win. But if you never win and never quit, then you're an idiot." Really, there are less than 1000 people that design these games right? If a MILLION people are plaing SWTOR right now, what are the chances that you have enough "experience of playing mmorpgs" than the people trying to fix them. You are just tired of getting your butt kicked, admit it. Jawa up.
  15. How would you know? And why would someone lie on here? We have no reason to lie to strangers right?
  16. If you think this is the best way to talk to the devs then you haven't played games near long enough. Go into the game and report your problem, not here. Although we all know SOMEONE reads these forums, it would be impossible, not to mention maddening, to take advice from flamers on these forums. As far as I'm concerned, nothing on these forums is anything but rant, rant, and more rant about people getting killed and the injustice of it all. QQ'ing is prevelant here versus submitting a bug report. The last three reports I submitted about these problems came back with a droid response basically saying, "Hey, we know about this problem!!" and closed my ticket.
  17. Here's a fix for people like you: Logout of the game Delete your toons, all of them Uninstall the game Go play WoW (because factions are exactly equal over there.) You're welcome.
  18. There should be six factions!! Three of the factions can be in the Empire and three can be in the Republic.... Oh wait...
  19. Did you even read the huge explanation of how they are working on this problem and the solution is on its way to the test servers? Just asking. Alot of people just blaze into the forums when all they are doing is saying things everyone already knows. Including the developers.
  20. When you're right, you're right. It's soooo hard. lol
  21. You're the idiot giving them your money, who's dumber? LOLOLOOLL
  22. Just do it already! The community will be a better place without you QQ'ing all over the place. Really, noone here cares why you are unsubbing because we're behind Bioware to keep coming out with patches that fix stuff! OMG! Just like EVERY OTHER MMO! Amazing huh? Face it, there are really only two reasons why someone quits. Their computer can't play the game and they blame the lag on it, or they have so much time and money invested in other games, they can't possibly leave. So there ya go, don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. Any way we can help you out the door, let us know.
  23. Don't care. Have fun playing with your Pandas.
  24. Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. Nobody cares about the people that are leaving and btw, if you really did leave then do you really think your reasons are valid? Nope. How can you post if you cancelled anyway? Troll
  25. Look up the definition for a "bug" and your whole arguement is invalid.
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