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Everything posted by Koalachan

  1. We got a new FP and expanded Ops one month after release. and now we are getting another FP and Ops, and another WZ. In 4 months that's not to shabby for the amount of released content. Combined with the implementation of things people have been asking for, I feel that BW is completely listening to us.
  2. No, this is a single content patch, it does not mean they will not do expansions. Now, I'm not saying they will do expansions, just that this does not mean they won't be doing them.
  3. There are no black crystals right now. There are however black with yellow glow from pre-order, black with green glow from the swtor mouse, black with red glow which is tier 3 pvp and pve for empire and black with blue glow which is the same but for republic. Are one of these what you were referring to?
  4. There's just so much wrongness with your post. In 1.2 we mod armor will be BiS, so people will already be looking more different. Appearance tab? DA ***? Custom tatoos and logos? Yea, can already see all the people putting **** pics and *****es. I'm not even going to bother with the rest until you learn how to structure a post.
  5. It's not just snipers. Pretty much all the dps sets are loaded with accuracy.
  6. Good to see more guilds being added
  7. So bad you have nothing better to do than sit on these forums talking about it?
  8. My friend got the same kind of tattoo, but he made the republic half blue and the empire half red.
  9. The datacrons are all easy to get, and the only real time consuming ones are things like the tatooine balloon, of which you can even cheat and avoid it. Even then, the total gain from crons is only 40 stats, which is nice early game, practically a half a piece of gear, but as the game gets further progressed you will notice that 40 stats is a small part of the picture and only needed by min/maxers and completionists. If you don't want them, then don't get them. If you're this mad about an optional side diversion that you are threatening to quit the game, then you should just quit. Kids these days and their unwillingness to work for anything in a game.
  10. Someone on my server set up a server facebook page. I've been bugging the guild leaders there to register with the quiz. Mask of Nihilus is a decent size server, top 5 from every unofficial server census I've seen, and I'd would wager top 10 for sure. Its a shame that there's only my guild registered on here.
  11. expanded their ability bar, right click the dps moves to disable, companion will now only heal.
  12. First, punctuation. Second, there are weapons vendors that sell green quality weapons of appropriate level on all the planets, including techblades. That's hardly impossible.
  13. EDIT: And what does fixing the robes matter anyway if you change what clothes they are wearing?
  14. By fix you mean balance in favor of the Jedi?
  15. Really? You know this from what? Cause that's what the CEO of EA just told investors last week.
  16. 1.7 million subscribers is far from dead. I do believe that actually makes it one of the largest MMOs currently.
  17. By race do you mean your characters species? Or do you mean like, you made your character white and you want to be black now? Cause those are two different things, but you say appearance, so I assume you mean the latter.
  18. As soon as I dropped down from LS V I lost the title.
  19. My ptech does fine at mid-level. And the main point is, I said unless you are a tank it won't matter much.
  20. Everyone knows an arrow to the knee causes rib pains
  21. You only lose some armor. If you're not a tank wearing light armor is fine. And even if you are a tank, its not that bad while leveling.
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