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Everything posted by Kinudig

  1. a point that is not lost on us as we try to rib you in the only way we can at the moment
  2. Sad state of affairs? My side still hurts from Sunday night's DP HM weekly run when we laughed our asses off together. Fun > youropinionthatyouareentitedtobutthatidisagreewithtotally
  3. Outstanding, guys - glad to see the support. Ambitious goal too Moses, a few of us are rooting for ya and will be keeping an eye on your progress. Bad link SB. EDIT: glad I tested it again before submitting - it works. Good job all
  4. Hey whatever the reason - the cause is worthwhile. Kinda doubt I could *actually* pull off a 24 hr bender any more though. Registration and set up is fairly painless. And Extra Life states that all funds raised are donated, 100%. No mention of the word "proceeds" have I found, which is important in my opinion.
  5. I'm so late to this party, but I set up an account at extra-life_dot_org, set up the team account, and I'm going to post something in guild forums today. Should be able to visit the page and search "Wook Guild" if you want to lend support. Hastily thrown together. Might be late for the event tomorrow, but can still meet set goals over time.
  6. Thanks for posting - saw your post on the Shadowlands forum. I'll be raising awareness on the Wook guild forums as well. Here's to hoping participation is high!
  7. I've got little free time, but I'll make time for that. Wish I'd seen this sooner but I'll alert guild members to the fundraiser. Children's Miracle Network Hospitals has done a great job with micro-fundraising; your money stays local if you choose as well. ++ since most of the funds raised helps offset uncompensated treatment and necessary equipment. Thanks Liz
  8. Agree with most of above, though I don't think hybrid specs break the game. As to the motives of players, well, generally speaking we are all natural Systems Testers, many specializing in Opportunism. Looking forward to the change and to low-low PVP
  9. What it takes to beat Wook: Our hats are off in respect to the victor of The Battle for Taris http://i.imgur.com/qByDWNf.png But I'm proud as hell of what we accomplished in-house, ladies and gents! Join the team - app up at wookieeroar.com
  10. Actually glad to have read this - had a couple of early morning matches with the so-called player named "Triumph" last saturday(?), who was guilded at the time. Thought it was you Paragon, so I suspended judgement, figuring you and Flopsy(?), Flosy(?) were just having fun. Wook has a number of peeps that have the same issue; previously gkicked for bad behavior, now harboring resentment and playing at subversion. Truth will out.
  11. A noble endeavor Keata, offering training. Prospective benefits to the guild, but with benefit the community as a whole. Nice
  12. And it may not stop there: http://www.cnet.com/news/star-wars-death-star-clue-in-latest-j-j-abrams-tweet/ Just doing my part to spread rumor and conjecture across the galaxy. Good story Charles! Hope to hear more about Smuggler's Cove.
  13. I appreciate the efforts of this thread and support the action 100%. I'll be donning pink in October as a show of support. I also believe that personal research is always a good thing - and what kamenoko brings up is not without merit. Its worth taking the time to see where your hard earned dollars go. Excellent practical ideas at the end of that paragraph - crucial, and on point with the medical industry. I'd love to see more members of the community volunteering at the hospital. And don't forget acute care facilities; short-term, long-term, palliative... So much need out there.
  14. Shoutout to Triumph Shoutout to Triumph Shoutout to Triumph for rocking that Galactic Conquest and rollin' in 42 Million points. wow. We had a blast trying to keep up with you guys this week. Great job! And huge huge personal shouout to Paragon for pulling off the merger of the year. You have truly accomplished something here - and you all should be absolutely proud of that link above. Wook put full steam into last week, but we could not over come the new juggernaut. Good show, great competition, lets not do it again any time soon!
  15. haha nice. Kind of a 'slaver' move though To the point that Klaw was making: I am the Wookiee. We are 70+ strong. Word.
  16. I've been wondering the same thing, glad you brought this up 'nesto. I'm thinking this issue may deserve a thread of its own, really. We're confident in you dev-team. We know you'll get this CZ-198 wrinkle smoothed out.
  17. Character name: Kernal Legacy name: Hackroot dope!
  18. Yes! Great little 5 min read - This is true Star Warsian pulp at its finest. A flash of spaghetti western in space, a dash of double-cross... Love it.
  19. Thanks for posting Klaw - Wook is a collection of talented players of all levels, but most importantly, its a fun group of people from all walks of life and from around the globe. We tend to be a little insular due to the fact that we have such strength of community, so I for one appreciate posts like yours. Wook maintains an open guild application policy within the Shadowlands server population. We have a steady flow of applications, and few are rejected outright. Once accepted, its a matter of getting into Team Speak and getting to know people to see if a complementary fit exists. Those that have the same goals that Wook has (1. having fun; 2. having fun while allowing those those in proximity to you to have fun; 3. being a productive member with an ethics toward the micro and macro community) are the players that tend to make Wook Guild their home. And in this way the Wook community continues to grow qualitatively. Welcome to all of the newest recuits since Strongholds went live! We've had fun liberating Alderaan. Be sure to make your presence known in Team Speak - again, its the best way to get with the flow of things. Oh, and be sure to ask an officer how you can help obtain Dark Projects for your walker mounts!
  20. Fun! character diary is the way to get the creative juices flowing. My interest is certainly piqued. And hey, I don't know but does the sith lord need a space suit, or can't he just breathe the force WHAT?
  21. Agreed. I think this would be a lot of fun - providing more opportunities for unscripted events, opportunities for guild members to pull together and help each other out or just have some fun. Open PVP would sure be a blast, but its not necessary here.
  22. Tons of awesome features in the works - looking forward to so much here! I really like the expanded functionality offered by the Guild Flagship enabling group transport to player location. Time savers are important to me since I have such limited playtime. Legacy storage is huge as well via Strongholds. Thank you Bruce, thank you Eric. SWTOR is a beautiful game - simply one of the best I've ever been a part of. Keep up the good work.
  23. How about a sidecar mount that's piloted by a clone of the last person you solo killed in a wz?
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