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Everything posted by Adric_the_Red

  1. Most of this was answered already, but... 1. Look at the numbers to the left of the items in your crafting list (the ones that say how many of that item you have enough mats to make). If the numbers are grey, you will not gain any crafting skill making those. Make stuff with green, yellow or orange numbers. By default, your list will sort by "difficulty", which is also indicated by colored dots to the right of the items. Again, grey dots = no skill increase for crafting those items. Note that you can change this so that it will show the item level instead of difficulty dots. In which case, do not mistake the "level" color for the "difficulty" color. The level color is tied to your character's level and indicates only roughly how close your character's level is to that item's level (but not whether they meet any other requirements, like class, armor or weapon type, etc.). If all your the items listed are grey difficulty, you need to go to the crew skill trainer and buy some new schematics. 4. Along with checking server forums, you can also check your /who list in game, and on the far right column, change it to show characters' guilds. That can give you some idea of which guilds have players on at the times you usually play. Then you can sk folks in those guilds if they are recruiting. Or you can just hang out at your faction's capital city or fleet and watch for folks advertising their guild. 6. This will be in update 1.2, as shown in the recent video teaser for the update. I don't recall seeing an official relase date for 1.2 yet.
  2. On Coruscant, the guild creation NPC is underneath the Senate Plaza, near the GTN kiosks.
  3. I'm willing to help out. Server: Master Zhar Lestin (US West PvE) Characters: Adric, Karnil, Raymond (mostly) Faction: Republic Hours: varies, sometimes daytime, soemtimes evenings, occasionally late night... but on for at least a little while most every day. Slightly off topic... Actually, I think an "Advice" channel would be a good idea. I have a separate chat tab for the Advice channel in LotRO, and I can ignore or respond to it as I see fit. It would be quite easy to do something similar with an Advice channel in SWTOR. And if you find it's too much of a spamfest, you can always just uncheck the box for the channel, and not see it at all. What I'd like to see along with an Advice channel is some kind of "new message" indicator on the "hidden" chat tabs. (Actaully, I'd really like it, with or without an Advice channel). One of the first things I did in SWTOR was make extra chat tabs so I can split different message types to different tabs and not have to try to sort out the messages I really want to see from all the other noise on the "General" tab. But that really only works well if you also have a "new message" indicator, so I can tell when I need to look at the "hidden" tabs. Maybe have the tab "light up" and/or change color, or put a * before or after the label...
  4. When you walk into a room and start one of these conversations where you see that's going to happen, hit ESC, buff up, and then start it again. I frequently go through dialogues multiple times (and not just with "story" bosses), trying the different options, just to see how the NPCs (and my character/companion) will respond. Once you work out how the convo goes and where the "end point" is, you can ESC out, buff up, and then just spacebar through to the fight, and be ready for it.
  5. Actually, they often only come with pieces for Chest, Legs, and Feet. So for a companion that can wear heavy (Aric or Corso, for example) you would also be OK going with medium armor if it's for a slot they don't start with, like hands, wrists, waist or head. Some armor is always better than none. As you level up, some quests will give you companion items that are better than their original gear, or for slots that were empty when they started, which may or may not be better than what you've picked up along the way. Another thing you can do is give your companions "hand-me-downs" if they use the same armor type and main stats your character uses. So for example, for a Trooper, when you get a heavy/aim chestpiece that's an upgrade, you can give your old chestpiece to Aric. Note that you can do this even if it's "bound". Giving smuggler gear (medium/cunning) to Corso as a "hand-me-down" won't work quite as well, unless it's for one of those empty slots he starts with.
  6. At this time, the only way to "change" your character is to make a new one.
  7. OP: You don't say what server you're on, or what faction you play, but I wouldn't mind at all having you in a group. Some folks actually like to go through content (including dungeons, er, flashpoints/heroics) slowly, not just race through everything as fast as possible.
  8. AFAIK, the only way to get the DDE or CE items is to purchase those editions. The items (holocam, speeder bike, etc.) are not available separately. You get the whole package or nothing. And I believe BW have said they have no plans to make them available for separate purchase in the future. The exception is the VIP lounge bracelet, which you can buy for the bargain basement price of only 1.5 million credits. That gets you access to the lounge where the CE vendor hangs out, but the vendor won't talk to you unless you actually redeemed a CE code on your account.
  9. Not sure about regaining the "romance" story, but you can regain the lost affection through other quests and/or gifts. Perhaps if you get the affection back to where it was, you'll get another shot at the romance.
  10. I believe you get this for the Manka Cat entry, which mentions that they are believed to have originated on Alderaan.
  11. Ahhh, maybe that's why a lot of people get that error. Yeah, I got that same error one time when trying to talk to my Companion and it confused me until I realized what I had to doIf you notice, when you find a datacron that you haven't accessed yet, it has a "quest-giver" icon above it, so yes, accessing a datacron is apparently a "quest" - a really short one, but still a quest.
  12. That's optional. You can turn it off in your Preferences.
  13. In option 3, use the Advanced Search button, and then scroll down the list in the "Find Threads with Prefix" box and select Lord Ieldis. That will make it a bit easier to find relevant threads.
  14. Just to emphasize for those still having difficulty, this only works if you climb up the strut shown in the screenshot a couple pages back. Climbing the other one won't do it. I tried the wrong one on a couple different characters, just to be sure. Also, you need to go all the way to the top, to where your head pokes through the ceiling. If you weren't forced to stop climbing, you didn't go far enough. If you go up the wrong one, you will get a notice that you are at the "Senate Plaza Taxi Pad". At the top of the correct one it will say "Coruscant Space Port".
  15. At this point, best you can do is go into Advanced Search and have it search for threads with your server's prefix. Unfortunately, even that isn't really organized properly. The groupings in the prefix dropdown aren't listed in anything like alphabetical order, not clustered by type, or language... even within a server group the server names aren't in alphabetical order (Mind Trick is listed last under "En PvE M - P" for example). A little easier than digging through the whole M-P forum looking for posts tagged with your server name, but still not nearly as good as if they just had a separate forum for each server.
  16. You have plenty of company, both in missing those old games, and wishing this one came with an actual manual in the box. Asheron's call did the best keymap I've seen in ages - a big cardstock quick reference fold-out with nearly life-size squares for the keys on the keymap... and a bunch of other useful info on it as well. FWIW, I just hit the big five-oh myself last month, but for decades I've been nearsighted to the point of being nearly blind without my glasses. I would love a keymap that was larger and also sensibly colored so as to be easier to read.
  17. You're confusing armor "Rating" on a piece with the amount of Armor it provides. All light (or medium or heavy) armor with the same rating will be the same armor value. Every modable piece with no mod in it will be Rating 6, regardless of type. For a light piece this will provide very little armor, for a medium piece a bit more, and even more for a heavy piece. Too bad what you'd rather say is not correct. Check the "orange" items at a Social Vendor. They're all light armor, have no mods, but are all Rating 6, which is worth 4 or 7 Armor depending on the piece. Take the mods out of a modable Medium or Heavy piece (or make one), and you will see they also have a base armor value, higher than that for Light armor pieces, but also Rating 6. For medium the armor value will be 10 or 16; for Heavy it will be 16 or 25.
  18. Actually, you won't necessarily be blocked, even then. If neither of you have done it, and you don't have the "Allow Access to Same Class Story Areas" enabled, you will just both go into your own instance. If you do have it enabled, you will be given an option to join the other person in their story instance, or enter an instance of your own. You will only be blocked from the instance if you haven't picked up the required quest yet, or if you have already done it. IIRC, the woman next to the door has a different quest. When you are "ready" (high enough level or completed other prerequisite) she will have a quest icon over her head and she will talk to you. The "you aren't ready" when talking to NPCs is something you will see regularly, if you get into areas that are above your level. Another one BW likes is, "You are not elegible for this converstaion".
  19. Also, watch the bars for your opponent, either above their head, or above your target portrait. When they start to "wind up" for an ability "cast", you will see a blue ability timer below the health bar over their head, and above your target portrait (like the one over your character portrait when you activate an ability with a "cast" time). When you see that blue bar start filling, that's when to hit your "interrupt".
  20. Yes. The limit is the amount of xp required for your current level. At level 10, you need to earn 22545 xp to reach level 11. So the most rested xp you can accumulate at level 10 would be 22545. When you hit level 11 and need 31305 to be level 12, your rested xp cap will be 31305, and so on.
  21. AFAIK, the two classes are pretty equal in their stealth ability, both in terms of speed while stealthed, and "stealthiness". As long as the two of you are about equal in level, you will be about equal in stealth, too.
  22. If you both went Scoundrel (or both Shadow), then you could start on the same world, but then you'd have to do all the class quests twice, yes. If one of you goes Shadow and the other Scoundrel, you will not "duplicate" the class quests. You will start on different worlds, but you will probably leave your starter worlds by about level 8 or 10, and if you're really determined, you can blow through that in a couple hours. (I got my characters through both Ord Mantell and Tython in about 3 hours or so, but I'm slow, and spend a lot of time wandering around exploring and stuff). So you won't be apart for long. Once you get to Coruscant, you can group up for everything. The only odd thing about it, either way, is when one of you joins the other for a class quest, you won't be able to see or participate in the dialogues for that quest. But you'll be albe to help them kill all the stuff along the way. And you both would experience the class quests for both classes once you got to Coruscant. (You would both get "kill" xp for your class quests, but only the one with that class would get the "quest" xp).
  23. Jedi Consular Shadow and Smuggler Scoundrel are the two Republic classes that have Stealth. Of those, the Scoundrel (the Sawbones tree) will be your healer. The Shadow can go either DPS or tank, depending on your preferences. Consulars only use light armor, so the Shadow is perhaps not the ideal tank, but it's doable (the Kinetic Combat [Defense] tree). I don't PvP much, so won't speculate how well those do for PvP, separately or together.
  24. In game: If you are trying to find folks from a particular guild, open your Social window, Who tab and enter the guild name in the filter box. If you just want to see which players currently online are in what guilds, click the drop box at the far right and select Guild from the list. It will show all players (in your current area) with what guild they are in. Out of game: Hover over the Community link above, pick Forums from the droplist, then Server Group Forums. Select the type of server you're on (PvE, PvP, etc.), then the appropriate Server Names link, and finally, the Guild Recruitment and Looking for Guild link. Once you're there, click the Advanced Search button, and in the Search Options box, scroll through the "Find Threads with Prefix" list till you find your server name. Select that and hit the search button at the bottom of the page. Then wade through the results till you find what you're after. Note that the prefix list appears fairly random, rather than alphabetical (it starts with "En PvE A - C", followed by "En PvE K - L" and a whole bunch of others, including En PvP, French, German, etc., before it gets to "En PvE D - D - E" way down near the bottom of the list). So you'll likely have to scroll through a bit to find the grouping with your server in it. Not exactly a very user-friendly method, but that's what BW has given us. Prior to Launch (and for a short time after) you could choose "Guilds" from the Community link above, and it would take you to a page where you could search the guilds that had registered on this site by Name, Faction, Type, and so on. But apparently BW decided that would only be useful for assigning guilds to servers, and they shut that down. Now the link only takes you to a generic info page about guilds in general, with a link to the Game Systems page, where you can find links to ... that same, generic "Guild info" page.
  25. Same with Republic characters. Just play through your story & side quests, always choose LS options and you'll easily be LS I before level 10.
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