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Everything posted by Moestuin

  1. You can manipulate how your class sounds a bit by the helm he/she wears. At least that is how it is on my sith warrior. Some of the helms distorts his voice and he sounds more like darth vader then.
  2. Well not everyone has a smartphone. And I am told by friends who have used the app that if you want to stop using it you have a hard time getting rid of it from your account (for instance when you have a new phone). The security key used to be €12 (in the US it was something like $4). Now its €4.33 (better but still too expensive in my opinion) but it has been out of stock for months.
  3. It happens if you group up with someone to do quests (so lets say you are with 2 and both have comps. out). Then you go do an heroic and invite 2 more people, who both leave again after the quest is completed. That is when this bug appears, you can summon you companion but he/she will disappear when you mount/dismount. An easy fix for now is to drop the group and reform it, that clears the problem.
  4. My main is still using the Bulwark since he found it in Kaon shortly after the flashpoint was introduced. I was so glad I kept it because I never found another one like it in the game since. The only other reasonbly good looking vibrosword is the chopper. I have never come across the 2 you mentioned. I don't think BW cares much for vibroswords since the new gree event seems to have all kinds of weapons except vibroswords.
  5. The ability to get HK-51 via legacy and actually having HK-51 are 2 different things. You need to do the quest once per faction to unlock the legacy to buy HK 51 on alt. You need to purchase HK 51 when you have the legacy perk unlocked on alts to actually get him (1 mil credits) or do the quest again when you hit 50.
  6. People will start to press need on all gear drops because their alt needs it. I don't like the idea.
  7. This one is not in the list: Operations title: "Red Rhombus" - Granted on defeating the Terror from Beyond (any difficulty)
  8. I don't know if people have mentioned this one but its not in the original post: - To display the credit symbol in chat use ALT + 0164 (Every time I do this I get 10+ /w of people asking me how to do that)
  9. Perhaps the bonus healing over time is based on one of your stats, which would explain why the numbers were different between you two.
  10. Section X is really good, just farm the beasts right outside the base. I usually end up with a stack of around 20 while I do the first daily.
  11. This has been posted many times already, including workarounds. Until they fix it, just alt-tab out of the game right before the warp animation and go back to the game a few seconds later. Works every time.
  12. I don't understand how someone can spend 3 hours looking for a part. All you have to do is be smart in how you scan. Just pay attention to the last ring you see when you scan, then move twice that length to the new spot if you have no lock. You cover a lot of ground that way in a very short amount of time. Once you have a lock, scan around that area in a triangular pattern and you have that part in no time (if you have ever played eve-online, its exactly the same as trying to look for a wormhole only in that game it was harder as you had 3 dimensions to deal with instead of 2). Again be smart in the way you scan. Don't just scan, move 5 meters forward and scan again.
  13. Social armor is not adaptive. It is usually light armor that is worthless for a medium or heavy armor user. Some quests give orange armor for your class as a reward though. The advantage of adaptive armor is that it doesn't matter if you are a light/medium/heavy armor user, the armor will 'adept' in armor rating for your class.
  14. I don''t think that works, I did FE 2 days ago and ended up being the last of the group to face Malgus. He had only 20k health left so I started bursting him. He stopped taking damage at 14k saying ' your fleet is doomed' but continued to attack me until the solo bit ended, then he just said it again and started to do his lightning thing.
  15. I never see people in blue/greens anymore since Tionese is given away for free at 50. On very rare occasions I see 1 in an HM FP or in a PUG EV/KP who turns out to be a F2P player without the license to wear epic gear, but I always wonder why he/she is doing those since all that's dropping there is epic anyway.
  16. Why not just put yourself in the queue for false emperor through the group finder? At least then you can also me matched up with people who are not on the fleet but questing about while waiting in queue. You can just de-select all other flashpoints. This will mean your average time waiting will be longer (depends on the server), but eventually you will get a group.
  17. I have also seen an influx of people queuing for LI HM for the weekly but not even wearing the free set of Tionese gear. After asking why they are almost always F2P people who can't wear purple armor. The rest usually dinged level 50 only shortly before and didn't know about the free gear.
  18. This happens to me too, but I never have to redo the flashpoint. I get my BH comms after I log back in. And I just minimize the game (alt-tab) when the warp animation begins and return to the game 5 seconds later, that way it never crashes.
  19. Do the hardmode version as everyone never queues for the normal ones. You can go into HMs immediately now on dinging 50 with the free tionese set.
  20. An easy workaround is to minimize the game right before the space flight animation and then go back to the game 5-10 sec. later. Always works for me. (I leave the graphics settings untouched)
  21. I did everything solo as everyone in my guild already had him and there was never anyone around also looking for components. The longest part for me was leveling a rep toon up to 15 to get the part from the temple. In searching parts the longest was 15 min. on Hoth. Everything else I found well within 15 minutes.
  22. It's on the shell, only black hole/campaign stuff has the set bonus on the armoring
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