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Everything posted by Darkdust

  1. I'm afraid you're in the ethical minority here. Assuming the first player has tagged the mob so that credit for the kill is already assigned, then there's nothing rude with a second player helping finish it off. This allows both players to get on with their goals (quest, achievement, whatever), and the first player loses nothing. I daresay that problems with the community likely have much more to do with poor written communication skills, as this post demonstrates.
  2. I love city planets like Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa, and they have plenty of room even on the existing maps to add new sectors. Additionally, we could have new areas on some of the starter planets (analogous to Black Hole for Corellia or Section X for Belsavis) so that we see more of, say, Korriban or Ord Mantell.
  3. Only one person needs to have the quest - the others can come along to help. And, truly, that's why we have guilds.
  4. Try the Cat Being Namer at Seventh Sanctum.
  5. I fail to see how any of the Agent romance options "border on pedophilia". Depending on the PC's gender, you have an apparently experienced diplomat, anarchist/terrorist, or young officer. Only the last raises issues around power structures in the relationship, and that's a far cry from pedophilia. Likewise with the Sith Warrior: there may be power issues (especially with Vette), but that's very different from being attracted to children. OP is trolling.
  6. Dallas here (south Garland to be specific). Hopefully will meet some of you at the dev cantina thing in Irving this Friday.
  7. For GF, this may depend on server and role, of course. But unless I'm missing something, even if you have completed the Seeker Droid heroic yourself, you can still enter a phase owned by a group member doing the quest to help them out. In my mind, that's largely the purpose of guilds, at least ones that do a lot of PVE content.
  8. Can I suggest changing your blog background image? The flare from the sun coming over the planet makes a significant chunk of the page difficult to read as-is. But as for the content, spot-on. I wouldn't expect Foundry-like stuff in this game, as they appear to have little to no interest in UGC, but I'm down for the rest.
  9. Pfft. Dark Council, who needs 'em? Put Keeper in charge - much better prepared. Honestly, though:
  10. What it says on the tin... what are the best Agent character names you've seen, whether your own or someone else you've seen in the world? I have two: my Operative is named Codewalker (he's a Slicer as well, naturally), and my Sniper is named Nightscope. Let's see 'em!
  11. The heroics that cap the seeker droid and macrobinocular quest series are fantastic. I think it makes total sense to have the actual exploration parts (e.g. scanning) only require a single player, but then have those lead you to combat scenarios requiring a "strike team".
  12. For those of you actually tying your characters together IC via Legacy, what sorts of concepts do you use? Family tree, scientific experiment (e.g. "escaped clones"), or something else?
  13. I'd like to see Bioware dedicate a board to the space minigame. Yes, I realize many people don't like it (and I've no doubt that some of them will post in this thread), but for those of us who do enjoy it, it would be nice to have a place to discuss it specifically.
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