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Everything posted by Arumat

  1. This is not something I want in the game, but an idea that randomly came to me that seems like it would fit the resolve system. Currently bored and browsing so figured, what the hey, ill post this. It seems like being affected by CC is something that happens through a regular rotation and there being so much passivly and activly thrown out. A issue I seem to get alot is when I wait for a chance to use my "trinket", something reapplies something and usually feels like a waste. It makes me feel like there should be a small ammount of time that using the ability feels useful when your being hit by frequent cc and I thought of a simple idea. What if your "trinket" triggered your resolve bar at half the effectiveness? No I don't mean it fills resolve and gives you a white bar, but makes what you have white at half the expense. Example: resolve is 1000 points, if you used it at 600, youd get immunity equal to having 300, by doubling the rate of speed the resolve drains. It would feel like using it would give you some ground and at the same time can still "waste" the cooldown on a bad call of resolve you had and used it. I would also like to mention that you still need to be under a condition to be able to use it, so you cant just call your resolve bar at will(like blocking a pull/push).
  2. I count 4 sentences. Just because a sentence should never be that long >.>
  3. While they are at it, reset the ability when you exit combat, because you know, the same scenario happens. Big target that will just get cc to death, ect.ect.
  4. You know what, Ill throw this out actually. When I see people trying to defuse the bomb I will sit there and cyclone slash spam stoping everyone trying to disarm the bomb the entire time. Every person getting hit by it will just get innterupted. This is an instant move and I can control how frequent I can do it. Now if the game did allow the fire dot to stop you, how is that any different than what I do? If you look at it, everyone almost everyone has some type of multi hit denial in these situations. What class are you?
  5. Allow me to reuse one of my responses from the last one. No it doesn't. Yet the initial hit will. Just like my plasma brand that applies the dot will stop you but the dot after wont.
  6. The problem is, you cant say it's legitimate when he tries to pin it on one faction (preferably not his own) and his sheer ignorance of the ability. The fire doesnt stop anyone its just putting dots up. And again this is trying to pin a one sidded "my enemy is cheating!" that Lightning storm that sorcs do stop people and its the most noticable aoe out there. Reps don't say anything about it, if anything we have our own ground shake one. Also trying to equalize those that choose to solo than take the tactical advantage of friends is stupid to even remove the whole point of going with friends in the first place.
  7. No it doesn't. The fire is noticable enough, you want a icon under it too that you probably wont see? This ability is nothing you can't stop. no one would ever cap if that is the case. I am a Guardian. And I have no issue with this "tactic". Also remove your mindset that you think only republics do the "bad" things. Imps statistically do it more just cause of the sheer numbers.
  8. You say wow vet, yet you want resolve gone? It is the only thing keeping perma cc's in check. Imagine if wow had their cc check removed. Trinket the first sheep, but then your sheep forever till there done with others and your rendered useless. just getting resheeped every 6 seconds. or if 2 rogues jumped you in a bg and the 2nd stun didnt cut the time down than one rogue coming at you. Ignorance! It's all I see in the pvp forum nowadays.
  9. take well timed strategies away from the game? Why not just make setting the bomb just a click and set. Its something that needs to be done by multiple people they way you describe it, its legit. IF it is one person doing it, why isn't someone on him? You shouldnt expect to solo plant, and its stoping a group why is the whole group trying to plant instead of taking care of them? The issue isn't the ability, it's your teams ability to stop it.
  10. How is anything you guys saying relevant to the topic?
  11. So I keep reading ignorant after ignorant posts about expertise/resilience/whatever other game equivilents are, and how "game breaking" it is. This is a question for those that do get it so I won't even explain how expertise is for the career seperation. What if Expertise was a PVE stat? - Increase x% damage to non player targets. - Decreases x% damage received from non player targets. - Increases x% healing done in a PvE situation. Stats distributed how pvp gear is, less str/willpower/cunning/aim/ect. to adjust for the expertise compensation. PvP gear would be the stats of Tionese, Columi, and Rakata gear. No expertise but stats are above pve gear due to lack of a % gain. What I wonder is. How would the "expertise is game breaking" crying be handled? And how would the PvE players react even though the mechanics in pve would be originally revolved around expertise and not change your preformance now. Food for thought?
  12. ive personally seen it dump threat from me when i take aggro from something, I quickly leap a healer and it gets off me. I asked if the tank taunted and he would say no. It may be a coincidence every time but from what I have experienced, it applies the threat loss aswell
  13. Protector was a pretty effective threat dump as it stood, but why get rid of somthing that wasnt broken?
  14. you really believe if you get hit by lets say a 5k hit and you have 7k hp left you come out with more hp? lol. Its a 3% damage midigation of your total health. Everything I said is valid. Ill use your example. hit by 10k you have 20k hp. you lose 10kfrom the hit then returned 475 hp from the 3% heal, that makes the hit you received 9.55k calculating the healing received from it. The only time you will get + to health is if your hit by something measly thats smaller damage than 3% of your health.
  15. Well, the ability isn't ment to be used for tanking, solo tanking is fine but in a group/ops, definitely not. It reduces threat per tick.
  16. doesnt apply to me. Lets take a look at the title again. "What is the single, most important feature for YOU to be added/changed in SWTOR?" My response was the stun watch. Which is just like something that youd see in your preference like conversation alignment gains. 2nd part was just my personal beleif on addons. You have yours, I have mine. But to shoot down my "request" because it resembles an addon but implimented in game is just stupid.
  17. What was the problem with making the centurion gear the new recruit gear thats purchasable?
  18. You mean when i have more than one person on me doing multiple cc on me? again this goes back to sifting through more than 10 icons on me it seems thats on me at all times to find this. And how in the world would this be an idea that others wouldnt be on a same playing field? the ones that disable it maybe? And yes, I am asking for an easy fix, like alot of others asking for theirs here.
  19. A Stun watch - basicly a bar that shows how much time is left on stuns/slows/incapitates on you and your target. Nothing worse than trying to sift through the stacks of debuffs, because every ability in this freaking game seems to apply something to a target, to find how much time is left to anticipate a move or if its worth using the cooldown. This is some things that make Addons awesome. It's free development and good enough addons are usually incorporated later on.
  20. Point is, stop calling it a heal. It's not a heal and people are getting others to beleive its an ability to use at near death. Edit: oh about the 4% DR i ment the 20% reduction to guardian leaping. I dont know how that got into there.
  21. Everyone I see that tries to point out pros and cons has this ability as a pro because of its healing effect. This is very misleading and people dont really understand it apparently. Focus Defense is a midigation ability rather than a healing. The end result is still loss of HP. Wheather an ability calculates 3% of hp midigation or a 3% of health heal is the same thing. I see alot of posts that say "full focus bar will heal for 4.5k" which is more accurate to say "negate 4.5k damage". (rough estimatein numbers, but point gets across)Lets say your HP is 20k. Each time your hit it will midigate or heal for 475ish damage. that will make a 1.5k hit you take to 1.1k at the expense of 1 focus. a 5-6k smash from fucus/rage guardians will turn into 4.5-5.5k at the expense of 1 focus. Not to mention it costs 4 focus to activate it in the first place. This resource to midigation ratio I don't find worth it. not to mention 475 is best case scenario with having 20k hp, most people are around 16-18k hp. This ability I find inferior to the -20% to all damage taken talent when guardian leaping. Personally I would find this ability useful and actually make it an increase in hp by keeping the healing effect the same per focus, but dump all the focus and healing into either a heal me now, or on next damage. And increase it to at least a 1 min cd most 2 to be the same with medpacks.
  22. I have 3 full sets, 1 I am using myself and another to keep for 2 sets. pve and pvp. Im probably going to sell the 3rd as a full set. Im on Ajunta Pall Oh and the legacy copy doesn't look as good.
  23. PvP 101: know your enemies. There are alot of talents that grant short term immunity to cc/impairing effects.
  24. People see this as a 3% health heal. I see it as a 3% health midigation. Why say it heals when the end result is still loss of hp. You got hit for 1000 life and you have 17k? so it turns to 600ish. Hit for 4k? turns to 3.4kish. It midigates less damage than vigilence's passive 4% reduction, and wastes focus. The ability would be useful if it dumped your focus bar into a spontanious heal on a 1 min cd. 3-4k every minute wouldn't be that bad. Hell even 2 minutes, equal it out to medpacks.
  25. Use master strike when your leap is down, they stay in range, thats fine, they get a big enough distance after all 3 hits? leap. Not quite the range of leap yet? take a few steps back and leap. Master Strike is a very under-rated ability. Stopping the last hit is a dumb move even though people advise to do so.
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