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  1. my thought, and i believe others have said this, is that it will go live with the usual tuesday server quest reset. so that means it will be early morning, and people will have to wait till tomorrow to play it.
  2. it seems pretty obvious to me that the HUB of the event is nar shaddaa, but that the event itself will span many worlds. sounds like it will be a scavenger hunt of sorts, with players being rewarded for finding and retrieving various items on different worlds. sounds fun.
  3. haha that's a good point. i wonder if there will be a different version in-game for the pub side.
  4. Really stoked about this. I thought the Rakghoul event was awesome, and I loved that even months after people were still infected with the plague. Let's hope this one is as interesting!
  5. Wow, I feel like a complete idiot. Thanks for resisting any urges to flame me for a noob question. I can definitely see this coming in handy for quick heals as you mentioned... when it works. Thanks.
  6. I know this is an old thread, but I haven't seen a lot of other threads on the Power Surge ability. I am also a level 50 Bounty Hunter, I have NEVER gotten Power Surge to work properly. From what I know, the ability should automatically override the cooldown on the next ability I use. However, when I use Power Surge, and then try to use an ability that is in mid-cooldown - ANY ability - nothing happens. The abilities still resume their cooldowns as if nothing happened. Am I doing something wrong? Do I not understand what Power Surge does? Thanks for the help.
  7. I actually didn't know that was changed in the patch (I forgot to check the notes), and when I started playing I was really confused as to why I couldn't tell when my abilities were ready. I checked the patch notes and it was all clear. Very cool that you guys have put a poll up for this, but I'm wondering why we don't see more stuff like this?
  8. Awesome and well thought-out response to an awesome and well thought-out OP. I tend to agree with this one a bit more than the OP, but I do need to say that justifying the current mission mechanics because KOTOR - an old previous generation game - had bad mission mechanics, isn't the best way to go. As I mentioned in my reply earlier, I love how the Colicoid flashpoint mixes up gameplay with puzzles and turret defense segments, and I wish more things like this were added to regular quests. At level 40, while I'm still having fun, the usual "tank n spank" or "kill the small, manageable groups of enemies" mechanics to 98% of the quests is definitely getting a bit stale.
  9. While I can't comment on technical issues with the game (I've yet to have a single framerate, action delay, graphical glitch, or any other issues with the game after almost a week of total gameplay), I can certainly agree with a lot that the OP said. I love immersing myself in a story in a game, and not seeing the actions I take actually have any "real" consequences in-world is a real immersion-breaker for me. That said, both my fiancee and I are having a ton of fun so far, and we are both level 40s. Even though many of the mission objectives are samey, a lot of the more boring stuff comes in the form of "bonus" quests. You don't have to do these. I feel like the main quest objectives aren't any better or worse than many other major MMOs, but I do agree that they could do with more "mixing it up" than they currently have. For instance, in one flashpoint, every hopped on turrets to defeat incoming Colicoid swarms. It was a welcomed change to the usual lather/rinse/repeat combat, and I'm looking forward to more things like that. As for the space missions, I've come to really enjoy these, especially as new bonus missions, harder difficulties, and new upgrades actually change the way you approach each mission when you repeat it. Sure, they definitely need more missions, but the ones that are there are generally fun in the same way Star Fox and Rogue Squadron were fun. Some people hate repeating missions, but I really enjoy finding different ways to approach them and complete them as I progress. No single space mission has been exactly the same, even after repeating it ten or more times. One other point I would like to make, is that so far, there has been absolutely no need to repeat ground missions in order to level up. I really appreciate this, as I'm not a gan of "grinding" in games. Certainly, one could argue that many missions have a grinding feel to them, but being able to level up without worrying about daily missions is pretty cool. Taking everything I said into account, I still do agree in most respects that SWTOR failed to deliver a revolutionary experience in many respects, but I'm still having a lot of fun despite that fact, and I'm not even a massive Star Wars fan. I did really enjoy KOTOR, and I love the Mass Effect series. SWTOR feels like the fusing of both games, and I enjoy it.
  10. Sorry to shake things up, but I'm getting the exact sames issues (random loading screen for a split second, along with random "flashes" of either black or bright screens randomly while moving), and I'm not actually running an NVidia card. I'm running a Radeon 5850 with the latest drivers. No issues before the 1.1 patch with all settings at "max" (even though that barely means anything with this game).
  11. So I was googling this issue and I stumbled upon this post. I can't believe there aren't any neutral vendors! I'm a Bounty Hunter, not a force wielding psychopath or saint. As others have mentioned, the purpose of having conversation choices is to choose your own path, and to immerse yourself into your character and the storyline. I do what I get paid to do, as that's my character in the game. If I'm not getting paid to kill/save innocent civilians, or if it doesn't benefit me, I won't do it, meaning I'm constantly choosing light or dark based on the circumstances. Because of this, I'm not a level 35 who is neutral by 250 points. My roommate takes a very WoW approach to this game, which is, he's completely in it for the stats and the gear. He always chooses dark for his sith character no matter what. In this, he almost treats the game more as work than actually enjoying the story and making his own choices. Very sad that Bioware has forced this mentality, and probably won't ever address the issue. :/
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