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    Hampton VA
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    Gaming, Soccer, and chilling with the guys in my small group
  • Occupation
    Graphic Design
  1. there is a black customization at the vendor on Balmorra
  2. In order of prefrence Kiffar (sub race) Echani (sub race) Cathar Voss Jawa Nautolan Chagrian Droid Nikto Wookiee Togruta Kel Dor Trandoshan
  3. Just my opinion..... Purples before 40 are not a need.... but a greed..... if you get them on a drop awesome... but as a crafter that is a lot of grinding for not a lot of use... On top of that with the current in game economy being so over inflated the mats sell for more then the items. In the words of T7... over priced materials + low sale profits = Sad Jedi
  4. My only complaint on the BOP speeders is that they are all hideous....... can we not get a cool skin on one please...... LVL 25.... ok I get that.. LVL 40.... Disappointing but tolerable LVL 50.... Come on Hot Rigged really..... more like crap rigged.... make it something cool... or at least make it a brighter color...
  5. Your not alone............ I got kicked while at the vendor to a que of 20.... no biggie...... then an hour later I was questing and got kicked to a 600+ que....... BIGGIE!!!!! getting kicked into a que is enough for me to consider not playing at all........ Think about that Bioware!!!
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