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Everything posted by Warlocc

  1. Two year old thread is still very relevant. Why does this game not have this yet?
  2. Wow... People have been suggesting this for two years and BioWare is ignoring it? Are they on maintenance mode or what?
  3. My friend is a level 55. I'm at level 29. Apparently there's no way for us to play together without incurring XP penalties? Why is this still set up like this, yet there's a bolster system in PvP?
  4. That isn't really the problem or the solution. Even my tank waits around forever for queues.
  5. As a tank. I finally got one after I switched to DPS/Tank. I was put in as DPS.
  6. Level 29 tank tonight. Been waiting in queue for 4 hours. I'm starting to think that non tactical FPs are simply being phased out.
  7. Apparently tanks are simply obsolete in general. Queued for a non-Kuat flashpoint. Been 4 hours now.
  8. Okay, I can't figure this out... What influences lightsaber size, in game? Is it the hilt or the crystal?
  9. Except it's also apparently stopping people from leaving non-groups.
  10. I was just looking to see if anyone else had suggested this, before I made a new thread about it...
  11. Exactly. If half the team (or more) is gone, why would you be penalized for leaving the "team"? At that point you're just being penalized for not waiting in an FP that you can't complete alone.
  12. Joined a Flashpoint. Baddie tank kept charging and suiciding himself on mobs, then he left the group. Then the healer left the group. Then I stood there with the other guy for a little while, before shrugging and leaving, figuring I'd just queue up again while running some other missions, but it says I have a lockout timer? How did that happen? And when was that added? I don't remember it last time I played this game.
  13. Returning player here, my main is a mid-40's Sith Juggernaut tank. Looking to re-learn things a bit, and run some stuff with people consistently. If possible, I'm also looking for an RP guild.
  14. So, I got this issue during beta a lot, then release, then quit, now I'm back and I notice the issue STILL happens, usually on my Inquisitor. In combat, if my health gets below 10%, there's a lag spike and I die. One minute I'm casting a last minute heal or something, the next I'm faceplanted and my health is gone. It's like that last 8%-10% of health doesn't exist. Has anyone experienced something similar?
  15. I wouldn't give all of them all options, but I would definitely suggest making them viable for at least two of the three roles each.
  16. Step 1. Get Diplomacy. Step 2. Make whatever story decisions you want. Step 3. Send crew on Diplomacy missions. Step 4. Equip relics. Alternatively: Step 1. Level up a little. Step 2. Make whatever story decisions you want. Step 3. Run starter flashpoint to farm LS/DS points. Step 4. Equip relics.
  17. My guild got it on the third try, once we started spinning and covering each other.
  18. Wow... What did people do, stop licking the windows long enough to come here and post? I've seen some terrible people in my time, but never so many all in one place. Any situation where you're forced out of the instance and locked out and/or unable to receive loot from a boss your group just killed is, or should be considered, a bug. Nevermind how or why you got into that situation.
  19. I think BioWare should definitely get around to a Mac OS client, yes. More revenue for the game is a good thing. That said, I don't think it should be high on the list of priorities. They should be worried about other things for now (bug fixes, economy, servers, customer support, etc.). Once things stabilize, then yes. Definitely get to work on 64 bit clients, Mac OS clients, and all that other good stuff that we see in other MMO's years after release.
  20. Sure. But I'm not tanking unless you pay me 300k.
  21. I do agree that tanks need some CC immunity- but, the ability should be far more effective in PvE than in PvP. Softer ranged classes definitely need to be able to knock melee classes away.
  22. Let me begin by saying that this is not a PvP post. The focus is on PvE, although I suppose it could apply to PvP too. As a PvE melee tank, it seems to me that there are far too many stuns and knockbacks in this game, many of said knockbacks with slows attached to them. A knockback alone isn't a big issue, generally we can get right back into the fight, or taunt at range, or something, but there are times when I see fights break out, and the mobs are separate (which happens often), you wind up getting bounced around like a ping pong ball, unable to do much of anything except try to pop off a taunt or saber throw here or there. Does the CC spam cut back later in the game, or does this sort of thing stay annoying right through the hardmodes and operations?
  23. As a tank in flashpoints, I can get behind this.
  24. Other threads have been closed and redirected to this one, but there isn't a response here?
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