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Everything posted by Sinvx

  1. What's with all the "gets worse" posts. How does doing Hardmodes and Operations and premade pvp groups = More like single player? I just don't even... Wow...
  2. This isn't true. On my server, we have a nice large community. We often pug operations together, hardmodes, pvp, and open world stuff. It all depends on your server community.
  3. Snare, kite, cc, kite, snare, kite, cc, kite, snare. Sorc/Sage win tactic.
  4. Only class that is OP, is juggernaughts and marauders. They drive me up the wall as a sage. Everything else is meh.
  5. I had all those same issues, except the lockouts for HM's. I am also still enjoying this game. Also everything will be fixed in time. So just go do something else until it's fixed, or stick through it.
  6. Well this sucks... I just dropped cybertech, now I can't use mah nades QQ. On the other hand, I think this is a very good move on Biowares part.
  7. Sinvx

    Hardly an MMO

    Play an Imperial, it's like 200+ on each planet, while on Republic it's 30+ with 100+ on fleet lol.
  8. I wonder the same, I have not been having as much an issue as before now.
  9. Whole point of Biochem is to help those who cannot heal themselves, as is the purpose of PvP heal consumables. I also like Biochem, since they heal, it adds more to my damage for the scoreboard. Especially when things are slow, and all the dummies camp one side on alderaan, or everyone is trying to sneak around on voidstar.
  10. Sinvx

    PVP Sith Inquisitor

    Both classes are good, but Juggernaughts/Powertechs are classes I hate meeting the most.
  11. Sinvx

    Done, Unplayable PVP.

    Also removing expertise from the game, will fix all pvp related issues.
  12. Sinvx

    Done, Unplayable PVP.

    Really? Most pre-mades on my server is Juggernaughts/Marauders/Powertechs. On Republic side it's whatever. Also I maxed out all my crew skills before level 40. Maybe you should also do premades. I play as a Republic sage, and I rarely lose, except to those Jugg/Mara/Power premades geared out with champ/battlemaster gear.
  13. Sinvx

    Done, Unplayable PVP.

    The imbalance is the expertise advantage. People wouldn't be doing as much damage without the expertise stat. I see Juggs and Guardians critting 10k, Snipers and Gunslingers doing 6-8k, Operatives and Scoundrels doing 6-10k, Sages and Sorc's stacking dots, and cc's, Shadows and Assassins doing 5-8k, Powertechs and Vanguards doing 4-8k, Mercenaries and Commandos doing 4-8k. Everything is fairly balanced, it's just those who have the battlemaster/champion gear compared to those who don't, is a huge advantage, which makes them seem overpowered. I personally as a sage, have no issue with any class, except Juggernaughts and Powertechs. Yeah operatives can be annoying, but once I live through their initial stun, I shield, dot them, heal up. They try to vanish, dot ticks them out, and I destroy them.
  14. Though only thing that ruins PvP, is PvP stats. Remove expertise, and it solves 90% of PvP related problems.
  15. Since you obviously don't care about the legacy name itself, since you typed junk to get the screen to go away. Go into options, and hide your legacy name.
  16. Have you seen the fat male naked? Fat people do not have muscular pecks and sexy abs.
  17. I like the Consular/Trooper gear. Everything else is lolbad.
  18. This thread screams "I am a bad player, and I need crutches!"
  19. Game runs fine for me, except on the fleet, where I have a constant fps of 10-20. While elsewhere it's 40-60. Then again my computer is not high end.
  20. God... Warriors are far from underpowered, they drive me up the wall with their 5k smash crits.
  21. You are not immune to all damage for 20 seconds. Depending on how much talent points you invest to improve it, makes it good or not. It absorbs a certain amount of damage, the more shield rating you have also helps. You just can't cast it again for 20 seconds.
  22. Favorite skill of all time, sever force. I had a similar spec to yours, but I can see yours is better. Thing I hated the most was 3 second heals, and crap force armor, with your spec, seems to fix both .
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