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Everything posted by Fastor

  1. You'll probably get better responses asking in your class forum.
  2. What normal MMORPG camera feature are we talking about? SWTOR has a similar camera system to other MMOs that I'm aware of.
  3. I'm kind of curious what game allows two people to be logged into the same account at the same time? I've never heard of any game that allows that. The answer to your question is that you can't do that. If you want two separate accounts, you need to separate copies of the game and two subscriptions.
  4. What control feature are you looking for?
  5. Doesn't work. The concept of UAC (User Access Control) is that even an admin account runs at lower permissions until an app requests elevated permissions.
  6. Have him set the resolution to something really low while connected to a working monitor. 640x480 or 800x600. Hopefully that will allow him to at least start the game. Also, check this thread for problems with performance: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=695042#edit695042
  7. He's sarcastically answering the OP's questions as if this was asked on the Battlefield 3 forums.
  8. Other than turning off User Account Control, I don't believe so. Only Windows built-in apps and features are auto-escalated.
  9. As I understand it, this setting is not respected for space combat. Is that not correct?
  10. I come from an FPS background. In my mind, the moue is a representation of your head. When you move your head backwards you look up, when you move it forwards, you look down.
  11. I also play with inverted mouse. I haven't gotten to any space combat, but I'm worried for when I do. I would also really like to see this changed.
  12. Known bug: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=695042#edit695042
  13. I'm betting it was an intentional decision. I've played games where the furniture and buildings are to the same scale as the player model and it just feels weird. It's as if I'm in a doll house, even though it's more accurate.
  14. No, I understand. And, to be fair, your concerns may be perfectly legitimate. I don't have experience with either of those classes. But, it seems a bit early to be making threads about how one class is better than another. This has been going on ever since there were classes to be chosen from.
  15. As I said, don't think of it as punishment. Think of it as the opportunity to experience more of the game by rolling a new class.
  16. Can't tell if serious, or just trolling.
  17. There is a known bug where going inside drops your frame rate. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=695042#edit695042
  18. The multiple class story lines are one of the biggest reasons that I bought this game. I want to create multiple characters and level them all the way through so that I can experience all of the stories. If you find that you don't like your current class, that's just an opportunity to experience a new storyline.
  19. Wait! Really? I am completely unfamiliar with such a law and I keep in pretty good know about this topic. Can you link me to it?
  20. I'll admit that I don't have any off hand. But, I have serious objections to using barriers to entry as the primary method to improve quality. Falling back to economics, while the average quality does indeed go down when you remove barriers to entry, the size of the market increases and so the total utility goes up. I'm just saying, there has to be a better way.
  21. Is it possible that Bioware could add incentives to the game that would outweigh the lower quality introduced by removing barriers to entry?
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