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Everything posted by Degan

  1. My sub end on 12/9 and unless there are some substantial changes with this update by then, I won't be renewing. The stupid gearing system that GC is. Insane credit cost for items once bought with crystals. I would expect a complete rollback of this gearing system and then it retooled into something that makes sense.
  2. 21 Days. I get charged again on 12/9. I'll run my main character through and if I don't like what I see, I will cancel and play GW2 for a while.
  3. They won't ruin the surprise. They gave us a few bits, but we get the full story at launch. See, these guys like to surprise us with things. Except instead of a big gift box with bows and cool stuff inside, it is a pie in the face, except it really isn't a pie, its a cow patty with crap inside...
  4. So they don't look so awkward during streams when playing... oh, wait...
  5. I doubt they have any idea just how painful it will be...
  6. 1 - Prep account for cold storage. 2 - Cancel sub. 3 - Find something else to play for a year, or go outside more during this time. 4 - Hope someone finally comes to their senses and fixes the game properly.
  7. /thread You have won the internet!
  8. My thoughts exactly. I was really wanting to see if they could outdo the RNG rage.
  9. I agree, surely there will be something to bridge the gap. I guess we'll see once more info is given out!
  10. My issue with this is: GC is only available at lvl 70 My toons all have 208 crafted gear at lvl 65. I should be able to craft, with normal materials, a set of level 70 tier 1 gear to put them on the new tread mill to get GC gear, or obtain mats for tier 2/3 crafted. I should not have to grind conquest to get a set of started gear.
  11. I think they call that "replayability"
  12. Really? "Let’s talk about how you get access to craft these items. Gear: You will earn the schematics to craft gear from their respective Command Crates. Ex: You will get schematics to craft tier 1 gear inside of tier 1 Command Crates. These schematics will require materials earned from Conquests in order to craft them." Looks like GC to get schematic, Conquests to get mats. It is not like that now for tier 1 stuff.
  13. So, whereas before, to get started off in the first tier of crafting gear, we could craft with normal materials, thus allowing us to gear up in a "starter" set quickly, now we are being forced to participate in the crappy conquests system just to craft the first tier of gear? Unbelievable...
  14. I'll split my characters evenly and then play the ones that align with whatever side is going to win currently. That is, once the mega guilds figure out it will be more productive for everyone to play one side, and then swap sides for the next "war". Pretty much like invasions and bunker busting was done in SWG.
  15. Me too, but your member #... and I thought I was one of the old ones!
  16. I used to be a HC raider, but I retired from it for RL reasons. So, now I play casual and mostly solo because I cannot devote the time to do group content anymore (my Grandson is way more important to me than any raid). That said, what difference does it make for casuals to have it or not really? How does it affect you in any way other than the fact that you spent your time doing group content and they didn't? The gear is not the trophy for hard group content, its the fact that you were able to do it. The gear used to be the shiney that was held up over those that couldn't or hadn't done that content (cause epeens) at all. These games would be a much better place if the "Haves" would spend less time on trying to justify reasons to keep others as "Have Nots" and just play the content they enjoy and let others do the same.
  17. On a serious side, a question I have is: What happens if I choose the opposite side to my faction? If I am a BH and choose to fight for the light, and the dark side wins, thus spawning the dark side bosses.... am I able to fight/kill them? A stranger scenario would be a trooper fighting for the dark side and then killing jedi bosses when the light side wins? Or am I totally misreading how this works?
  18. Side that opens the most win! New pack opening experience indeed...
  19. My past experience is it is through the message system in twitch.
  20. Eric, what will be in place to discourage "win trading"? What keeps a large zerg guild(s) from controlling the side that will win (like we see happening in conquest) by having all members on a set side, and once the war is over and bonuses collected swapping to opposite faction alts to kill the spawns... would this even be a viable way to max the GC point gains?
  21. Posting here or there, same result. Thanks For Your Input Pointless post is pointless...
  22. “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Sir Winston Churchill
  23. Not sure I would go to that extreme, but I believe once ALL of the changes with 5.0 are realized, there will be a disturbance of some sort. We have probably only seen the tip of the iceberg. We still have class changes to see in the next couple of weeks, so who knows what that entails based on what we have been told about the gearing lottery.
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