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Everything posted by Carnaje

  1. I like to use your logic on marauders having the best in combat stealth. Wait does that mean I am in the wrong thread since marauders can jump to the target from a mile away and start dpsing right away while we stealth in all slow and sneaky like
  2. The QQ'ing started imo because of the BW's PR justification of nerfing the class. Then they add insult to the community by repeatedly nerfeing. When they are not nerfing the concealment they are nerfing things that we use to do what concealment was designed for. They are not showing any signs of improvement when they can and should be. For example, they are nerfing burst with relics which in return can give them a base number for burst classes (imo PT not OPS). Then in 1.4 they can adjust the classes to the right dmg instead of the drastic nerfs or overpowering classes. Since they are not tell us or doing anything to make us think we are not the adopted step child its pretty much shown they intend OPS to be healers, thus the open post. I agree with the idea of playing what you enjoy which i still play concealment for that reason, but there is a fine line between enjoying what you play and being able to contribute more to your team by doing something else aka healing. When your class is at the bottom of the dmg pool is it really wise to play something you like over something that will help you win? In pvp is it really wise to try to be concealment when there classes like Muaraders that have better stealth, burst, cc, and dmg reducers or powertechs that do 300k single target dmg in recruit gear? I run with a couple healers which is one of the biggest reasons i am still concealment, but i would be stupid not to consider healing knowing it would take 2-3 people to kill me when i am healing spec.
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