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Everything posted by xMZe

  1. I run the tanking offpieces with 4pc Stalker in pvp. Puts me at around 18k hp, 25%ish shield, 30% ish absorb, and still able to do decent damage.
  2. They don't have purple crystals. The saber is normally purple. There are no removable parts.
  3. Its really not hard to get those numbers in decent gear and stacking cds/buffs. Only have 406 expertise and I've obliterated people with chain 3-4k crits (surge/crit trinket + overcharged saber + recklessness > backstab > 3s spell immunity > shock > discharge > assassinate). The burst can be higher if I already had a 5 stack of surging charge up.
  4. Basically this. Sitting on 4pc Champion with several of the T1 and T2 offpieces and T2 weapon. Any duplicates, I exchanged for tanking pieces (I'm an assassin). Managed to get my 3rd glove token last night. Turned that into the dps gloves, extracted the mods (~22k for each), and optimized my gear further. I love my 27% crit and 77% surge unbuffed.
  5. There are 3 ways to get gear bags afaik 1. PvP Dailies 2. PvP Weeklies 3. 200/200 Merc/Warzone Commendations. In the bags you either get 3 Centurion commendations or 1 commendation and a random token to exchange for that appropriate gear slot. Its very RNG based. I, myself, have picked up around 10 tokens (including weapon, chest, helm, and legs) while I know people who still haven't seen their first token.
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