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Everything posted by Phlem

  1. Phlem

    Resolve Redux

    It's time to fix this once and for all. Two stuns should completely fill up the resolve bar and make you immune to future stuns until the resolve bar is no longer full. The other day I was PvP'ing and in a matter of mere seconds (less then 30) I was stunned 3 times. It went something like this. Stun, wait for it to wear off, attack for 0.5 seconds, stunned, wait for it to wear off, attack for 0.5 seconds, stun again, attack for 0.5 seconds and die. Keep in mind the only reason I lived long enough to make it to the third stun was because I was getting healed.
  2. Phlem

    Permanently CC'd

    I've submitted quite a few bug reports on that. It was supposedly fixed along with the bug that prevented you from being able to move after rezing in certain warzones. Keep reporting it, maybe someday after they realize that the legacy system shouldn't be a higher priority than bugs, it will get fixed.
  3. 8 man rated WZ's are going to be just like arenas in WoW. A measure on who has the best geared cookie cutter group.
  4. Gunslingers and their sniper counter parts are actually the more powerfull classes. Compared to other dps classes they actually get front loaded with their heavy hitting abilities pretty early on. Scoundrels are the ones who need a tune up. Why back blast is on a 12 second cool down while Jedi shadow shadow strike has zero cool down is beyond me. Same goes for operatives and sith assassins.
  5. Because I have my combat info turned on so I know who killed me, with what skill and by how much damage.
  6. Question: When did Jedi Sages get the Jedi Shadow ability Spinning Strike? I was killed twice in a warzone today by two different Jedi Sages using spinning strike.
  7. Nah, that happened a long time ago with WoW.
  8. What he said ^ No transfer to The Fatman for you~
  9. That has absolutely nothing to do with the reason why PvP is in the state that it is.
  10. 1.2 and lack of ranked warzones, cross server warzones, unbalanced classes in PvP, etc is what happened.
  11. Players like you are the reason why PvP is in the state that it is, fine until you get rickrolled by OP classes like yours. And yes, if played correctly an Op is still potent.
  12. Phlem

    1v1 PVP Arena

    Certain classes would win every time, not a very good idea considering PvP isn't balanced around 1v1.
  13. PvPing on Naboo was my favorite in SWG, the open world PvP along with PvPing in player made cities was what really made PvP there fun. However, at the same time classes like Combat Medics and the like who could bleed your mental bar (blue) did put a damper on PvP. I never PvP'd after the CU or NGE, but I cant imagine it was much fun.
  14. Easiest fix would be to lower the retarded gear curve at 50, there is no reason why they need 3 (going on 4) tiers of PvP gear less then 6 months into the game.
  15. Until they figure out a way to curb the speed hacks and no clip/teleport hacks, along with fixing the imbalance there will be no penalty for leaving a warzone. Right now the stuff that I just mentions is more then likely their top priority, and likely the main reason why there aren't any rated warzones yet.
  16. Hope you weren't trying to sound intelligent because your wall of text is riddled with spelling errors and random double spacing between words. That along with failing to use capital letters while starting a new sentence after a period. Also when you are ending a sentence the period goes at the end of that sentence, not before the first word of your new sentence.
  17. They would literally need to put experience bonus's from killing MOB's, completing quests, and doing PvP to make them desirable.
  18. The entire legacy system is stupid and it detracted from the major issues that resulted in the 400,000+ players canceling their subscriptions. Legacy armor was flawed from the start, why would I waste daily comms to buy armor that is no better then orange stuff you almost have a complete set of by your mid 20's?
  19. They pretty much broke even with the box sales, namingly the massive amounts of collectors editions & digital delux editions sold. The future development of the game is in question with the massive loss in sub revenue probably hampering their ability to maintain viable payroll for the continued development. Pure speculation though.
  20. Actually they have quite a bit in common. You may want to use google or bing to compare the developers on both teams. While you're at it you can compare the developers from SWG that were around during the CU and NGE to the developers that were around from the get go. Every MMO that EA has been a part of has failed miserably, so yes they are the common link and speculatively the ones actually calling the shots.
  21. Never advertised to be across all servers, they did mention that it was something that they wanted to do down the road.
  22. World of Warcraft canned quite a few people after 1.1 was released and the server stability fiasco was ironed out.
  23. Another sign that your MMO is failing is when the credit farmers mail SPAM stops, and it is not because BW got around to putting in a SPAM filter.
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