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Everything posted by Tenceriker

  1. Let's break this down into two types of new players. In the completely new group, you are absolutely right they won't know any better. However, accessibility is extremely hampered and that means the likelihood they will stay under the current restriction model is pretty low and the amount of other options they have is great. The previously restriction free until 15 was great and I would advocate that the game would have benefited if it was changed to conclude at the end of Chapter 1. That is a big enough hook to get people to subscribe or to throw out the option of F2P with the noted subscriptions. It doesn't cost the game much, but opens the window to show a new player what they are getting by subscribing instead of the buy-to-alleviate-annoyances system we currently have. The second group is much simpler, anyone who has played a few MMOs knows that most use a corpse rez system allowing you to walk back to where you were not rez back at a medbay which might be a world away from where you started. The two Quickslots limitation will be laughable as even some of the more restrictive F2Ps allow you to not have to deal with this dumb decision. So yet again, we are looking at a massive opportunity for someone who could add to our desperately needed community leaving over what are accessibility issues which don't have to happen. Rubbish, really? Is that your final thought to give to new players possibly reading the forums right now? Without knowing someone's financial situation what give you the right to criticize? This community is talked about all over the internet, thank you for reinforcing all the bad stereotypes about us. You are assuming people who are going to play as F2Ps are stupid. That's a very ignorant view to take. Any free to player who sees others leveling alts will begin to question why they aren't as fast, can't make their clothes match as well, can't display a title once they get to the fourth or fifth planet, etc. I would urge you to actually tried to play under the restirctions. It's not that it's unplayable, it's overly annoying and an MMO experience is supposed to be able enjoyment. Sure, giving away the game completely for free doesn't benefit the game long term but giving away headslots, extra quickslots, sprint at level 1 and legacy name display would bankrupt SWTOR? I don't think so.
  2. I wish everyone who whined about it tried it for just a day. Would open up a lot of people's eyes to how big a turn off this can be for someone completely green to the game or even the genre. The more they focus on keeping F2P restrictive the more they make every negative comment about the transition true.
  3. Very neutral... In all seriousness you don't really get rewarded for being neutral so most people go for kill even babies sith or save everyone light side. Shame, could have made so many shades of gray for those of us who walked a middle path.
  4. Where did the OP or any ask for unlimited anything? Stop putting words into posts that weren't there to begin with. Asking for an ease of restrictions is a request and not one that effects you at all. Personally, I think the restrictions are abit too limiting but find the drop rate on cartel packs to be fine. If you truly like the game why would you want there to be more of hook to reel old and new players back into the community instead of casting them out for wanting a more functional F2P experience.
  5. Make the best of it but the road ahead for F2Pers is paved out of slag pits and sand. There are many restrictions and time wise it may be better for you to just re-sub for 1-2 months and then go F2P or leave. Play it by ear but from what I have seen the F2P restrictions need to be eased greatly. All the money EA needs to make is already in the extremely low drop rates of the Cartel Packs.
  6. Pretty much, just charge people for whatever you can and see what you can get away with. May as well just bar people from playing the game if they have less than 1000 CC coins on account because they are better off just subbing for a month and then leaving again which doesn't fix the problem of not enough players this game is having.
  7. Same could be said to you... Back on topic, I think this whole gambling packs thing will really show EA how much they can get in short term money to lose in the long term. Forget the vanity items that people are fawning over because a fool and his money are soon parted. What is really the issue is the all of the concerns over F2P restrictions that seem to be getting glossed over. At the current state of the CC store most people who left and said sub was an issue won't be coming back because pretty much you need a sub now to be able to play the game. F2P should be something that gets players who weren't hooked back into the game not showing them once and for all they were stupid to even give the game another passing glance.
  8. Yeah because only the US exists... Looking at the big picture again you would have to be blind not to see that there is a lot of room for improvement. It is up to Bioware to get thier heads out of the sand and move on to making this game attract the kind of attention this IP warrants because now that Disney owns Lucas, you can bet they have no no issues scrapping that contract and finding another studio to make a better game. Disney doesn't let people squander IPs.
  9. Perhaps, if the only games you are counting are ones that didn't do very well. In 10 months GW2 will be beating the odds you've laid out pretty well as did EVE and WoW. Perhaps the F2P will put on us ground with LOTRO but even that may be a bit farther than we will reach. The Cartel Shop is just missing things that make people want to invest.
  10. While the servers are stable and populated at the current point it took condensing all of servers down to 20. To argue against where we are now is delusional. Sure, some people are coming back but the servers aren't showing some mass re-population many seem to want to believe in. Will some people enjoy the game after coming back sure, but for many it will be like when STO, or DDO went F2P. People come back, tie up a few loose ends and leave for good. I dare this game to prove me wrong.
  11. Shh, people can't handle the truth. Although, the F2P launch will keep some people around for a month or so to finish characters they will never play again. So sad, but that's what happens when you rush a game's launch by 6 months.
  12. Not one day goes by that Bioware doesn't use to screw over players and further ensure everyone knows how much distain they have for the customer.
  13. Welcome to how the other professions have been feeling the last 6 months, sucks doesn't it?
  14. I guess you didn't get the memo most ppl play this game solo or in small groups, operations are a minority of content players are doing.
  15. Except that is isn't on the restocking list, I had a friend check for me and after they sell through whatever they have left they won't be stocking it anymore. As for my guess, EA will announce the subs are down again to between 1 million to 650,000. This is will be met by more rumors, layoff speculation and another round of Bioware laying off or watching another familiar face leaving the company.
  16. This isn't Bioware choice, it's EA's show and they call the shots therefore 1.3 has to come out or EA's credit score could get downgraded in 3 months, again.
  17. If you replace 1.3 with launch you know how testers felt but Bioware doesn't have a choice in this Daddy EA has had some bad PR recently and needs to look like he's doing something.
  18. SWTOR was listed by name as its lack of success was one of the two key reasons EA was downgraded to neutral. Dont let the fanboys try and spin the truth.
  19. If we are in crazy land thrn what about, having some better combat on the ground with a minigame for.phones.
  20. Lucky you, meanwhile many of those people who did transfer to your server were forced off their homes and had to choose new names.
  21. If the game had launched with it's current state plus 10-20 "super" servers and everything else included in 1.3 patch it would have been a smashing success. Especially if they kept the server transfers active from the start. We probably would have ended up at the same spot because Bioware's glacial update cycle can't compete with 2012 MMO expectations.
  22. Blog posts about players having to invent fun to supplement the lack of endgame/fun content, this is new and interesting.
  23. That is one of the most hestitant yes I have seen in a while.
  24. It's almost like people don't want to pay to beta test, imagine that. At this point I guess all those "internal testers" in Dallas don't test anymore, 1.2 only.
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