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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Lundli

  1. Greetings!


    Coming back to the game after a bit of a break. Thinking about playing our Sith friends (although I can't imagine abandoning the Republic in the end) . :-) Mostly a PvE player. I have heard there are some servers which are becoming vastly underpopulated. I want to avoid those and find folks to actually meet online.


    Any recommendations on servers before I redownload and start creating toons?



    (posted in the wrong forum before - sorry about that)


    I would wait a couple of days and see how the free transfers turns out, things might change quite a bit over the next few days...

  2. As the the title says. Does TOR still have enough players to keep going? Now I'm not trying to start any arguments, I'd just be really interested to know how many ppl still play.


    Yes, I would think we're down to what could be considered more normal.. that abomination called wow is something else, a one off that we'll probably never see again.


    Take right now for example, it's around mid-day on sunday and on the top 5 eu servers there are like 10 ppl in fleet.


    Really? What "top" EU server are you playing on?


    Funneling ppl together with the coming char transfers might make the few destination servers a bit more active, but can the game keep running with the current subscriber amount?


    I'm sure the game will be around for a while longer :rolleyes:

  3. I just want to wear some darker stuff is all. :) Doesn't have to be black, can be darker shades of brown or blue.


    There's very few dark.. ish robes, I can only think of two, from Esseles and Athiss if memory serves.. might be one from commendations too (Nar Shadaa ?) The rest are mostly various shades of light brown or other light colors :rolleyes:

  4. I'm sorry but I don't really see it.. on my server (The Red Eclipse) Imp/republic are more or less balanced.

    After playing a few Imperials to 50 I'm now levling a JK (40 atm) and imho it's pretty much the same, apart from the fleet being somewhat more drab.. and playing a light side Sith or BH makes for a more interesting storyline, again imho.. As for the dark side corruption, how would the light side affect your character? I for one can't imagine anything that wouldn't look kind of silly..

  5. The vendors are on Quesh, just look around a bit and you'll find them.. no idea why it's the only one that doesn't have vendors on the fleet.


    Then again, the overall feeling I get about Quesh is that it's added as an afterthought to fill a gap in the levling process or something..


    Oh boy if this doesn't sell it I don't know what would!


    On a serious note, why would I ever give up shooting lightning from my fingertips and using a lightsaber for this drivel.


    I don't know what to say really.. I'm stunned, I mean I knew it looked like that but that is just... I guess you have to be some kind of anime/furry/pedo fan to appreciate the art style :confused:

  7. Forget it, unless you are a woman, have children hands, or have a pointy thumb, you won't be comfortable and won't be able to use it to it's full potential. The whole thing is just way to small.


    This, they simply won't feel comfortable with anything other then the above. I'd rather get a Nostromo for the other hand...

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