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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Lundli

  1. I don't think you can unless you're already flagged for PvP...


    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, please.


    Unless the player he wants to move is flagged, he can't, and yes that would be considered an attack. (and would flag him in return)

  2. I know when I got it doing the codex entry, I didn't cure it. I wanted to see what happened.


    I don't remember just how long my Trooper had it on but it did nothing to me. I eventually lost it when I died to some other cause later.


    Hmmm... have a look here: http://www.torhead.com/ability/31rEO5J/womp-rat-fever


    Expand the link that says: Effect details.. if you look at the code it certainly should kill you in the end, but I wouldn't be suprised if they changed it :)

  3. I give those suckers wide berth because I figger if there is a vaccine there must be a good reason. So, I'll risk being jeered at for bein' a n00b and ask...what happens if you get womp-rat fever?




    I've never suffered the full consequences myself but the tooltip states: "Causes progressive effects over 3 hours until killing the player. Requires a cure."

    Gives you a codex entry too..

  4. And others are being targetted and chased.


    Once again: You can not be chased, several seconds before exploding the infected player is stunned and remains so until dead. The only way to truly target someone, that I have seen at least, is to jump off the lounge while feverish.

  5. I play on PvE, but the Griefing (ie; having the infection forced upon you) is occuring on all types of servers, I believe. It seems that if some mechanic can be explited, it will.....


    I'm curious, when you play on Tatooine and get the Womp-rat fever.. do you find that equally annoying?

  6. I really don't understand what they were trying to do with the Legacy gear. I'd rather deck my alts out in orange gear and remod it every few levels then spend 200 Daily Comms to buy an item to buy the gear that I will outlevel rather quickly. It doesn't make sense.


    This, it's.. just weird.

  7. No; simply tired.


    I will simply try and use the metods for complaint and reporting that Bioware hass offered, and let them decide what is and is not policy.


    If so I applaud you and wish you the best of luck.


    Now, can we please let this abomination of a thread finally curl up and die.

  8. Would like to thank all involved for making this thread the Number One Google Result for Rakghoul Plague SWTOR


    Could not have done this w/o you! Perhaps more attention to various concerns may now be brought to light!



    Yes, that is how it works. And, no I doubt it. Perhaps someone like Jef Reahard will pick up on it just to spew some more gall on this game.

  9. Calling it for what it is. Not my fault someone is bored because they rushed there way thru the game. Content locust taking out frustrations on those like me. Hmmmm wonder if this is a form of ..... :rolleyes:


    Yes, we should all limit our playtime incase we happen to reach level 50 in four months. In truth it takes very little time to get to 50.

  10. THere's some of that going on... mostly aimed at people leveling false accusations.


    There's very little, if any of this.

    It's been about name calling since the first iteration of the tread.


    Whole pages of pro-event posts were removed because of name calling. Even now it's hard to go a page without seeing it.


    See, we actually agree (somewhat) on something.. I'm actually amazed this thread has been allowed to go on.

  11. Some poor fellow that chose to go to the Med Facility on the Fleet after they became infected would seem to have passed other Med Droids along the way based on the described duration of the disease. Poor choice either way.


    Appears to be Griefing to me.


    I'm afraid she has you there.. you have no way of knowing where he was infected. Or even when he realised he was.

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