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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Lundli

  1. They are not baseless. Its not opinion its taking the data that is available and looking at the entire picture to come to a conclusion.


    Just because you dont like the data that has been figured out you still cant say its just opinion.


    Just looking at population of servers there were a ton more people playing the game back in jan than there are now. There were more full servers back then than there are now and back then they had alot of very heavy,heavy and standard servers.


    The data that has "been figured out" doesn't allow for more then guesses.

  2. Dynamic events were much-lauded in Rift, too. Early on, they were great. The Invasions, even better.


    Have you been there lately?


    This can't be stressed enough, once the newness wears off people tend to not bother.. to be fair, they had to scale back on things and what they had planned because the engine couldn't cope.

  3. It's great that they do actually look like they're working when they are crafting for you on the ship, but then why are they still hanging around when I sent them on a mission?


    Hmm.. I seem to remember them actually bug off when sent on a mission, was this changed at some time or am I just getting senile?

  4. Imo Rift is a well made game run by a good company and good people that bust their butts to make that game great they also listen to and communicate with their player base.


    I have to agree to that one but for some reason that doesn't seem to be enough, I've been playing since the betas and I've had to move server a few times. Now my latest choice, Blightweald, is dying too. As it stands now I have a choise between two servers, one pvp the other pve.. just two.. after that I have no idea :(

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