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Everything posted by Suromir

  1. None of these are "simple" For your Speeder "outfit" do you even have a CLUE how many outfits that are robes or capes? Obviously not. You're talking about HUNDREDS if not thousands of NEW "Speeder Outfits" they'd have to create and link to what you're currently wearing. Made even more complex by the introduction of Outfit Designer. Not to mention it's an engine limitation in how capes/robes are rendered..how would making a seperate "outfit" solve that? Only way they could even do that is to make the parts that clip completely static and never move..then you'd have complaints about how "lazy" it was they did it that way since it would look silly. This idea isn't even feasible..in so many ways. Chat bubbles? For the most part it's only RP'ers (not ONLY but mostly) that want it..and not ALL RP'ers care or want them. They are also an engine limitation (they had them in beta and they caused waaaay too much lag/issues...which is why they were removed.) Not to mention in a crowded area chat bubbles are more clustered than just reading seperate chat boxes....and that person that didn't answer you? isn't necessarily because they didn't read chat....chat bubbles aren't going to "solve" that. Not to mention there are FAR more important things for them to focus on. Don't be so narrow-minded or arrogant to think because YOU think they should get a higher priority that they actually should. The majority of players would, in fact, disagree with you. You're "What players want" title for this thread shows that type of arrogance. I certainly don't "want" it. Would I mind if they had chat bubbles? no, if the lag issues are resolved. Would I like if they fixed the clipping issues with speeders? sure, but not at the sacrifice of actual bug fixes and content updates. And I'd bet the majority agree with me, not you. And I'm not arrogant enough to try and speak for all players. Seriously all this shows is arrogance in thinking you speak for the majority, much less all, of players. And that you have no clue how difficult what you're proposing actually would be. Armchair developers..gotta love the mentality.
  2. I know where it came from. But the joke is just dumb.
  3. since there is no such thing as "4rd" no..I meant what I typed. brain. use. kthx
  4. while I realize this is already known by now....let's use some common sense huh? Yah they're gonna release Togruta..a new species that so many have been crying for...randomly...near the end of the week..unannounced. sure... and then you wonder why you're disappointed...lmao
  5. So let me get this straight. there's a "locked" area that you're not supposed to get into without having "unlocked" it. people found a way to bypass this "lock" to get to the area and whatever is in there..without having to "unlock" it like it is intended... ...and you NEED BioWare to actually come out and say whether it is or is not an exploit? I guess for some 1+1=potato...... lowest common denominator indeed
  6. think he looks terrible. don't really care about the tattoo's other than the forehead one. I could actually see the Joker getting the rest. Still, as I said, don't like the look and don't care for the actor. And really not interested in Suicide Squad lol.
  7. uh finding flaws in a game does not mean you dislike it. I have many things about this game I can spend a TON of time (and often do) complaining about. There's also a lot I like (which is why I still sub) If I was to actually go right a review on Meta Critic for this..it'd probably be in the 60-70% if that. Main draw is class stories (it's selling point) but that's been totally dropped pretty much (except a 10min quest on Rishii) I'd recommend this game to either A) Dieheard SW fans or B) Those who want to play through the class stories, cause they are worth it..but post 50? can't recommend the end-game in this game, much less the PvP, to anyone personally. There's a reason the game has the score it does. And just because YOU love it doesn't mean everyone loves it, or even should love it. I mean you no personal offense but honestly this post and your pleading for people to go give positive reviews on meta-critic just comes across as desperation.
  8. Jaxo was great. Love her character. And remember not to "meta-game" your CHARACTER doesn't know she's going to just disappear or cut ties. And if BioWare revisits class story stuff more in the future (like the laughable ones on Rishii) then it's possible (not likely but possible) to have Jaxo return if you saved her. far as Rakton goes..yah..you didn't HAVE to agree to it. Following LS/DS blindly is rather...dumb...I don't think any of my troopers EVER let Rakton go..either by killing him themselves or telling the chancellor to stuff it. And yah..BH story is about on par (actually I liked it less) But Trooper story does end rather disappointingly.
  9. wow dude really? I'm very vocal about the problems in this game and the lazy shortcuts Bioware took on a lot of things...But you are stretching. You do realize I can go to ANY MMO (hell most games SP or MP) and you find exactly the same thing? Good lord man..stop stretching...cause this far is just sad
  10. Anyone know how long this "event" is going to go on for? I would assume awhile since they're actually making an item to remove the "xp boost" for those that don't want it..and adjusting mod prices...them going through that effort would make me think it'll go on a bit. but have they actually said how long it'll go on? thanks.
  11. look at what happened with the cartel faux-slot machine. people will exploit whenever they can. The faux-slot machine would have never needed a nerf into the ground had people not taken advantage of it like they did. This is just to prevent people that get these items from doing the same. to say it's a waste is absolutely asinine...fact. As said most people will just exploit it and sell the items to make tons of credits FORCING them to "nerf" this so they couldn't...hence all this is is them skipping a few steps since people will exploit anything exploitable. Don't believe me? again go look at the cartel faux-slot machine debacle.
  12. um..."May the 4th be with you" has been a thing for many many many years..and BioWare had NOTHING to do with that at all.... I'm with the guy...your SW fan card is null and void. I mean you don't even need to be that big a SW fan to have heard about it....wow. lol.
  13. the tone and insulting way you're attacking this person instead of using intelligence to debate your point shows you're much more small and closed minded then you are accusing them of being. and it's hilarious how you just make yourself look bad...you being right or wrong isn't even a factor anymore as you're being such a holier-than-thou jerk about it all. lol
  14. Well if BioWare doesn't want to face those kinds of questions then they should either fix the stuff so they don't have too, put on their big-boy panties and deal with questions about issues they are CHARGING people for, OR just get out of the MMO (and I'd argue gaming as a whole) business altogether.
  15. wow..and I thought I was lazy. I'm glad they don't allow this...someone using it is not someone I'd want in my group much less Op
  16. Well duh. anyone that thought ToR or anything involved in it would end up canon were delusional to begin with. That was the ENTIRE point of making EVERYTHING that came out in the past "Legends" instead of ONLY the stuff that came around the time-frame of the movies and forward....really. Pretty dumb to think otherwise. They may pick and choose aspects but they'd be little pockets..say a character (but then even the characters "story" wouldn't be the same)...so...duh. Seriously LoL to those dumb enough to think ToR would somehow be "canon" after Disney created "Legends"
  17. If you don't want someone that doesn't agree or like your opinion maybe you should either A) grow up or B) stay off the internet. well or C) do both. those types of powersuits don't fit in the SW universe.
  18. honestly haven't seen a single one that was good at all. They're all pretty much crap.
  19. This. Stopping chest-bots won't stop anything. The sellers gather their credits in many ways. What BioWare needs to do is crack down on the buyers..as said....stop the buyers..stop the sellers. No not as easy as it sounds but they still need to put more effort into it...they should be able to trace large amounts of credits transfering, but whatever.
  20. No there isn't thank god.... That's StarCraft afterall. And if there was..no it wouldn't be "cool" it'd be a lame ripoff that didn't belong in the SW universe. Let's leave the Warhammer 40k ripoff in it's own game where it belongs.
  21. okay so because I call out a terrible idea..you say I have no imagination..got it. Typical mentality on these boards. Oh and just because it was YOUR idea does not, in fact, make it a good one. Maybe you should learn that. It's a stupid idea. Absolutely. and would make no sense lore-wise to have those within the same faction fighting and killing each other. Tell yourself whatever you want..you're wrong. Bad idea is bad.
  22. I love people that spew garbage out of their mouth as if they knew what they were talking about. Sony wasn't interested in renewing the license. SWG wasn't profitable enough. Whether or not Lucas would have made them shut down isn't even known. Sony didn't want to pay for the license renewal. but tell yourself what you will...this board is full of the blind.
  23. really? 3 sides? Never going to happen. And would be stupid to allow it anyway. You are a servant/soldier/whatever of the Republic and/or Empire (yes even the bounty hunters and smugglers that try to tell them otherwise..go ahead and go to the other side..go one..can't? that's right..because you're a pawn of your respective side regardless of what you think.) that being said....How does it make ANY sense story/common sense wise? So trooper A joins gungan B and trooper B joins gungan A...they fight each other....and the republic doesn't do anything about it? oookaaaay there sharpshooter. No, terrible idea. We're not getting that kind of thing..hell they don't even seperate the stories for either side now...but you think they might go through 3 joinable factions and the trouble that would be..on top of justifying it story-wise. No. Just no. Terrible idea.
  24. and even so Disney can take ANY star wars character and do whatever they want with them including picking and choosing individual aspects of it. For instance they could have a guy named Thrawn, but he's a hutt. Or Mara Jade, but she's a twi'lek slave dancer. or never got married to luke..or anything they want to do. and hint for the derps..SWTOR isn't and never has been "canon"
  25. Then it wouldn't be an "Empire" now would it? Nope.... About Marr making Wrath the "Empires Wrath" to keep him from fighting for emperor makes no sense...whoever the new emperor is could just as well negate the Wraths "power" within the empire or disolve an "empires wrath" altogether. Most of the ideas here make no sense. And no player character will become emperor while SWTOR is running. Also to the idiot saying Vitiate is the confirmed villian for ep7..you've already been debunked on that..you're not fooling anyone with the false information you claim to know.
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