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Everything posted by agilmore

  1. So I'm also guessing that since augment kits require specific levels of augmentation materials, that I might as well vend the lower materials since no one will have a use for them. Why would someone RE to get low level materials, to make low level kits, and then pay credits to put a low level slot on their gear? The whole system is a waste of effort with the way it was implemented. I can't believe Bioware paid people to code a tiered system, when every tier but one is going to go unused by the players.
  2. Why not start with 8 slots, and upon completion of the full class quest arc on all 8 slots you get a 9th slot. Complete the 9th to get a 10th, and so on. If we want to pay monthly to beat the same game repeatedly, what's wrong with that?
  3. That's their inflatable hemorrhoid donut.
  4. Zeltron, Togruta, Nautolan, Gamorrean, Givin.
  5. 250k across my 50 and the 30 I'm leveling up. I earn on the 50, but I mail it to the 30 where I've leveled my crafting to the point of being capable of crafting level 40 gear. Crafting is very expensive to level, but highly profitable later.
  6. I like the lock/unlock button. When leveling I rearrange the bars all the time, and if you are unlocked and move your cursor while clicking it drags the icon out of the bar.
  7. I only really want them to add Zeltrons, and they'd be amongst the easiest to do since they're near-human. Different skin and hair color, and probably a racial unlock that would increase companion affection gains. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Zeltron
  8. I would imagine it will be more like a gladiator outfit. As someone who plays a body type 3 pureblood Sith inquisitor, I'd like to have some armor that doesn't either look like clown-wear or an ugly winter coat. This Naga Sadow outfit ( http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/c/c4/Nagasadowyavin4.jpg ) would be awesome, and looks more like gladiator armor than the padded skirt my character wears now.
  9. Republic: Diplomat (Healer), SIS (DPS). Empire: Pirate (DPS), Special Forces (Tank).
  10. I'll sometimes go to a start world and mail people armor and weapons that are the best they could get. One lucky level 3 got some purple gear I got off of that large droid on the southerrn part of the Hutta map.
  11. So I guess that means that by Bioware standards, Boba was an imperial agent. Now that's deep undercover work, if Vader didn't know.
  12. The Sith Purebloods are part human, only because of Sith Alchemy. Star Wars lore follows real world genetics, in that natural reproduction requires genetic compatibility. Species mixing would be extremely rare, and restricted to species that are very closely related. The machine on Belsavis that the inquisitors use was the creator of some species, and presumably many of the near humans
  13. I've done all to 10, 3 of them to at least the 3rd planet, and one to 50. Bounty hunter is my favorite so far, because of combat. The agent has the best opening story though.
  14. White sabers that leave a rainbow light trail. Only acheived upon consumation of the same sex relationship.
  15. No 1. I hate the idea of MMOs in general, and have never had an urge to buy any before. 2. I don't like being forced into pointless combat just to get to the other side of a field. 3. I hate the armor system used by the games (light armor is way too light).
  16. They already have non-clickable character numbers scale to the system specs, why not just scale the mobs to the number of characters. For example Heroic 4+ would have 25% of the npc specs and 25% of the rewards handed out. No extra development costs to roll out the same content for solo through operation level.
  17. Champala (Chagrian homeworld) Cinnagar/Empress Teta Duro (Duros homeworld) Falleen (Falleen homeworld) Gamorr (Gamorreans homeworld) Glee Anselm (Nautolan homeworld) Iridonia (Zabrak homeworld) Kalee (Kaleesh homeworld) Rodia (Rodian homeworld) Ryloth (Twi'lek homeworld) Stenos (Stenax homeworld) Umbara (Umbaran homeworld) Yag'Dhul (Givin homeworld) Zeltros (Zeltron homeworld)
  18. Zeltros http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Zeltros
  19. They're cunning, devious, and amoral. That's why they become crime bosses so often. This combined with familial loyalty and thousand year lifespans, would lead to enough power to choke a Hutt.
  20. The population change occurred along with a patch and server maintenance. They increased the population limit. It's like going from six people in a Volkswagen Beetle, to six in a bus. The problem is that they did this by adjusting the sharding.
  21. So if he unsubs, will his character still be there when he comes back? Or do they get deleted if the account is inactive for too long.
  22. Sith Inquisitor here. I usually follow the areas edge first, and then fill in the missing spots. I've done most maps, and the enemy outposts are the toughest. I usually hug the outside wall and get it, but if that fails a 35+ character who's willing to die for the exploration can rush the gates.
  23. I've seen them on Balmorra and they started after one of the patches. Based upon where I see them, they appear to be a failure of the alpha layer on the grass and shield displays. I'd presume it's a case of a fix for one thing breaking something else.
  24. Restart your PC daily. There appears to be a memory leak somewhere, as if I play long enough I sometimes get spf instead of fps.
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