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Everything posted by Diefenbaker

  1. There is no even playing field, even with this nonsense. Bring the player, not the gear. People who are good at their class and have time, or groups that are coordinated, will get their gear faster anyway. Poses one big question though, why bother with the gear? There is no content for it. Those "uprisings"? Yay, more cookie cutter copy pasta. Star Fortress not on Star Fortress.
  2. Because level sync didn't really change much. All it did was that, instead of one-shotting mobs, you now had to hit them 2-3 times before they fell over. It was neither good nor bad, it was kinda pointless. But hey, it was to make old content relevant again, right? Just like what this galactic command is doing. Who needs new content when you can just make the old crap relevant again and use it to get people grind another useless level system? Oyvey!
  3. And best of all? You can do it all by yourself! Alone! Can't bring any friends! You want to run stuff with people? This is the wrong game for it! But I'm mostly irked by the galactic command thing. So now I can redo all the old crap AGAIN, for the 200th time, just to grind ANOTHER useless level system? Are you kidding me?!
  4. It used to be great, but I don't like the move from 8 story arcs to a single, trope laden railroad track that is written so badly it makes me want to headbutt a kitten.
  5. I remember, when I joined, back in beta, we had 8 story arcs. Now we have one. And that one is so trope laden at this point that I just don't care to play anymore. Okay, it's Star Wars, it's a trope fest, but KOTFE took this and multiplied it. And then the blatant lie of how our decisions matter. They don't. The whole thing with Valkorion, for example, is one giant railroad track with the occasional, completely meaningless, dark/light side answer. But fine, I can live with the trope fest, I can live with meaningless choices. The thing that ticks me off is that I'm stuck with ONE storyline that has zero replay value, because after doing it once there is no reason to run it again with another character because, guess what, the choices don't actually matter, due to being railroaded into a single direction. The only thing that keeps this thing afloat at this point is the Star Wars label. Without that? Nobody would play it.
  6. I don't know, I found Vette crazier than Jaesa. Once she started to go on about painting rooms in my ship and having kids and planning the rest of our lives, that was when I... ran off into KOTFE.
  7. 2/10. Stay with your day job, you suck as comedian.
  8. This was one of the most ludicrous, if not stupid, things they've done with KOTFE. Took ages to hit 10 pre-KOTFE, especially when you tried to max all comps. Now? Run 2 planets with, let's say, Vette, and she's almost 20 even if you start from 0.
  9. @OP: expect to search a long time. The Dark Temple approach is big. This was the longest part for me to find the HK part and I searched the whole bloody map before I finally found it in the last possible spot.
  10. Solution: find a group that doesn't care. But for all intends and purposes, I can drop you from a group even if I don't like the hat your toon is wearing. That's how it is. Suck it up and move on.
  11. Canon is Sith Lord. Canon > your opinions.
  12. If a lot of ducks suddenly decide to go and relax on the sidewalk.... that would be great. Makes them easier to hunt. Delicious ducks!
  13. No, keep it. It's working fine.
  14. Time to dress up as Ewoks and knock it over for perfect re-enactment.
  15. If you needed a group for the final class story fight you were doing everything wrong. They were never hard.
  16. Because leveling was so hard and challenging in 1.0 or 2.0. Yep. No. No, it wasn't. I had all 8 ACs on max before 3.0 and I'm a casual player.
  17. They shut them down because it was an ILLEGAL server that violated Blizzard's rights. There was no huge outcry. This is about the fringe minority who keeps whining for WoW vanilla servers, but Blizzard did the math and vanilla servers ARE NOT FINANCIALLY FEASIBLE, so they will not happen. Any "talks" with the guys who ran Nost, aka copyright thieves, are likely through a law firm. And let's face it, people played on Nost because it was free, that's the only reason. And yes, Vanilla servers would require a lot of resources. That you call it ****** shows me you have absolutely no clue about server structures and staffing. Blizzard would have to run a crew of devs to patch outdated versions of the game. Why? Because bugs happen. They'd need more GMs, etc, etc, etc. And then 5 people will play on it regularly and the rest will go back to normal WoW because they realize that, compared to today's WoW, vanilla is limited as ****. Not worth it. Vanilla servers are only feasible to people with no clue about economics and IT.
  18. I want someone to actually try this, just to see how quickly this gets laughed out of court and how high the penalty for wasting the court's time will be.
  19. The game was never hard. As for "dumbed down"? It wasn't really "intelligent" to begin with, because all MMORPGs run on a similar basic system. PS: "returning founder" doesn't give your argument additional merit. It's about the argument itself, not when you play the game for the first time.
  20. What story? You mean the story that is 100% the same for every character class? Yeah, that is amazing. To run once. And after that the only reason to run it on another toon is different alignment (and even that is pushing it.) So that boils down to roughly 2 hours. Per month. Very impressive. Not.
  21. Why? On my fresh Sith Warrior I just finished chapter 1 and she's level 61. How much faster do you want to level? 65 on the second planet?
  22. Because my other option is to destroy the stuff I throw on the GTN. Everything I sell there is stuff I don't need or don't want. Don't care how much money it makes me.
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