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Everything posted by Diefenbaker

  1. Duno. Everyone I know who pre-ordered on July 21st is in already. Including me. No idea about people from other dates.
  2. Funny, location has NOTHING to do with this. I'm not in NA and I'm in already.
  3. Enjoying the launch? Ok, I see you next Tuesday. That's when the game officially launches. This is early access. What do you base this right on? Clicking on pre-order? Entitlement much? There was never anything guaranteed.
  4. Look at it this way. They could have said "No, we won't make an early access at all. Everybody starts on the 20th."
  5. Problem is, these people aren't nerds. They're just whiney littke kids who gives true nerds a bad name. They're more like derps. They're like the kid you may have seen in your local supermarket who throws one hell of a tantrum because mommy doesn't buy him what he wants.
  6. Congratulations. Your reading comprehension is... well, does it even exist? They always said "up to" five days. They just added two more days because they could, and probably because there are so many people. I don't mind it.
  7. OMG! Some random guy on the internet will reach lvl 50 faster than me! MY LIFE IS OVER!!!! AAAAAAAH! The problem with the world is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?
  8. It's not launch. It's early access. Launch is next week.
  9. The game is roughly 3,600 years BBY. The Sith Empire is not the Galactic Empire. Either lore fail or troll? I think it's 4 actually. Why live at all? You will die anyway, no matter what you do!
  10. This is not launch. This is early access. Launch is next week. Why is this thread at page 10?
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