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Everything posted by JonathanCP

  1. The new comms (classic comms) won't give any better gear than the current Black Hole gear I don't see why we would rather spend them then rather than now. The only "upgrades" we will get from the conversion is in the conversion of Daily, Tionese and Columi comms.
  2. Is this related to the nameplate scaling issue? Try disabling all nameplates first to see if it fixes your FPS issues. Then add them up, but disable "nameplate scaling" Then enable nameplate scaling, and see if your FPS drops This last step makes my game stutter a lot (since 1.5?) Report it. Still waiting for a fix on this
  3. That the WHOLE point. I was looking forward to gearing up my ship. Doing missions every day, having a hard time because I'm partly grade 7, then slowly but surely getting one piece at a time, and getting the missions done more easily. You know. THE PURPOSE OF A ROLE PLAYING GAME! But now... Mega flop. You can't really do missions UNLESS you have almost full grade 7 gear. (ok I did suceed one today with only 2 pieces...) I'll be back after Christmas for 1.7
  4. Ok, I completed Far Cradle somthing... with 2 upgrades. Woot!
  5. Is there any out of the new ones you can actually complete without having first a full set of upgrades? I picked up 2 upgrades (one for crédits, one for daily comms), but I can't still find any mission that I can do. I REFUSE to buy cartel point upgrades....
  6. If you check my post history, you will find that I defend the dev's and this game a lot But when I saw you could buy the spaceship upgrades through CC, my heart sank. I was looking forward 1.6 for this precise reason: gear up my ship (as there's no other content for PvE'ers in 1.6) Now, knowing that I could get out the credit card and get the upgrades, my motivation to grind the ship upgrades gets much, much weaker. Bioware, you listened to your player base recently. Please, this is a dangerous turn you are taking. Beware.... (also : Life day "event" = stuff to buy? -..... please. PLEASE!!!!!)
  7. http://www.swtor.com/community/search.php?searchid=3175327
  8. I had to disable naming plates since 1.5 Runs smooth without them (Disable Namine plates for friendly characters / players while in fleet, and check if that fixes your issue)
  9. A Codex update... Really, after 1 year, the Codex is still a mess (bugged entries, missing ones, etc etc etc). Some of us really enjoy collecting stuff! Please Bioware, I know you have a lot to do, but is a Codex update still far away? Or coming "soonish"?
  10. If you really think you are entitled answers to those questions, despite the fact that we already have a lot of information given to us weekly via diverse means, then your username really fits you.
  11. This is a myth. Something like Hk-51 was datamined at some point. But that's it. He was never available to players
  12. Dude, the answer was right there: http://www.swtor.com/community/search.php?searchid=3138962
  13. In the end, when people look back at 2012 (the first few months of the game), and see dwindling subscription numbers during the winter of 2012, good analysts will come up with ONE MAJOR FACTOR that made the subscription number not satisfying. And it was: TOO MANY SERVERS Yes. Too many servers at launch, and then new ones because people complained, and then AGAIN new ones.... And then months, and MONTHS of empty servers, of people crying for transfers (with reason) or merges... And ALL (or most of) the energy of the dev's put into coming up with a merge technology when they tough none would be required. For weeks. (the same way lots of energy was "wasted"* in the conversion to F2P engine) If I could point to a SINGLE moment where the game became immensely enjoyable for me, that would be when they did the first merges. So, OP, no. Please, no. *instead of making new content
  14. I 'd very much like to dress Vector with the new invisible chest piece. Now, WHY oh why do Vector has to come with printed chest clothes?? Does he have something to hide? Really, I would'nt care about his supernumerary npple. Just allow us Agents to get a sexy companion!
  15. In a situation where you have 500k+ current users, you are, at any given time, statistically BOUND to have a few people going on a lucky streak of purple drops.
  16. I have yet to see a game where no one complains about memory leaks at some point. And I have still to see evidence that they actually are the cause to user's problems. Taken from Wikipédia : "A memory leak has symptoms similar to a number of other problems (see below) and generally can only be diagnosed by a programmer with access to the program source code."
  17. I'm really amazed that a lot of people still think we'll get usefull information from the dev's out of threads like this. 99% chances you'll be ignored, cauz, you know, they don't have any answer to give you. 1% chance you actually could have a dev stop by and say "yeah, we know it's important to you, but we have no informaiton at this time. When we have some, we'll let you know". Chances of having someone drop by and say " OH SORRY!!! We had this information sitting on our desks for days, and we forgot to tell you. It's going to be the 22nd of December at 12h31" : O. Niet. Nada. ZERO.
  18. PEOPLE! Read better. " I won’t get to everything all at once, but I’ll try to hit some of the big ones"
  19. It was the same in Rift's engine. Pretty shadows up close, sad shadows up far. This is nothing unique, yet annoying.
  20. Ok. Let me guide you to the process of getting something done in Windows 7, then Windows 8 Windows 7: 1) Hit the start button in lower left corner or press the Windows button 2) Click on what you want to start or 2) Type the first few letters of what you want to start then click on it Windows 8 : 1) Hit the start screen button by hitting the lower left corner of the screen or press the Windows button 2) Click on what you want to start or 2)Type the first few letters of what you want to start then click on it.
  21. If you were born 40 years earlier, and offered a cordless phone in the 80's, you surely would have said: "um.... THERE IS NO WIRE!!!!!!!!"
  22. If Bioware did'nt say when yet, it's because they don't know when yet, or if they do, they don't want us to know. Yet. Making a thread asking when is as useless as asking a mountain to move aside for you to pass. Unless you think you can move mountains...
  23. Since you have an active subscription, why don't you try it out yourself? This is the internet: you will find every opinion and it's opposite. Or ... maybe... you're trying to stir up drama?
  24. THIS. The question was NOT about game content release schedule (which is still officially every 6 weeks), but about Cartel Shop content. I understand F2P players might have to buy an unlock in the said shop for some of the new content, but I still think the OP confuses a few things.
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