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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AJediKnight

  1. Like... I really did not enjoy Knights of the Fallen Empire. The story was really good, but the repetitive nature of the grind (like the seemingly endless waves of enemies at points) really drove me nuts the one time I played through it.


    Is it possible to level a character to the original max in the core game, and then boost to the currently relevant content? Or are boosts only available at the start? And if I did skip, what would happen in terms of the "choices" for story that I didn't make?



  2. I would say that it will have essentially *no* effect on a faction switch option. Such an option would of necessity be based on interactions of the *origins* rather than the combat styles. If anything, it might even make it easier to build a faction switch because of the elimination of the links between story class (origin) and combat class (style).


    In any event, the primary obstacle to an "early" faction switch is the stories themselves and the improbability of making the character work correctly afterwards. By "early", I mean "earlier than any currently released content" of course. It's reasonably easy to see how the current Saboteur story could lead into a "defect" option, but there won't be any other way of doing it.


    Oh, yeah, I would never expect some "get to level 30 and drop those Repubs like a bad habit!" option - it would obviously have to be based in new content. But I think time is kind of running out on it being a thing in TOR. Isn't the new Ubisoft game going to be an MMO (and, one would assume, is going to eat TOR's [already very minimal] market share)?

  3. I feel like the upcoming changes in Legacy of the Sith are a lot more compelling for non-force users than they are for force sensitives.


    For example, I (and many people, clearly) have always wanted a Sith equivalent to the trooper. While Bounty Hunter obviously filled that niche, wielding two pistols just felt very un-Storm Trooper-like; being able to now play, say, an agent as a trooper-in-all-but story is a big (though by no means perfect) step towards fulfilling that fantasy. Similarly, a lot us who played Bounty Hunters never really dug the pistols thing - Boba Fett, the undisputed archetype for a Mando Bounty Hunter - used the EE3 carbine (which, while the prop was obviously based around a six-shooter, was clearly intended to be a short-barreled rifle). Jango Fett's pistols were cool, yes, but they never should have been the only option for a job which, in the Star Wars universe, at least, uses pretty much any weapon necessary to get the job done. So this is a good change for those four classes.


    What I'm not so happy about are the how these changes apply to the Jedi and Sith. The light/dark side dependence to play opposing styles could be something of an annoyance, yes, but ultimately my hangup is that there's no way to truly change factions once you either go bad or find redemption. No, you shouldn't be compelled to switch sides if you're, say, a naughty Jedi... but I've always felt like the option to 'fall to the dark side' should have been there for force users, and that - if they wanted to - their character could then transition to the Sith. Yes, this would have represented some additional developmental work... but, in an era where both factions now essentially play through the same storyline, it wouldn't be as immense an undertaking is it at first seems - especially if the option was only given for recent content (like, you'd finish Onslaught, or whatever, and if your character was sufficiently dark or light, you get a one-time opportunity to switch sides. This would allow a theoretical fallen Jedi to live on Dromund Kaas, fly Imperial ships, etc., but since the story they'd be playing moving forward would essentially be identical, the amount of additional dialogue necessary would be negligible).


    So while I overall applaud these changes for my non-force characters, I'm still pretty disappointed that the ultimate fall from grace/redemption arc simply isn't possible in this game, and in all likelihood never will be. It's such a Star Wars-y "thing" to 'fall' to the dark side - not just choose that faction and be a baddy right from the get-go (and there really, REALLY should be serious consequences for being a full-on dark side Jedi and light side Sith). But I guess we're going to have to wait for some future MMORPG to offer that experience. :(

  4. <Spoiler>




    why is Malgus back again???

    I killed his sorry butt back then


    Extremely lazy and boring to keep bringing back dead people.


    Besides...why the heck dont i get to kill his sorry excuse of a darth?

    Why do i have to work for him yet again?




    Because such an interesting character never should have been killed off in such a stupid, anti-climactic way to begin with?

  5. GSF is full of premades with pros using coordinated gunships to farm kills every match, it is unlikely to change, unless they allocated team GSF premades for queues and a different solo q for gsf.

    They could ban premades from GSF - that would be a good place to start. Given that you are likely to see the same premade over and over and OVER again, it kind of defeats the notion of queuing up for solo play.

  6. These things are just stupid. I just played a match where all but three of the enemy team were gunships - fully nine members of the opposing squad were sniping away. Yes, there are counters to gunships, but when these ships are using overlapping arcs of fire (and when your team is composed of 4-5 people who won't stop zerging, and won't even acknowledge chat), you're pretty much doomed in a match like that.


    Far too often, both GSF game modes are determined exclusively by which team has the most gunships; nine times out of ten, I can tell who is going to win and who will lose just by the lineup I see in the countdown before I game.


    Part of the problem with gunships is that their vulnerabilities aren't significant enough to counteract their strengths. Yes, great - you're slow and slightly weaker than a regular strike fighter. But the speed really doesn't mean much when you're camping in the back, and most of the time gunships are resilient enough to escape an initial attack and flee back towards the safety of covering ships.


    I'd have been totally in favor of adding, say, some kind of sub-capital light cruiser to the game that had the gunships' capabilities; those could have been slow and unwieldy, but at least would have constituted an enormous target (and would have fit into the overall Star Wars 'feel').


    But gunships are just contrary to everything that's going on - they don't dogfight, they don't frequently contest caps, they almost always wind up with 2/3x the damage of every other ship, they don't risk themselves in combat, they don't have to outfly other people... they're a massive screw job to every other player in the game.

  7. Thread title pretty much says it all. There are a lot of models in the game that are pretty much squandered due to the fact that they are tied to blue, green, and white gear that cannot be slotted. I don't understand why we have no option to throw these into an appearance tab like any other clothing item and 'wear' them. I mean, what would be the harm?
  8. This is one of the few things I appreciate about GSF--the GSF pilots are NOT like that, by and large. The only people that are like that are generally the same people who are like that in ground pvp and the trolls in fleet chat. Even then it's not nearly the same because unlike in ground pvp where they can go hide and not help and type out insults, in GSF they'll crash if they do the same.


    A lot of pilots know they're in a niche part of the game and want more people to join and have fun. They understand it's already hard enough for people to get over the steep learning curve and severely wet-noodle starting ships that they don't need to make it worse by chasing people away with standard PvP toxicity you see elsewhere.


    I've seen a lot of times where these guys will ask/suggest their own team to lay off the spawn points of the opposite team because they understand how deflating it is to be on the other side and it's really hard to get those people to want to come back.


    If anything, lately the toxic people are the people farming those Masterwork crystals who are pissy because they "have" to be there and they get angry when they can't get 3 wins in 3 matches.


    I don't think I've ever seen toxicity in GSF. People just seem to take their lumps and move on. It's a very professional, very focused atmosphere.

  9. I just don't get it. Coming as someone for which this content is "new" (IE, I played at launch and never experienced Starfighter Combat until 2 weeks ago), it's an infinitely more approachable, more personal skill-based form of endgame content than is PvP (you can debate this back and forth all day, but I think PvP in SWTOR is very much team-reliant, as opposed to skill-derived), and it's damned easy to get into. I mean, complete that first 'introduction to starfighter' mission and you basically have enough fleet experience to kit out a whole ship (or do enough to render it respectable, at least).


    I understand that 'twitchy' gameplay like this isn't for everyone, but I really feel like, for what SF is (an arena-style space mode), it's a darned slick experience that should be vastly more popular. I really *feel* like I'm in Star Wars, in an actual dogfight when I'm zipping around in my Sting - it hasn't for even a moment gotten old, and I don't feel nearly as frustrated when losing as I do with regular PvP. Just seems strange that so few people agree with that sentiment, it would appear...

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