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Everything posted by hamsterboom

  1. i bought me and my other half the CE .. of which we don;t use anything except the speeder .. well she doesn;t even play the game that much to be honest. i found that the whole thing was a waste of time as there nothing really good about except the malgus figure who repeatably uses the Force to gather dust. i wish i would of just boought the normal copy and just used the rest of my money for a good console game.
  2. i re-rolled on a US west server just because they have 100% better pop. i go on after work 8:30am GMT and the pop is still alot better than my orginal eu server
  3. thing is if you waste all your money by buying all your equipment from GTN and such your not gonna have enough money. learn to save from quest rewards and such and you'll have loads
  4. i joined a US west server just because the EU ones were dead to me . hopefully bw will learn that have a fair 20 odd servers is crap as theres no-where thats even remotely full or even feels full.. at least when there were Queues you felt that there were other people playing not like now when you log in ... 20 people in zone .. less about 100 on fleet kinda thing ..
  5. run to the end .. get on the lift you'll loose all agro , Fight your way back to the boss then pull the boss if you have a DoT that would help, pull them back to just before the lift and then go full blast on boss , it will take time for the mobs to run up to you when they arrive come just do aoe get rid of them a bit and just burn the boss. should be over very quickly. if you die from adds thats fine aslong as you kill the big guy adds can be dealt with as they have tiny health anyway. i did this method myself works excellent. if you need healking just call out the droid before hand.
  6. for a tank aslong as you kit khem out he is a worthy companion, his dos may suck as you probbaly don;t have a good weapon for him, on mine i have an orange bought from commendations and just upgrade the hell out of them. it costs a bit but the return is always good. Also if he is still having trouble go to a cantina and but some of the presence food as that stacks with stims and such very good when AoE killing as he does stay up Edit : make sure you get equip with loads of health on it
  7. problem being that people can only grind the purples out every 5-10 levels if they have the cash to do it .. considering that the speeder costs 40k at level 25, for me i'm 22 atm missions cost around 500-700 creds each now saying i send my droid out on missions to get mats to craft, saying the amount returnable makes about 4-5 hilts or enhancments whatnot, i will end up at a loss simply as the commendations award those exact same blue's and no-one is willing to spend enough cash for me to make a return on how much it cost me per one. the crafting in the game is simplistic and broken, it's meant to be a money sink as theres nothing you can craft end game thats beats drops (( possibly one or two not by any substantial amount)) yes i will have crafting whenever i may an alt just for something on the side to do just incase bw do just rewrite the 3year old system they have now and make it worth it's while. Edit: they should just dump all commendation things or even lower them a bit just so the player economy can actually get a spark of life. keep the orange equip have like each planet have a diffrent item from a set or something for your class.
  8. pretty much all crafting is botched up with it only be a money sink whilst leveling.. the BoP's are worth the grind but out of the whole thing thats just about it for crafting.. thats why biochem is strongest there is, your always gonna need stims and stuff for raiding/pvp/farming so thats why poeple are just quickly grinding through crewskills endgame to get the bops then just going to biochem.
  9. every.. i mean every console based mmo is a fail. i mean how the **** do you expect to have all your ability's on hand with just a controller. oh and the memory on consoles creates the issue for that aswell, due to limited memory you can;t really have a load of free-flowing ability options.
  10. all craftign skills suck atm except biochem but thats little money considering it is the chosen craft to get at 50.
  11. true that is .. crafting in the game is short coming and more thought is put into make a cup of tea imo
  12. i had same problem i just rerolled, easy enough to level as the game is just that easy to get equipped up in. plus the fact that there are two things to do in game .. level or pvp .. nothing else to do
  13. http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/3087/theeyesf.jpg this is mine
  14. oh god OP i kinda cried a little as i laughted so much. do you really think they are gonna change the make-up this early after release , maybe in a fair few months when they have people who will stick around and still play. people have problems in WZ. I for one lag like mad at alderan i think just graphics as my laptop is medium build but i do run everything on low and have problems. if your looking for pvp that means you have to this that and the other without having the most fun had this is not the game you want.
  15. i don;t think so . also it would be rudundant to reverse armoring to put in armoring etc
  16. yes it does but unlike swtor you actually have to make effort to get them. commendations and such you can basicly get with one hand.. no wait just by drooling on the keyboard.. they are that easy to get, this there as lays the problem. crafters should make better than quest loot, this should be the drive for crafting yet as we see it crafting is a tool for boredom when you have companions sitting round doing nothing. i would love to built my own stuff while questing with it not costing me a couple of k just to make that weapon to have it outdated by the time i craft it. the whole system needs a rework imo, designs that don;t look every other piece of loot out there, better stats, a couple of crafted sets would be nice aswell people say this game is still in baby stages but would be nice for devs to give a bit of insight on if their actually watching what the problems are and if their gonna change it (( don;t need a timeframe just wanna know if .))
  17. they should do considering that there is a section on GTN for Mounts .. and pets which is pointless as there ain't any good pets in game
  18. Go solo black talon for the double bladed that drops there and mod it up
  19. did you not notice that in the "films" the galaxy is run down to hell ? society degraded and such ..easy as
  20. i was ticked with server downtime considering timezones. but then a freind pointed out to me that we all get the same content at the same time. no matter what timezone. thinking of this made me think it's not so bad and having it off means that people like me who genrally don't have lie in's.. quite good .. conisdeing i sleep during the day anyhow due to night shifts but still. people are still gonna complain , yes it's a US company so they are gonna run downtime for their people to work, not because a few people here and there need the game to be running when their awake ..
  21. If the crafting skill is no good for you personally .. change it. there are at least one good item per tradeskill to craft
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