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Everything posted by hamsterboom

  1. as a system it's way to easy to get legacy points .. considering we won't even care if we loose some to buy new stuff it's grindable from everything i think legacy probbaly won't even be used until this march update thing
  2. so far i have seen 1 hat ((the cowboy ones )) and thats the pvp set. i've yet to even find one on GTN even though i do look every day. all i see are either ugly to hell or just ok but nothing to be proud of . has anyone actually seen another hat other from pvp equip?
  3. Are the forums gonna be down for 8 hours aswell? i mean seriously 8 hours. bad enough it's gonna be 8 hours server downtime and from uk thats 8am until 3-4pm. but with no forums to at least keep the hunger to play at bay it's gonna be murder. and another thing aswell . are the beta patch notes it. just some little bits here and there. i know they are trying their best but still there are alot more class bugs out there than what their fixing unless they downsized their teams since release which i doubt as this game has more subscribers than they would of predicted.
  4. An old one with a modded hat i made .. http://i1228.photobucket.com/albums/ee445/hamsterboom/thepose.jpg
  5. ive seen jedi companions with cloaked hood with little holes for they horns to pop out. i just hope bw makes hats so it changes where our Lekku's change position to fit in the hat like they come down the front of our shoulders or someting .. but as there are alor of clothes meshing together and not fitting properly in this game it saddens me. i recently got a long jacket yet my pistols poke out the sides half in half out and it looks ghastly as a screenshot of it. which i can't be bothered to upload cos i hate the look they still need alot of basic fixes in the game.
  6. lol i'm guessin you did not have a tradeskill then. i have bought jack off GTM and only items i have upgraded are through commendations. but saying that you have probbaly sat there for countless hours in pvp matches making money from that . i never leave things unlooted ever, i know the worth of greys .
  7. ive just hit tattooine and and have found the quests to be challenging at the least, the level difficulty has way shot up from doing quests on the planets before. i have yet to leave achorhead and have had to kill 2 gold rated elites so far on solo missions which i was not expecting and died a couple times. and now most of my money is gone due to repairs and tradeskills are expsensive as it is to build up with missions costing 500-600 credits per one just for 2 crumby bits that put together a 3rd of an item whjiv then has to be made 5-6 times before finding the upgraded recipe then same again before it becomes actually worth selling as quest rewards are bassicly on par with any actual blue i could craft so only purle items are worth a tiny bit. but i have to underprice them considering how much it cost to send companions out for materials and such. but then again everyone is in the same boat for cash when leveling now at least everyone i talk to as greys sells for pittance, skills cost around 7k a pop (( i can;t afford to even buy new skills)) . i'm sorry i just rantng that theres not much i can do right now to make money, as my outgoings are higher than any incomings)) ((btw i'm a smuggler with armstech)) meh i gonna be quiet now and try and enjoy the new year
  8. you say that now wait until you start saving for the 1.5 million credit speeders lol
  9. well i enjoy the game i like the flashpoints, i enjoy the pvp ((even though i suck at jumpy round stuff that melee do)) yes i do think that landscapes in citys and towns could have more population but are comparing this to wow who have done hundreds of mini patches and such top amke it the game is now. did you play vannila wow ? i mean at the begining when it was buggy to hell horrible to play and alot worse than what swtor is on release. enjoy wow when you go back when your free month is up. enjoy the stale air in wow where is is basiccly one grind after another. and with next to zero challenge now to actually get the best equipment and such.
  10. i actually don;t mind the harpoon, i normally get him to attack the elite of the group whilst i take out the others.. or just get him to pull one mob whilst i take out the others. if you can't survive long enough to take one or two hits then you need to change your build or upgrade your gear. btw ranged doesn;t have a minimum range so you can fire in their face ...
  11. just got mone nothing good about it. big giant space but unable to customise.. ship just seems too big for me and my 3 companions so far.
  12. maybe once you learn to post properly. have patience probbaly there now
  13. yup. all my CE stuff is in bank ...it's all quite useless except the non combat pet which is cute and the stap. the vendor will have new stuff have some patience
  14. it would be nice butto impliment new coding for skins/skin tones/ tattoo's/scars and such would take a whikle as they have to have it so it goes in every helm headband etc whilst not trying to lag poeple out with loading all of these mini features, say arou 2 people ok but every person you run past would have to load these. i'm content waiting for this feature, yes i want to change how my toon looks now such as her skin color. but game is still new. ((as a point of referance it took wow years to impliment this feature into their game, let swtor have time aswell))
  15. there are still alot of features to be added but .. a big but. it's still brand new i mean released today and it's the best mmo release i have personally seen no major mas dis-connections or server frag ups. it's still in baby steps mode and i would/am lookin forward to experiancing all the new things i am gouing to discover and the new features they will add one day. i'm afraid though i am looking at leaving mt RL just for this game mwahahaha is a good job and alot more easier to get into than wow (( npc>kill 10 boars >> why? >> no reason )) i love story based!
  16. i've been logged out before and also not been logged out before. right now i just wanna log in been waiting 20 mins and have moved from 201 to 181 in queue.. may get on there at around 11am ((now it's 9:44am)) and thats just me being hopeful
  17. my main is called millicano/Milacano.. do you see a [roblem with my name i'ts nice sounding and is not offensive . oh and i'm named after a coffee.. my favorite coffee.. http://www.kenco.co.uk/range/kenco-millicano/684 i love this coffee, and genrally hate house brand coffee's but anyone whose tried this coffee can agree... it's nice!
  18. the CE vendor is a joke but people still thnk this game is fully up and running, i would like to think they are gonna put in more content after the actual release date. the game is still taking it's baby steps and i'm sure their more intrested in gettong out an unbuggy game rather than supplying us with a few fancy smancy items that we wouldn't be able to afford yet anyhow. ive yet to make even 5k i can just squander on useless crap to run round with, i'm happy with my CE droid following me for now whilst i level, stuff like CE vendor i have always guessed would be too expensive mid-late game anyway. ((and the CE was too expensive but the statue is expensive aswell , the other bits that came with CE well ... try to find old CE pricing threads of a breakdown of the CE and you'll see you save quite a bit if you were to buy everything seperate))
  19. I have that card but an overclocked version I have next to no issues . I have it wired to my 40 inch tv ATM and it looks gooood. Only graphical issue I've had is a flimy bin of graphics at the side of character when run ing but I found this out to be the smuggler belt I have equipped some weird clothing but nothing else really
  20. I sold mine lol I found te original better than the first 3 you get would mind seeing if blizz gets customisation kits hehe
  21. titles says it all i am wondering how ou get the titles i have tried searchging but with no success. anyone know
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