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Posts posted by gramz

  1. WHY does nox contiunally judge me for my misfortunate. You haters.


    I just dont want to reroll, its so boringgggg. I will however, provide entertainment, and cyber for all.



    Plus, did you see that stupid 16 man full clear list they have going around. Its ridiculous. I'm a goblin now, not a panda :(


    its stupid, and we need to be on top of it. And we will be once new 16m content comes out.


    Also you should level like this sorc we have, we accepted him on saturday, and hes already level 40.


    I might be able to get someone to level with you, a friend of mine might reroll merc on our server.

  2. TBH, neither mode is particularly difficult.


    Pre-nerf HM Soa was challenging, but post-nerf even Nightmare is a complete snoozefest.


    While some of the encounters show potential (mechanics wise) such as Bounty Hunters, Fabricator and Soa, nothing at all is tuned to be even remotely challenging now.


    Which is OK, since it's entry level raiding - but god I hope 1.2 tier is both challenging and tuned correctly for both 8 and 16.


    Maybe wishful thinking, remains to be seen.


    The fights have potential as you said, but right now its tuned so you can just brute force mechanics.

  3. I will be streaming (with no ads!) a jugg tank perspective of tonights raid. We will be clearing all 10 bosses tonight. We got both titles last week, and will get them again this week since we sat a tank for nmm Soa. Next week we move back up to 16s.


    http://twitch.tv/zmarg - Will be going live around 7:45pm EST


    Come enjoy our antics and various trollings as we make our way through this content. I am also more than happy to answer any questions you may have about the content.


    We will probably also have a sorc healing perspective up when raid time comes around, I will post the link if this happens.

  4. So did we. But explain to me how 16 man is proper raiding. There is no proper raiding in this game because everything gives the same gear. Delusions of Grandeur.


    Not only does it give the same gear and titles, it is on the same difficulty level, ignoring bugs in current content (im looking at you jarg & sorno)


    This isnt WoW, bigger isnt better. Until bioware makes 16 the default "proper" raiding size, like blizzard did for 25s, you cannot say one is different.


    Also to those saying 8man content is easier, its not that the content is easier, its just a hell of a lot easier to find/maintain a group of 8-10 good raiders, than it is 16. Everyone in our raid group pulls their own weight, while in our 16 group.. there were quite a few who got carried along for the ride.


    I will say that maintaining a group of 16 raiders is harder than 8, but until bioware gives us incentives or the raiding community gives us incentives to raid 16s over 8s.. theres no reason to and we will continue raiding our 3 hours a week.

  5. Just wanted to ask if anyone is facing same problem on Soa Nightmare progression. To people that downed him I have the following question: What do you do when someone is being chased by lightning ball and shortly after "eating" it gets force cyclone. When certain player gets force cylone, he can't be healed and is flying around map geting damage overtime. This is the problem my healers currently face: people are on 30%+ HP after consuming lightning ball and are instantly lifted up by force cylone. Healers don't have time to overheal them. Any ideas? Bad RNG or is there a way to prevent this? Ty in advance for any tips and ideas for improvement.


    Theres a small window (1-2s of the throwing around) where they are in range and can get instant cast heals thrown on them, might help.


    Other than that, it seems like its RNG.. or that your healers are taking a while to top people off after blowing up balls.

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