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Posts posted by gramz

  1. I just watched your guys kill video. Your members WERE getting hit by the reticule/missile barrage/rocket burst/whatever you want to call it throughout the fight.


    @0:55, one of your melee (you yourself Gramz, in fact) is hit by a missile and launched to the side, brought down to about 25%


    @1:40 one of your ranged is hit and launched into the right turret, brought down to ~5-10% health.


    We are clearly talking about different mechanics as, if there were a way to completely avoid it as you are claiming, then your own members certainly would have on your kill. The bug we're talking about is that the missiles that were nearly killing your members are consistently critting to deal twice that damage, hence our references to RNG (and the patch notes citing it as a fix as well).



    I just watched the video again and when the missile hits me it only brings me to ~70%.. not 25%

  2. That math makes 0 sense without a combat log. Its not based of actual data, but a compendium of "formulas" from other sites that aren't quite right... it adds up to like 37 dps overall if you look at his numbers, that's absolutely terrible.


    Not to mention that he "test it on ev" which means he was wiping over and over and over... sounds like a terrible spec if you ask me...


    Based of what I've tried, the hybrid build works just as good. It all depends on your playstyle of tanking.


    All the numbers in the world don't make a good tank.


    Which is also why I am hesitant to believe the hybrid spec has been "shown with math to have more damage/threat"


    I'm sticking with my 31/10/0 spec until I get some actual proof on either end.

  3. If you need any advice, ive been playing one since beta. DPS sucks, but I've managed to hit around 330k in a warzone /shrug


    Its pretty straight forward as far as I can tell, keep impale/shatter on CD use scream on savagery procs (i kinda just use it on CD atm) and use ravage on CD (when sunder is on CD with no rage for impale/shatter)


    I feel like i have infinite rage and just need to find the optimal rotation but, its no where near the DPS marauders put out.

  4. Heya! Yeah so at least on the Republic side, many of the tanky Guards have been promoting this spec:



    What we trade is a few less-than useful skills in the top tier of defense(though I'm not going to lie I haven't used this spec), for Protector, Unremitting and Overhead Slash has been mathed out to be more TPS than Guardian Slash.


    So you gain 20% flat damage reduction every time you force leap, and you gain 20% damage reduction every time you use Guardian leap. So once you get used to using Guardian leap mid-fight, and using force leap before a tank swap, and you gain aggro generation and the frequency in which you get Blade Storm's shield.


    So yeah, thoughts?


    Interesting, I cant say I've had much issue with threat, other than in AOE situations. However, i agree on the less than useful skills on the top of our tier. But, some of the things you trade off seem like big losses (2% shield chance, un channeled force choke) and atleast in the spec you linked, the talent to get a shield from blade storm/force scream isnt taken.


    I've never been a HUGE fan of hybrid specs, but I'll give it a shot next week i guess.

  5. I just watched your guys kill video. Your members WERE getting hit by the reticule/missile barrage/rocket burst/whatever you want to call it throughout the fight.


    @0:55, one of your melee (you yourself Gramz, in fact) is hit by a missile and launched to the side, brought down to about 25%


    @1:40 one of your ranged is hit and launched into the right turret, brought down to ~5-10% health.


    We are clearly talking about different mechanics as, if there were a way to completely avoid it as you are claiming, then your own members certainly would have on your kill. The bug we're talking about is that the missiles that were nearly killing your members are consistently critting to deal twice that damage, hence our references to RNG (and the patch notes citing it as a fix as well).


    and if you look again... none of us got one shotted by that same mechanic. If i were to upload our earlier attempts, we were also getting oneshot. But, we pressed on, figured it out, and look at that got a kill!


    edit: the missle at 1:40 actually hits arnoldlayne, doesnt do much damage to him, but also hit rickter for EVEN MORE DAMAGE, hm i wonder why.


    Lets check sithwarrior.com


    Fight Information:

    XRR-3's primary attacks consist of three missiles attacks. The first missile attack is a targeted attack called Rocket Burst, randomly targeting a player (noted with visual effect on said player) and attacking after a few seconds, knocking them down for a second and doing significantly more damage to any other players that happen to be around. Move away from other players when you are targeted, or when someone else is targeted.

  6. I'm almost positive our healers decided cleanse just straight up didn't work, after trying for a few attempts early in the night. We solved this by having tanks with solid HP to avoid 1 shot and solid pre-casts to avoid 2 shot. We actually had one tank die to the dot on our kill I think though.


    That would be me, it was the cannonize, 2 ticks of the dot, a shockwave, and another tick of the dot that killed me.


    All in about ~2.5 seconds.

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