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Everything posted by MWidowmaker

  1. my favorites: EQ1: Cazic Thule, actually clearing the entirety of the Plane of Fear was always fun for me, was my favorite place ever WoW: Nefarion... I played a druid before feral got buffed, this fight was some fun times SWTOR: Kephess- Asation, so much can go wrong, and people who have never done it before run around all crazy
  2. ive soloed h2 missions since vanilla, its not a new phenomena
  3. remove the shuttle and park my ship in the gravestone. there is enough room for it
  4. very good question, what I did was alternate, imp, pub, force user, non force user, also i played some against type, or more neutral, balance this with playing a char a bit more once maxed level to get content done, things like story ops, planet quests after main story, flashpoints etc
  5. things i wanted since release: more story do i care about pvp? no operations? not unless there is story involved, i only do story modes anyway even though i am fully capable of hard or old school nightmare modes flashpoints? if there is a story, taral 4, maelstrom prison, boarding party, and foundry are some of my favorite flashpoints
  6. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this
  7. ok, that is a worthy goal....... and you picked the perfect companion for it too hahah
  8. My LS sniper turned down Valkorian during the Arcann fight.....you earn the victory, but it was very satisfying, and you pay for it...but its the most ****** thing any character can do thus far if they are not a force user
  9. i would trade him for HK 55 in a heartbeat
  10. i think Gault is gonna end up dead....again.... at least wont be able to be around Hylo
  11. i was actually going to make a similar thread to this asking what happened to the remaining 7 heros, i would love it if somewhere down the line they come back from in hiding and use your characters models and get integrated as not necessarily npcs, but others helping lead the resistance and you use your cross char companions to communicate with them, you never interact with them directly, but rather you get reports on what they are doing and some of your companions go help them from time to time
  12. well said and i agree all you numbnuts whining about missing part of the story fail to realize you will interact with him in the story before he is recruitable, and once he becomes your companion, his part of the story is done.
  13. no contest, cipher 9, havoc squad would be dead before they even knew there was a fight
  14. who would win between Hero of Tython and the Barsen'thor? same question its all relative to how you played your story. my Sorc is more powerful than my Shadow, Sentinel, or Marauder
  15. how entertaining lights a monte cristo deathstick with burning credits
  16. why is that a bad thing exactly? getting rid of portions of the gear grind? personally i welcome it
  17. i really really hate it when people compare an apple to a pizza then say something in order to try and seem clever <blablahblah> anyone? then sort of sit there like a moron waiting for affirmation for their stupid comparison this is nothing like NGE, give it the **** up with these idiotic comparisons
  18. as long as my sorc has the good old Khem, all will be well with the world. my mara needs to have jaesa, merc has to have mako, smuggler has risha and corso, consular has nadia, trooper has elara and 4x, sentinel has to have kira and t7
  19. its gonna empty my legacy bank of crafting mats..... thank god
  20. i dont mind, it makes high presence that much more important from what you unlocked (not gear)
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