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Everything posted by MWidowmaker

  1. i wonder if the new Muscompanions will be voiced by Musco, or Romuscoble, will there be a third option between light side and darkside called Muscoside? because Musco
  2. the biggest one for the agent is the black codex, then there are associates of the red blade,
  3. i want to meet Darth Atroxa, she deserves to be on the Dark Council
  4. just because they can, doesnt mean they will. i dont think either would have been given that freedom if the powers that be felt they would abuse it
  5. honestly i have been looking for a persistent rpg.... i always get sad when DLC for games like Mass Effect or Dragon Age end.....
  6. personally i like the changes... prerelease subscriber too
  7. add long hair option to chiss and mirialan and cyborg before new races
  8. Khem Val Lokin Mako Kira Elara Dorne Nadia Grell Jaesa Willsam Risha Lana Beniko My other characters
  9. i have a sith warrior on ebon hawk that started as pure dark, but something happened... not really sure when but she decided she was tired of all dark and started being more pragmatic, she is still more dark than light, but she kept jaesa as lightside and they are getting along great i think part of it is that she has developed a strong code of honor
  10. 5 sith warriors on 2 servers, 3 agents, 2 sorcs, 3 smugglers
  11. if you are a sub its free, problem solved
  12. Sniper will be first as always, do what needs to be done then vanish again, not the hero the galaxy deserves, but the hero it needs-Batman Sorc will be next basically always a bit of a loose cannon, but respected and respects people like Marr and Shan, always with her own agenda-Magneto Marauder-Wrath, kill or be killed, that is the way of the warrior, not a hero, more like someone who will find the trespassers not for justice, more for Punishment-The Punisher Sentinel- The Shining Light of the Galaxy, and upholder of truth justice and the Republic way-Superman Shadow-Seeker of Justice, warrior, and peacekeeper-Wonder Woman Commando-Elite of the Elite and fights for the Republic till the last-Captain America Merc-fights for honor and money-Deadpool Gunslinger-Doesn't like to get involved but can and will if provoked, and this is provocation-Aquaman
  13. looks like non force sensitives taking out force users.... maybe i am not seeing something here
  14. The Empire gives structure and in many ways is a meritocracy. Believe it or not, but a lot of officials, government entities and such actually do care for the welfare of its people, you just dont see a lot of that in game because of the exalted positions of your characters.
  15. everyone keeps forgetting to add that this is a slap in the face to them for not having every detail released yet, frankly the lack of saying its a slap in the face is a slap in the face to every forumgoer
  16. that control word is ono<lighsaber through his throat>
  17. my inquisitor and my warrior, except for quinn, he is getting spaced first chance i get
  18. sniper: Lokin Temple SCORPIO Mako M14X Marauder: Akaavi Dark Jaesa Scourge Xalek Lana Sorc: Khem Val Xalek Lana Talos Drellik Andronikus Smuggler: Guss Risha Corso Theran Cedrax Gault Merc: Risha Mako Blizz Andronikus Torian i picked them for story reasons, i.e. what would make sense for my characters if they were recruiting people and in game skills via story they possess. havent throught about my shadow, commando, or sentinel yet
  19. op you forgot to mention this is a slap in the face..... durhurhurhur
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