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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AdrianDmitruk

  1. You guy's hate Belsavis?!? WHAT?!? No, i'm serious. I love Belsavis, you guys must have some really ****** navigation skills and combat skills too. And with 12x Exp you can skip everything but your class missions and hit 60 and not even touch Voss OR Correlia! Correillia is the planet you should want to blow up. Not Belsavis...


    LOL check out the necro on this thread.


    Yes, Belsavis was as described by the original post at launch. Bioware experimented with 12xp late in the 2.X patch cycle, and streamlined leveling (including adding the full taxi destinations regardless of map exploration, and reducing quick travel cooldowns) with 3.0.


    At launch you had to discover a taxi station to use it, and you had to click on it, same with the quick travel points...ugh Belsavis was hell.

  2. "New Active Ability: Mad Dash/Blade Blitz! Dash forward 20 meters, dealing weapon damage to enemies in your path and increasing your defense chance by 100% while dashing. Cannot be used while immobilized or hindered. Has a 45 second cooldown, and can be attained at level 61."

    I agree with the majority of the folks in this thread who worry that a full 20 meter dash will not always get you back on target, because of the very real risk of overshooting your target. As others have suggested, the dash should be up to 20 meters, allowing you to quickly dash from your current position (point A) to any target (point B) within 20 meters while dealing damage to any other enemies between points A and B. I'm not a computer programmer... but seems like an easy fix.


    "Now you get utility choice points at the following levels to prevent excessive power inflation with each expansion, and to ensure a choice was present at level 65.


    Tier 1: 17, 25, 33 (up from 11, 19, 27)

    Tier 2: 41, 49 (up from 35, 43)

    Tier 3: 57, 65 (up from 51, 60)"


    I agree with many others that this change is in the wrong direction, and unjustified. Your purpose is to avoid "excessive power inflation" ... shouldn't it be expected that with a new expansion offering an increased level cap that your character will grow in power? I don't see how excessive power is a real concern with having 7 utility points at level 60. I do not like the idea of having 7 utility points now, and then having 1 point ripped away October 27th, only to earn it back a week(+) later? This change is detrimental to the sense of character advancement and increasing your powers with an increased level cap. It should be abandoned. I will go so far as to say you should give us an additional utility point with this expansion, raising the total to 8, with the 8th point granted at level 65.


    As a PVP sorc healer I know full damn well why they want to keep the utility points at 7 instead of increasing the number of utilities to 8.


    Currently my utility setup consists of: (skillful tier) Sap Strength, Empty Body, and (I think) Force Suffusion; (masterful tier) Emersion (force speed rootbreak) and bubblestun; (heroic tier) Force Mobility and the 30% DR while stunned.


    I get most of my defenses through utilities as it is.


    You want to know what I'd spend an eighth utility point on? Electric Bindings. So not only can I bubblestun a swarm of attackers, I can root them for 5s after the bubblestun wears off. Oh, and keep my Force speed root/slow immunities. That'd be crazy OP in the hands of a sorc who healed through the dark days of the h2f era (madness was the first sorc spec to get buffed; corruption suffered all the way up to 3.0 when it was finally fixed).


    I imagine that similar situations exist for some, though not all, the other classes. Juggernauts for one do not derive most of their combat prowess from utilities; sorcs are much more dependent upon them.


    I do agree that the idea of having utilities taken away from us absolutely sucks. I'd rather keep the 7th utility point at 60, and then get the new class ability at 65 instead of 61, than have to deselect a utility point. That way, we're earning something new, at the level cap not having to grind just to get back something that was taken away.


    (Sidenote: I believe the above paragraph actually has a lot to do with why Bioware wanted to withhold details about combat changes for so long--they knew there was going to be a lot of backlash from players about losing utility points, that could have been avoided had they just decided to leave it at 60 and not grant a new utility instead.)


    Then when 5.0 comes out Bioware could adjust the utility points so the 7th one comes at 65 instead of 60, etc, and still not have to give out new utilities. Granted there would be a few players with level 63 toons who would still lose the utility point but I imagine by 5.0 most characters would have either been leveled to cap, or left at the level they had been at during the last expansion.

  3. Yes exactly! The covert headpiece so many suggests would not make the problem go away at all. As a Jedi you can use headbands which remove the hoods, and man just running around in a bathrobe looks way to bad to be a solution.


    The problem is, as a Sith the headband option is not available to us. I tried mailing a headband over from a Jedi character, only to find it was an ugly full-face-covering helmet on the Imperial side.


    Sith need access to headbands that remove the hoods too! Would pay cartel coins lol (since that's what it takes to get anything implemented around here).

  4. It'd be nice if Bioware would just let us set custom filters for spam, like we can do for our e-mail.


    The spammers don't seem particularly adaptive; if I was given access to proper filter tools I could filter out all spam from certain sites for a couple of months at a time before they got around to change it. Then again Bioware is so lax with spam enforcement that the spammers don't actually NEED to adapt. But if spammers had to work around every individual player's filters, and getting filtered for spam did not return feedback to the spammer that they were filtered, they might conclude that the game was too hostile to support ingame spammers (like what happened in EVE Online after CCP beefed up the anti-spam tools to deal with this kind of thing; after that buyers had to go out of game to seek the sellers out pretty much, and credit spam in game practically doesn't exist anymore).


    But EAware won't direct or even allow/fund Bioware to implement this QoL feature that is basic to online communication? Hell Bioware could even sit up there with their vaunted metrics to figure out which of the player-driven filters are most effective at blocking spam.


    And no, "turn off General chat" is not a solution. For one, sometimes general chat can be entertaining and on some servers it's where pug ops form. And that still doesn't do anything to filter the mail spam.

  5. I'd point out that the technology, and to some extent, the models, for this already exist in the game.


    My pub toons can force hood down with some decent-looking visors, such as the Elder Paragon's Headgear.


    But if I try to mail that exact item to an Imperial character, the exact same item that was a lithe visor on pubside is suddenly a fugly, full-head-covering helmet, which defeats the purpose of using it to force hood down.


    All we need is a cartel market item similar to Elder Paragon's Headgear that does not change depending on which faction's character is wearing it; I'd immediately pay 1500 cc (bear in mind most of the full armor sets that are sold directly are 1440) just so my Imperials could wear the Eliminator's set head down with something like that.

  6. I'd like to add my voice to the concerns expressed regarding companion gearing.


    Establishing a stat floor that goes by level is appropriate. I can see the reason why companion bolster would be good for the game, especially for new players.


    However, I do take notice that (at least for PVE content) bolster is a floor, not a ceiling. We aren't obligated to have our stats nerfed by bolster to run SM operations for example; we get the benefit of either bolster or our existing gear, whichever is higher.


    1) Will we still be able to upgrade our companions' gear above the baseline established by the companion autoleveling/"bolster" system? (I noticed you avoided using the word "bolster" in the stream, but it seems like a similar mechanic for companions.)


    2) If no, will we at least be able to somehow allocate a given stat budget, or will we be stuck with high endurance companions that hit (or heal for) wet noodles?


    3) What general gear level will companions be bolstered to? On-level green equivalent? On-level blue equivalent? On-level purples? Mid-tier comm gear at level cap (i.e. the way Yavin gear is now)?

  7. Screenshot taken today, for class quest completed about 18 hours ago.


    I believe you missed something when converting the old comms to basic comms :)


    Known steps to reproduce:


    Level a Jedi Knight (this character is a Sentinel if AC for some reason is relevant, was either 54 or 55 last night when I did this) to the final class mission (Doomsday) for the JK story. The character is mostly lightside but greyish (killed the Sith on Coruscant and the traitor on Alderaan, from what I can remember).


    The affected character is Khamul on Begeren Colony if you need to look up a detailed history of story choice flags or something like that.


    Significant story choices during mission in question: Save Kira. Kiss Kira. Kill Emperor. (Please let me know if you need more story flags to debug this, those are the ones I remember offhand).


    The follow-up mail after completing the story should probably award a basic comm instead of a decommissioned comm. It's not really relevant for me personally but probably something that should be tidied up at some point. :p

  8. when an ability is both over powered, has little force/energy requirement that it becomes candidate for a nerf. When that ability is an AOE and is used extensively as part of a single target rotation, you get bet it will be nerfed and hard. When that class is the new FoTM you can bet not only will it be nerfed hard, there will also be an equal number of people complaining about said ruining of the game, as those gladly welcoming the nerf.


    The easy and sensible fix would've been to make FS consume Recklessness charges per tick, not per use. That way it could have kept its usefulness but the nonsense of having 12 seconds of autocrit (back to back Recklessness-charged Force Storm, which is where the problem was) would have been dealt with.


    But Bioware is apparently incapable of doing a graduated nerf over time, carefully tuning an ability until it is balanced. Everything must be castrated and then Force crushed and then nuked from orbit all at once.


    Now the only use of Force Storm is to either stop caps (but overload, if available, or bubblestun is often better because of the delay for the first tick of FS), or to proc Chain Lightning (ironically in the spec that needed the FS nerf the most).

  9. Hey folks,


    Quick update on this issue. The plan right now that the team is working on is to deliver personal rewards, guild rewards, and achievements to the appropriate people in Game Update 3.3.2. I will let you know if anything changes, but that is the plan as of right now! Thank you all for your patience.




    And Game Update 3.3.2 is slated for when?

  10. The basic comm gear is better itemized than the 190 stuff from Ziost. You're better off with the epic 186 gear.


    Illo dicto, even the comm gear is terribly itemized compared to gear from FP's/ops. So you can imagine how terrible the Ziost gear is.


    This is patently false.


    With Ziost gear, it's possible to farm multiple pieces to min-max the enhancements.


    With comm gear, it is literally impossible to get the low endurance, high-output mods OR enhancements necessary for min-max. Literally everything (for DPS and healing) is stacked with endurance, not sure about tanking.

  11. As for the Orbital Strike/Freighter Flyby question, all I can say is a :rolleyes: directed at Bioware, not you.


    It used to be really powerful and worth a 3 second cast time (yes, it used to be 3s, not 2). But there was a spec that had buffs to AOEs, and Bioware grew displeased that people would precast OS before a pull and get extra "burst" on single target from an AOE ability.


    In the process they didn't just nerf it, they nuked it from high orbit in the same manner that Darth Malak destroyed Taris, and made it completely useless to even have on your quickbar, as you point out.


    Later, after 3.0, they did the same thing to Force Storm...nerf it to near uselessness because it was OP in one spec (rather than, you know, toning down the buffs from the one spec that made it OP...) :rolleyes:

  12. I wasn't exactly "poor" like that (but I was nowhere near "rich" either compared to the massive fortunes that some players have at their disposal) but I just practiced moderation and made a habit out of running dailies consistently while the event was running last year. (Before and since last year's event, it's generally unusual if I make any particular dailies run more often than once every other month or so, but during the event I was actually going through a bunch of them daily.) My personal rule that I tried to stick to was to never throw more than half of my dailies income at the casino. That way I was always pulling in money instead of losing money. I knew it was going to be around for a few months so I was in no hurry to get the rancor on day one or anything like that. And before the event was over I did eventually manage to get a rancor, and I came out of it with more credits than I'd started with.


    Last year I PVPed almost exclusively. We all know how well PVP in this game pays the bills (or more accurately, doesn't pay).


    When conquests came out, I took up crafting because my guild is very small, then figured out how to make credits from such crafting...yes it is every bit as soul crushing as dailies but the income is also several times higher, and the guild benefits too.


    My post wasn't a "how do I make credits for nightlife" whine post. If anything it was a complaint that the expansion was announced so soon after the last one that I felt I had no game time available to enjoy the nightlife event even when I had the credits to throw at it, because I was so busy prepping alts for the expansion (55-Ziost adds up when you have multiple dozens of toons lol).


    In fact, getting told "lol save your credits" in response to a post specifically saying I had 60M right this moment was quite patronizing.

  13. Funny, they told us NOT to submit a ticket on it.... I suspect that this is the reason why. Now that you said they fixed it, everyone on every server that reads the forums is going to do it;....


    Then they should have kept us updated, especially with an estimate of when they'd be able to "run the script," and etc. They gave us no timeframe whatsoever, even several business days after they acknowledged the problem.


    Even a quick "We're still working on this; we hope to have the script ready next week but no guarantees" on Friday would have been preferable to silence, as it would have offered at least some reassurance that the issue had not fallen to the back burner and that they did not intend to let the issue slip to the point where it could compound over multiple conquest weeks.


    When they leave us in the dark like this, and don't follow up, it's only a matter of time before someone attempts a CSR style resolution and the floodgates open. Impatience in an information vacuum is part of human nature, as is the instinct to seek out such resolution/information when presented with yellow silence.


    Silence may be justifiable with expansion details (spoilers, don't want to reveal something that doesn't make it into the expansion, etc.) but it is inexcusable when it comes to something that people earned and spent their resources (ingame though they be) to get, yet did not receive due to a bug such as this. "We're working on it" is OK for an initial response I suppose but without follow-up, a reasonable person should expect it to have an expiration date before seeking other solutions through the support system.


    The close of the next conquest event is as good as any. I feel bad for the CSRs who are about to get inundated, but here we have yet another case when the community manager failed to manage the community.

  14. If it wasn't for the announcement of KOTFE, I would have participated in the Nightlife event this year.


    Last year, I simply couldn't afford it. I felt wealthy if I had a million credits lol.


    After 3.0, I started crafting. I have around 60M now and at one point had a quarter billion before I spent it on vanity stuff. But because 4.0 was announced so soon after 3.0, I felt compelled to get my Infinite Army of Crafting Alts ready for 4.0 instead of checking out the casinos.


    I hope that releasing the steady chapters of KotFE content over time gives 4.0 more of a shelf life than 3.0 had. I'd like to do the event, but I simply didn't have the time to do it this year because the expansion was announced so soon after the last.

  15. Well, I got a reply to my ticket today, a customer service rep game the the titles, (Nar Shaddaa and Tatooine) and the missing rewards.


    I feel goood :) but I'm worried about my guildies who don't have it yet.


    If you submit a ticket, don't do it as a bug, since those are not forwarded to customer service.


    I have tomorrow off; if I don't see a dev update on this by midday I might have to create a ticket for last week's conquest rewards and immediately call the customer service phone number to get that ticket dealt with.


    In my experience response times to ingame tickets have been really spotty, but the phone line is always really helpful. :)

  16. I was off since the dread masters release, now with the discipline system; by my surprise, im unable to adapt and gave up on immortal [sadly since i love tanking on jugg].


    The odd stuff appeared when i started farming tatical flashpoints, as dps, and ending turning soresu on and guarding someone. Then the spark hit my mind: Why not ?


    Note here that im not talking about "skank tank" or idk how you guys call it. Im talking about fully geared as tank, with soresu, shield and everything else as VENGEANCE.


    Feel free to bash me now :rolleyes:


    I've actually done this in HM FPs before when the tank either DC'd or quit. It's doable, but less than optimal. I haven't tried it in operations.


    I would definitely let the healer know. If you know what you are doing and use DCDs properly, it shouldn't be a big issue for 4 mans. If the tank already left, most healers are fine with it as they just want to finish rather than wait for a full Immortal tank; if you queue this way you will probably find more objections.


    As I haven't tried it for operations, I cannot recommend it. I do occasionally heal operations, and I generally want the tanks to have as much mitigation as possible (including from the tanking tree) so I have more GCD room to deal with the inevitable DPS standing in bad. If you have a regular ops group you ran with, that might be less an issue, at least for SM.

  17. Hello,


    For years, I avoided the cartel market because most of its armor sets were hood up, and there was no hood down toggle. I purchased the Valiant Jedi and Sanctified Caretaker sets only because they were hood down by default.


    This is not a complaint, only a prelude to a suggestion.


    The release of Strongholds finally got me more interested in the Cartel market, and when the Exterminator's set went on sale last week, I bought it and unlocked it for my toons. The search for a force hood down headpiece began.


    I found one, on Republic side: Elder Paragon's Headgear. In fact, I found several similar options. My darker Jedi characters now look officially ******. However, when I went to procure multiple copies off GTN and distribute them to waiting Imperial characters, I found that unobtrusive visors suddenly became ugly-as-hell, full face covering, opaque helmets. Seriously, ***.


    On Imperial side the closest I've been able to find that actually looks decent (no, I'm not looking for a neck brace) is the Freedon Nadd helmet, but even that hides the hair. Most of the visors and such available to Imps don't force hood down, and those that could magically turn into full opaque helmets when mailed from pub alts who previewed the same item as a standard visor. The existence of the Republic variants prove that hood down technology exists in game.


    Give Imps more options to use it please. Will buy.

  18. I look at it like this: E-net is stunbreak bait, at least if you're using offensively (such as on a healer) instead of defensively (like a self peel). So, if they break, you would have your hardstun ready.


    Moreover, electronet is the one move in the game that can force a sorc to use both stunbreaks (unbreakable will, then barrier) on the same move.


    If you can't imagine how forcing an enemy to blow his breaker at a critical moment, while still having your stun up, is not a significant tactical advantage, you are bad.


    Of course, on the receiving end, my "counterplay" is on surviving e-net for long enough without breaking it. If you e-net me while standing near other ranged (or even melee, but why would you be that close to me to begin with?) dps, you might have a grenade coming your way. :p Otherwise I'll knockback or CC what I can (and I do have bubblestun), pop an adrenal, try to move as little as possible, and I can generally survive long enough for the e-net to wear off.


    None of this is whining or QQ. I'm just pointing out that rather than whining about electronet being trinketed, the OP should turn around and use the knowledge that "such and such burned their trinket" to their advantage. If you're in a premade on voice chat, that becomes even easier.

  19. It'd be nice if you could use heroic moment without your companion, but only when you're solo. It'd completely wreck balance in groups.


    Not all of us want comps out all the time when we're running our class stories. On some of my newer toons I haven't even bothered to unlock HK or Treek, which leaves me with a lot of time when I'm literally running solo because all my comps are running crafting missions.

  20. I take notice that when this bug was first reported, there were 4 remaining business days that overlapped with the conquest week.


    Now there are two, and we haven't heard anything since "we're aware of it and will run a script." Sidenote: if it's the same as the nexu script, that doesn't exactly inspire confidence. And we're still in the dark as to when the script might be run; it might just be soon™.


    50% of the available time to resolve this issue (before it potentially affects another conquest week) has elapsed with no follow-up.

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