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Posts posted by AdrianDmitruk

  1. Yes, please.


    I'd love to create Jedi with Bounty Hunter or Sith tattoos.


    Ditto for Troopers with Bounty Hunter tattoos.


    Or perhaps more accurately since I'm near the server character limit, plunk down some CCs to further customize the characters I already have.


    I've quietly yearned for this for a long time...

  2. In the past, whenever we have requested legacy ignore to deal with spammers and assorted trolls (but let's be honest here, mostly the spammers that Bioware only seems to do anything about once every four months), Bioware has claimed that we cannot have legacy ignore because their lawyers are afraid it would violate the privacy of the ignorees.


    Now, Bioware has undercut our privacy by displaying our legacy names to our entire guilds, and no we can't turn it off. I am then left to assume that the legal "privacy" issues that have thus far prevented other important legacy-based social features have then been surmounted.


    Note also that legacy ignore can mean one of two things:


    1) Ignoring a single character across YOUR entire legacy;

    2) Ignoring EVERY character FROM a particular legacy.


    I have always felt that the "privacy" concerns expressed by Bioware's lawyers could logically only pertain to the broader second option, and did not preclude the first. Because let's be honest, there are few things more annoying than ignoring a gold spammer only to still find mail from that spammer when you log on to the next ten characters. Ditto for fleet chat spammers and logging onto fleet.


    But hell, if Bioware's lawyers have decided that privacy is no longer a thing, we might even be able to get away with the nuclear second option.


    If Bioware is going to take away our character anonymity, the least they could do is let ignore mean ignore across all of our characters in turn.

  3. Hey folks,


    I wanted to let all of you know that we are looking into the emails. For starters, here are a few things you should look for. As always, make sure to check all of your email folders, including spam, promotions, etc. The subject line of the email is either "A Familiar Face Joins Your Team - Play Chapter 10 Now!" or "Chapter 10 and Firebrand are here - Play Now!". I know of some users who deleted the email thinking it was just our normal newsletter, but your codes were contained in those emails.


    Now, with all of that being said, I am looking into a few things:

    • Was the email sent to everyone who qualified.
    • Were there any errors during sending, that caused some people to be missed.
    • Did any other issues occur during the process which caused some people to be missed.


    I have been going through this thread to verify that users were properly identified. As an example, Mutiny, the OP of this thread. I can see that you qualified for the email, and are on the list of people who received emails. So now I am checking on our side to ensure that users like you were in fact properly sent their email.


    I will let you know what I find out!




    Thanks for the update Eric. I had been signed up for and receiving promotional e-mails for a very long time so when I heard there were cartel coin codes going out for that and I didn't get one, I started paying closer attention and wondering where in the galaxy the codes were.


    After your post I found the code languishing in spam. Knowing the exact subject line to look for helped quite a bit. I believe that's the first time that I've ever had SWTOR e-mail go to spam so that was a bit of a surprise. This is the first time I've ever experienced that kind of diversion with SWTOR e-mails. I suspect it might be because the origin of the e-mail bearing the codes is different than the e-mail normally sent by the SWTOR system.


    Most of my SWTOR e-mail, like promotion ads, monthly cartel coin notices, customer service support droid tickets, etc. comes from <no-reply@bioware.swtor.com> but the filtered e-mail (bearing the code we're all interested in) came from <swtor@email.swtor.com>.


    In my experience most of these kinds of things come from a no-reply email as no-reply implies an automated response to something the customer either initiated or permitted. (Not to mention spammers want you to reply haha.) I could see why a spam filter would think that the more generic email.swtor.com was a spoof or somesuch.

  4. I finally ended up getting a new computer with SSD because of this and post-4.0 framerate issues in warzones.


    My old computer was a gaming laptop that I bought just before Windows 8 was foisted upon the world, so a bit after the game launched I believe. I recognized that loading screens were a potential problem for people who had computers that were a year or three old at launch, but the 4.0 performance nerfs (and they happened suddenly right at 4.0 launch, like flipping a light switch) made me susceptible to these issues as well.


    MMOs really shouldn't require upgrading to a new $1900 laptop (ok, a desktop with comparable specs would've been about half that price but I must travel from time to time) when the upgrade is from a similarly situated computer that was purchased after the launch of the game. I think that speaks to the general abortion of an engine this game is saddled with and how terribly performance issues have been neglected by the developers.


    No other game that I have has ever imposed such a requirement years after its launch. If I had to upgrade in the past it was because I was purchasing new games and they ran slowly.


    They didn't even PTS 4.0 for crying out loud. If they had, they would have known it was gonna cause problems.

  5. Ok... I guess I want to respond to this analysis with two points.


    1) For the CSM to "work as intended" it has to be an actual credit sink. Players shouldn't be blase about throwing money at it until they have unlocked all the stuff... or, more succinctly, only High Rollers Need Apply. The pay-outs of real slot machines are probably not far out of line with what I suggested (makes you want to rethink that Vegas trip). Depending where the One-armed Bandit holds you up, payouts are anywhere from a "generous" 98% and a rather stingy 82%. Let's say SWTOR should be more generous than, say, The Bellagio and call it 95% -when a player brings 1 million creds worth of chips to the table, they should expect to walk away with about 950,000 creds worth of winnings -or, alternatively, just throw away 50K.


    2) A problem, both player-side, and dev side, is that there's a limited amount of stuff, and it doesn't take much money to get all the stuff. Expanding the prize pool is part of the solution, and another part of it is throttling the speed at which players can win the stuff... to my mind, the "fairest" throttle is a prohibitive ticket price.


    ...in any case, I'm not too interested in pursuing this. This guy has an eye on what matters.


    Right now I don't even think the CSM is at 82% payout. I'm not even sure it's 50% payout, though I stopped using it after playing only one stack of tokens post nerf because it was patently obvious that it was now useless, and I'd already maxed my rep before the nerf.


    Obviously before the nerf it was >100% payout and I was not at all surprised when they nerfed it. However I think most of us expected the payout to vaguely resemble the payouts of actual slot machines--which need to pay out small prizes often enough to keep you playing the machine, which that 82-98% payout range does. There is no way that the present CSM keeps anyone wanting to play the machine because it hardly ever pays out anything.

  6. I've never been able to use my abilities when my UI is down. I've tried it under controlled circumstances such as open world questing before and I can't do anything other than WASD type movement.


    Earlier today I was loading into a Novare, the spacebar through the long-*** cutscene didn't seem to be working at all, and then when I FINALLY managed to get through that I found that the only part of my UI that displayed was the mini-map and abilities weren't firing at all. Resetting UI simply loaded the minimap only again. I had to restart the entire client.


    Most of this buggy **** started with 4.0. While I've never been able to fight without having my UI up, before 4.0 it would at least load properly and consistently, and general performance FPS-wise was much more consistent. PTS would have been very nice as a venue to troubleshoot what was causing all this, but now that it's made it to live, EAware won't care.

  7. We all know how buggy and laggy this game can be. Occasionally it can cause the UI to fail, and gg trying to get it back.


    I just had a brand new warzone crash to desktop trying to recover my UI when it went out :/


    I've noticed that when my UI crashes I can move but my keybinds don't do anything (so I can't use cooldowns or attacks or anything to extricate myself). Is there a setting buried somewhere under preferences that allows you to play from keybinds only while you wait for an opportune time to load your UI back up?

  8. This doesn't come as a surprise to anyone does it? If you're running a business selling shirts and find the red shirts are selling your going to find ways to improve and make more red shirts. Meanwhile if your green shirts are sitting on the self you'd have to be a really crappy business person to make more green shirts.....LOL


    Funny thing is I can't even begin to count the number of people I've seen post raging about how operations have been ignored then go on to talk about how they have 32 alts they completed the class and core world stories with ..... LOL ...what do you expect Bioware to make more of when you spent the last 3000 hours soloing the story content....hehe.


    More like if a business made red shirts and green shirts, and then left the green shirts outside to get rained on/snowed on/whatever else nature can throw at 'em, and then wondered why only the red shirts sold so they made more red shirts...


    ...Well of course the red shirts are going to be the only shirts selling if they are the only shirts that have halfway decent quality!

  9. I wonder if they ever crosstab their metrics to measure game performance (FPS etc.) when players are running certain types of content.


    I used to be an avid PVPer. When KotFE was announced, I PVPed less to prepare my legion of alts for the expansion. I intended to return to PVP after I did the 4.0 story.


    However, warzones are far more difficult and frustrating when they are 5 fps compared to 40 fps pre-4.0. This is even after I killed my graphics settings and turned off certain graphics effects like shadows completely (my graphics were almost maximum pre-4.0 but now they're almost lowest settings). So I play warzones a lot less than I used to because 4.0 killed their performance. Now I find 8m ops to offer a better framerate (16m still a slideshow as I found out during xeno) so I run them more.


    So my contribution to Bioware's metrics will say moar ops, less PVP pls, even though I very much want to see PVP development, simply because the xpac dropped game performance in warzones so far that I feel I must avoid them.

  10. There is talk of server consolidation. This game launched with too many servers and then had to do multiple rounds of server mergers. The game is now more or less in maintenance mode, and Bioware has enough issues with having to triage content creation due to limited budget as it is. There's no way Bioware's going to open new servers, let alone go through the expense of translating the game into a language that was not supported at launch.
  11. Hell, even if it worked like a stim it would still be better. A stim doesn't care if you leave the instance, leave the group, or DC. And it would be clear that it was a temporary item before the mats and/or credits were spent.


    I can understand why such a buff item is neither permanent nor reusable (otherwise the cost to craft would have to be on the order of five of each FRAMEWORK, not encryption, to balance it) but IMO treating it like a stim offers the best balance of duration, reusability, cost, and susceptibility to glitches/other factors outside of the player's control not wasting the item.

  12. A definite step in the right direction.


    Just add cartel certificates and it'll be a great deal.


    +1 it seems cartel certs are the only thing really missing from the packs now.


    Reputation would be nice as well but I understand that we're halfway through a shipment so now is not the best time to put reputation in packs (previous packs within the same shipment would not have it). Better now to add reputation items to the beginning of the next shipment.

  13. I dont say i agree with the way BW did it but, saying they take away content is lol. Examples:


    Hey during operator i got this super speed, but now they took it away because a killed him.

    Hey during class quest i got this cool Voss pet/follower, but now they took it away because i finished the mission.

    Hey during Star Fortress Heroic i got this cool buffs, but now they took it away because i finished the mission.

    Hey during some KoTFE fight i had these super cool abilities, but now they took it away because a finished the fight.


    See the pattern here. It is no different. Even if they planed this form the beginning which we DONT know, they ive you chance to get him back. It is up to you if you want to get him back or not.


    From launch until 4.0, companions could not die. You couldn't even kill off the ones who literally betrayed you. They were yours and you couldn't get rid of them even if you wanted to.


    Comparing something with that history of permanence to 1) temporary buffs in an operation, 2) temporary pets that you escort for a single quest, 3) a temporary flashpoint buff, and 4) what super cool abilities? (because I don't remember anything other than the radiation shields/power siphoners in SFs, or certain Valkorian convo options that are exactly that), respectively, is a bit of a stretch.


    We got to use HK-55 as a companion with very little indication that he was a temporary one, after we had gotten used to companions being (more or less) permanent. Yes, Marr did hint otherwise, but for all of Bioware's "choices matter now!" marketing, there was no choice we could make that actually affected the outcome of the HK fight. HK dies no matter which option you select.


    That on its own is fine. Bioware can write the storyline however they wish. I was sad that there was nothing I could do for HK (on a second playthrough on an alt I hit escape and tried all the options) but I accepted it.


    However in light of this new announcement I must assume that they planned it that way, that they could remove the companion that had been in the basic expansion storyline, only to hide it behind an elongated paywall (sub continuously for almost a full year when there is very little in the way of new content) later.

  14. HK-55 was given to all subs as part of the original KotFE, for all of a few hours of story content before getting killed off. So HK was taken away.


    Now this huge, bring-back-the-authors announcement turns out to be little more than "sub continuously for almost the next year, while we have no new content, and you'll get to reassemble him, oh, and we're delaying the release of chapter 10 by a month."


    So the OP, which asserts that we had content taken away only to have to pay to get it back, is true, from a certain point of view. ;)


    Given how much they hyped this announcement, and how long they want us to maintain the sub for to get the rewards, I personally feel a subscriber rewards program along the lines of other MMOs, LotRO being one I've played, would have been more appropriate for the hype. Paying to get something back that was already killed off in the story just feels cheap.

  15. Bioware doesn't give a fck about making it easier to mitigate gold spammers.


    During the Seattle Community Cantina in 2014, I presented this idea (along with some related ones, like combining ignore and report spam into a single action) to the devs who were present. They were so woefully ignorant of their own game that they didn't even know this had not yet been implemented. But hey, in KotFE, you can be THE OUTLANDER! :rolleyes:


    If they haven't had the pride in their MMO to improve the chat function therein in four years, they're sure as hell not going to get off their duffs and do it now.

  16. Did he use Force Push during those six seconds? That resets the cooldown on leap. It's the one thing I can think of that your post does not account for (but I might be missing a passive somewhere in Immortal or Rage specs).


    Also Rage juggs get a short range (less than 10m) leap called Obliterate that is on a separate cooldown, now that I think about it.

  17. well I said its not working at all, Rage spec, put my point into unstoppable and it dosnt work in the least, I can be force choked, slowed, rooted, pushed, stunned, feared right after force charge, every single time.


    Of these, it won't work for Force Choke (or other hard stuns), nor fear/mez. IIRC it gives immunity to movement impairment (i.e. slows/roots) but not physics (i.e. Force push) but that might be backwards.


    If you're taking the utility point expecting immunity to everything, you are doing it wrong and need to read the tooltip very, very closely. If, after reading the tooltip very very closely and verifying that the CC you are experiencing should have been covered (and also keep in mind Unstoppable has a very short duration, and skilled players will wait for it to end and then CC you), then and only then should you /bug it.


    A lot of us went through similar experiences when Unstoppable was removed from Vengeance and reintroduced as a utility tax. There's a lot of fine print in the tooltips as to what is covered by Unstoppable, and what is covered by the passive that is still in the Vengeance discipline.


    Read the fine print.

  18. Details?


    Your description of the problem is very lacking. Unstoppable doesn't cover everything; you need to combine it with the Brawn passive in Vengeance to get the full immunity that Vengeance used to have before Unstoppable became a utility point.


    I haven't noticed any issues, and one of my main characters is a Vengeance jugg with Unstoppable.


    Without details on why you believe it's broken, it is quite difficult to help you.

  19. They don't give a fck.


    I filed tickets and bug reports concerning my own missing Makeb Gazebo. I called CS about it a few days later and they said they'd "escalate" the ticket to get it fixed. Well a couple of days later and no ticket response (now what have we learned about Bioware ticket response times?) so I went and bought one off the GTN. Even though I shouldn't have had to buy something I had already earned, the 150k credits I paid was far less a waste than the time and RL phone bills that it would have taken to press the issue onto EAware.


    Not surprised that the GTN workaround has been closed.


    A couple of days before the companion nerf was patched in, I finally received a response that was almost identical to yours, telling me to use the /bug command ingame. However the message that I received was a bit more condescending as it said "Those who were eligible to receive this decoration have since received it (emphasis mine)- if you believe you were eligible but have still not received it, please report it directly to our developers using the /bug command in-game." If I had received what I was eligible for there would have been no need for me to file the ticket, let alone follow-up call CS, in the first place. Well /bug won't actually give me that which I had earned so fck it.


    It was really and truly a great idea for Bioware to tie rewards to removed achievements, so that people who did not get the reward they should have received no longer had the achievement to point to in saying they had earned the reward they didn't receive! They should have archived the achievement at least long enough for these kinds of issues to shake out. Did EAware learn nothing from the Gladiatorial Nexu script giving nexu to practically anyone who had done ranked that season EXCEPT the people who had earned the rating for it? LOLOLOLOL.

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