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Posts posted by AdrianDmitruk

  1. In previous expansions you could craft armor/mods/enhancements equal to the basic tier of gear without raiding. Basic last xpac was 186; you could learn 186 schematics and craft them without requiring raid mats. But if you wanted to craft higher, you had to raid. Which was, more or less, as it should have been, at least for PVE. (Since PVP gear never topped out equivalent to even the most basic PVE level cap gear, only 174 last patch cycle, they're the ones who really got the shaft in 3.X.)


    Now the basic tier is 208. You can't craft 208 mods. Even if you try to RE mods from 208 gear you buy with basic comms, i.e. you're doing content to get those comms, there is no schematic at that tier to RE. (I've tried.) You have to go the tier above, and RE from the glowing crystal tier, 216 I think? But that requires operations mats.


    Ironically enough, the PVPers who were screwed during the last patch cycle can now get 208 gear from PVP, and they can min-max it too because of the availability of unlettered mods (assuming that hasn't changed, tonight will be first night I PVP since the patch). So PVPers are now, roughly speaking, where they should be in terms of gear, where the best available PVP gear is entry level for PVE but not so far below that PVPers automatically undergear even storymode content. But it seems like each patch cycle someone gets the shaft. This patch cycle it's casual PVErs who want some customization to their gear (i.e. modding it), and that is a much larger population to drive from the game than either PVPers or raiders.


    It also means that the PVPers are going to have to deal with PVE casuals who are simply trying to get decent mods for their 208 PVE gear, because the PVE comms vendors are so terrible while PVP comms vendors will sell you the mods you need directly.

  2. It's the weekend lol, they will not respond to this at all.


    They had half a week to give a response on a weekday. Apparently no one working at the Bioware office ever did the Makeb achievements, so there was no one working there to personally notice that we didn't get our gazebos, because there's been no response.


    If you want a bug addressed a dev probably has to stumble upon it while playing the game during his off hours for it to get tested and fixed at the office later LOL.

  3. Hey folks,


    For the question at hand about why equipment was removed from various vendors, this is due primarily to stat changes. With the release of Fallen Empire, we essentially made that gear obsolete due to the new stat configurations and formulas. This meant the best option was to remove those items. Obviously, this raises the main concern of the support call which is the appearances of those armor sets.


    The dev team informs us that virtually all of the core armor appearances previously on those vendors can still be located throughout the game. (emphasis added) The majority of the old armor sets can be found via Crafting rewards, Missions, and Heroic Mission rewards. Now, there may be some variants of these core armor sets which are no longer available, but we’ll adjust that over time and slowly re-add pieces. If there are specific armor sets that can no longer be found, send the information to the Community Team and we’ll pass it along.


    Taking a bite out of the people who can help with getting you back into the game, helping you restore missing items or characters, and addressing any billing issues, really isn’t a good use of your time, or theirs. As a general note, if you guys have feedback or questions about design decisions or development philosophy, come to the forums and raise it here. Going to Customer Support is not the correct place for that (and we will ask CS agents to direct you appropriately).


    Thank you all for your understanding and hope that clears up any confusion on the issue.




    Eric, I'll put it like this: I'm going into a field where if something is not documented, legally it did not happen.


    I imagine EA lawyers keep a tight leash on you, so you of all people should understand that general concept.


    Now I wasn't personally affected or even butthurt by these changes, but I did see this on the dev tracker, and the fact of the matter is that Bioware repeats the same mistake you made with 2.0: removing gear that players liked to mod for appearance even if its "stats" were "obsolete." Now, this is even worse because we don't even have to mod the "obsolete" gear anymore; we have appearance tabs. And waving your hands around and saying these missing armor sets and weapons can still be found in the game just won't cut it.


    Document where the removed armor/weapon shells can be found, or they cannot be found. Because if you don't document something, it legally didn't happen. Your customers deserve that.


    You really should have compiled this kind of list to direct confused customers to what they sought before creating this kind of confusion, but I do believe some of the anger around here might be sated if you showed Bioware cared enough to do such a compilation now.

  4. I did Well Connected and no gazebo. Eric used "and/or" in the post instead of "and" so doing it on one faction should have been enough (yes I know I shouldn't ever rely on e-lawyering Bioware but I hate doing dailies so I only did one faction as the plain meaning of and/or indicated).
  5. I have to admit this whole idea of raising hook limits is a bit of a double edged sword. For instance Tat...has too many hooks now. 900 is excessive. Totally excessive. 800-825 would have probably been the magic number in my mind. Probably more like 800. Nar Shadaa I thought had the complete right amount of hooks. Yavin to me has far far too many. Guild ship I'm not sure of to be fair, but at the same time I would assume that a tiny increase is probably ok, but a major hook increase ends up being just as limiting as the lower hook count.


    I think we should petition nor really for more hooks, but hooks in more realistic places, and not just all over the place like I find myself thinking Yavin is like.


    Well too be fair the reason why Yavin seems like it has "too many" hooks is because it does not have enough usable hooks in places where it should have them (the entrance and the cave, for example, and it needs more hooks at the exit to the cave as well). Because you can only sparsely decorate areas that have few or no hooks, you have to make up the deficit elsewhere, which makes it seem like the stronghold as a whole has "too many" hooks.

  6. Hopefully Bioware will get a new shipment of hamsters in by the time I get off work today. :D


    I was gonna play for about 45 minutes before work, but I had the suspiciously long loading screen, happened to F5 the forum as it started to take a really long time, and saw this thread that says I was unlikely to be able to load the game at all this morning.

  7. So I love how suddenly Revenge of the Revanites pops up AFTER smaller guilds are perma-nuked out of conquest competition with the "we want to encourage more conquest and yet we're going to make an entire genre of conquest activity only once-per-legacy" logic. :rolleyes:


    Shouldn't that event have been run again before 4.0? It's not like people could have predicted back in January that the event would not appear again for almost another year, let alone that the rules of conquest would be drastically different and favor megaguilds that much more. We don't get visions from the Force (which is about what it would take for players to have predicted this the last time Revenge of the Revantes was active) IRL.

  8. They said in one of the streams that the 192 legacy gear will no longer be bound to companions--meaning if you still have 55 alts around that you haven't bothered to get to 60 yet, that legacy gear will be useful for those alts.


    I'd hang on to it, assuming you have the space

  9. Someone tell me I am wrong here...


    when 4.0 hits I can "purchase" a free level 60 toon, have max crafting instantly, do some conquest dailies, and craft myself some BiS armor (minus set bonuses) without ever doing anything remotely challenging?


    Well, at least when 4.0 drops, I'll be able to instantly change some of my surplus cybertechs to insta 500 armormechs/armstechs, and some of my newly redundant artificers to insta 500 synthweavers, by deleting toons I haven't bothered leveling quite up to 60 and immediately replacing them with the insta 60s.


    What an immersion breaking farce but so much stuff is getting moved around that did not need to be.


    I'm OK with most of the other changes (thank the Force I won't have to reload/rezone anymore to get the rich crafting missions anymore!). Having MK-9s and MK-10s crammed down to MK-8s is inviting mayhem with bugs not converting the stuff correctly, but if those kinds of bugs are squashed before 4.0 goes live (OK who are we kidding here?) I don't really have a problem either.


    The reusables were mostly obsolete anyways. Lowbie stims going for 8 hours is welcome and might make them worth crafting--can they please also persist through death so they are useful in lowbie PVP? Losing the crafting schematic for the green grenades, however, sucks...it's the basic effect of the grenade that we want, not the extra couple percent damage for twice the mat cost of the blue ones.

  10. Does removing expertise mean I can come into your raid with my BiS PVP gear? No?


    That's what I thought. Expertise is there so PVPers can get BiS through PVP. If expertise is removed, PVPers would have to grind HM PVE operations to get BiS gear. Unless you want gear obtained through PVP to be equal to gear obtained in PVE...but then people will simply grind PVP gear (as it is much easier to get set bonus and properly itemized) and faceroll PVE.


    There was a time early in the game's history, before bolster, where PVP gear was almost the equal to then-current operations gear, but so much better than HM FP/older SM ops gear that people got their starter set of raid gear by PVPing instead of PVEing.

  11. The reaction to level scaling, good and bad has surprised me. I thought everyone would be used to it because that's how warzones and tactical flashpoints work. I thought all the drama was going to come from the core changes to crafting but no one seems to care not even the people who craft for profit. Completely blindsided on this one.


    I think the crafters already expended their energy when the crafting for conquests nerf was announced.


    As someone from a really small guild, I know I did. Our guild only did the millions and millions of conquest points from crafting a couple times, first time we got outcrafted and second time we did it again to place first. After that, it was pretty much crafting for personal goals on alts while PVPing on our mains, which combined allowed us to compete for top 10 even if we weren't abusing for millions of points (typical week we'd have around 300k from crafting). Would've been nice if Bioware had left crafting as a way to reach personal goal while nerfing the ability to get 700k points per toon across all your alts, which pretty much everyone agreed was ridiculous.


    I watched the stream with a careful eye on crafting changes, felt relief that we wouldn't have to grind worthless crap just to level a new tier of crafting skill, and relief that we won't have to constantly relog or rezone toons to get the rich missions anymore. The jury is still out on the mats and patterns changes. Even though I craft for profit, I'm not terribly worried about crafting viability except for Bioware effectively removing it from conquests (which leaves PVP and/or alt exploiting ops lockouts a la Ravagers as the only option for repeatable points).


    tl;dr Crafters are quiet because crafters have already done their complaining

  12. That's assuming that those npc's aren't going to be sync'd as well, I've yet to see or hear about any info saying that NPC's for pvp related content is going to stay at level cap. If so I doubt it'll stay that way or at the very least they'll take that part out of the conquest requirements.


    It's not the conquest "requirements" I'm concerned about. With other changes to conquests, the commanders are going to be one of the very last sources of flagship expansion materials available to smaller guilds that do not have the sheer numbers (or desire to PVP) that will be necessary to place in the top 10.


    I doubt Bioware would deliberately make commanders impossible to kill, but given their history of messing up huge sweeping changes, overnerfing, implementing less-than-well-thought-out stuff like the contraband slot machine, etc., I am very concerned that they might make base guards/commanders impossible to kill by omission, i.e. failing to downscale them along with the players.


    And if they do make that omission, we'll be waiting a year or so for a fix. "Oh, it's only OWPVP, nobody ever does that, so there's no need for a fix!"

  13. My big concern with level sync is that it'll make it impossible to kill commanders for planetary conquests (or, for that matter, base guards for OWPVP).


    Say I, having played to 65, go to Hoth. I'll be level synced down to level 40 or so. Whatever. I get an ops group of my guildies to kill the opposite faction's planetary commander for the encryption/framework drop. But the commander and his surrounding guards are still 60, or 65 if they get adjusted to the new cap.


    I'm "level synced" 25 levels below what I'm trying to kill, even though I should be the same level. So level sync is going to take away the ability to hit something that I should be able to hit, unless base defenses are also taking level sync into account. And no one asked that question on the stream, either.

  14. What else am I going to do while I spend 2 minutes waiting for the match to end after getting global'ed at the beginning of the match?




    Oh this is particularly fun when my teammates get globaled simultaneously, despite me popping an AOE taunt after popping out of steath, and I then have to stealth out as I'm the only person alive.


    Oh, the hate...not just from the other team (which is understandable) but from my own team. And inevitably the player on my team calling me a ******* and such has zeroes across the board.


    I haven't successfully pulled off that 1v4 quite yet, but the other night I came within a single acid tick of doing it despite the vitriol coming from my own team. And I have won 2v4s when I'm on a stealther, with another stealther whom I have set on focus target to acquire their target, and the two of us are carrying 2 instagibbed bads.


    (Note: this refers to when arenas pop in reg queue, I hardly ever do ranked and I've never done it on shadows/sins)

  15. 4 rewards out of the 6 I was expecting.


    Good percentage for baseball. bad percentage for customer service. (Ticket will be submitted tomorrow morning to give some extra grace period room in the event that my toons were split into separate batches.


    I'm in a similar situation--7 of 9 expected rewards received.


    Unfortunately, this week is the start of practical skills demos for my nursing assistant program, and clinicals start really soon, so I don't have time to go pursuing this through the ticket system and dealing with this over the phone. The 7 characters that did receive the rewards received 1 of each encryption instead of having to pick 1 of 3 (as they would normally when the reward pops up), which was nice due to the long wait. But, as they say, time is money, and so I'll just eat the attrition on the other two characters. I certainly don't have time to go digging through guild records (if that's even tracked and available to the player) to prove that each of my nine characters in the Republic side guild earned conquest rewards from a month ago to support a ticket claim.


    I logged on after getting home, around 2230 PST. Left this morning around 0645. If that gives you any idea of why I don't have time to deal with CS about this right now.


    Just putting this out there so Musco can let us know when the scripts are actually finished. He said we'd be getting rewards throughout the day but didn't put a time on the finish.

  16. Actually you probably don't want Bioware to give a care about PVP. If they do care, they will mess it up in a seemingly well-intentioned effort to fix it. So we don't want them to mess it up further. We want to encourage "salutary neglect," or neglect that is to our own benefit.


    An example of Bioware intending to care about PVP but only messing it up further was the 2.4 patch. Bioware's metrics showed that 8v8 ranked was not used very much, so they wanted to increase participation in ranked. But rather than add arenas to the PVP options that were already there, they removed the option to 8v8 ranked, believing that it would be easier to form groups of four.


    Of course, even though Bioware intended to "fix" PVP, the new format simply amplified class balance issues. Classes that were useful in 8v8 became useless almost overnight (snipers, I'm looking at you) because the arena format penalizes classes that don't have direct focus breaks harshly. And so now we have a ranked population that gets even smaller with each passing season, there is no longer an option for people who prefer objectives in their ranked, and we have PVP populations migrating to PVE servers in a desperate search for pops.


    It's sad that we have to discourage Bioware from caring about PVP, lest they decide to "care" by unwittingly making it even worse.

  17. ^^And the really sad thing? KotFE looks to address a pretty big chunk of what you just said, especially regarding leveling, flashpoint flexibility, and having content ready to be meted out over time. Admittedly at this point they can't do much about the OWPVP. But because of Bioware's propensity for gag orders (i.e. bad community management), they sat on the KotFE info for too long, so when they announced they were going to break something (like conquests!), they are left with no time to absorb and react to feedback whatsoever.


    More than likely the gutting of conquests is set in stone now as they can't revert or modify this close to release. But by not giving us adequate notice of the changes, they tied their own hands when they left no time for feedback and being able to react to it. Oh, and we still know nothing about crafting in KotFE, other than that it'll be useless for conquests. And the result is going to be yet another part of the game falling into disuse.


    That's probably why they're so silent in here. They know they screwed up, but they don't have a way to correct the mistake (because they didn't allow themselves enough time to do that. They sat on their plans for too long and now they're stuck with them). Since they can't correct it, they're hoping it'll blow over.

  18. In regards to the devs, the management, or the posters in the thread?


    In regards to myself, I started my first business more than 20 years ago, I've employed hundreds of people over the years, I've also fired plenty of people who couldn't hack it, were unprofessional, or simply were not worth what they cost to me.


    I pay well and expect the best. If you can't bring that, go work somewhere else. I have little tolerance for the suffering of fools.


    The devs and/or their management. (Bioware is so opaque that it's difficult to be precise here.) Otherwise I wouldn't have bothered trying to predict their surprise when they stumble upon their failure 18 months from now... ;)

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