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Everything posted by CaptMurphy

  1. I support this. Reason being: Back when this thread was made, dye packs were a hit and probably a nice source of income on the cartel market. Implementing this back then really didn't make much sense considering the RL money they were getting from dyes with steady releases of several dyes at a time. Based on the fact that only 1 dye is now available within each of the new cartel packs, it seems like dyes are now an afterthought compared to stronghold items. If the developers aren't really into making new dyes anymore, or at least nowhere near what we were getting, then why not just let us buy the ability to pick whatever shade we want our armor's to be via cartel coins?
  2. Like I've stated a couple of times now - They haven't changed the price mid shipment prior to this point. It's simply my opinion on the matter. Nothing more, nothing less. Bravo? Who is this information crusade intended for? Most of the people on this thread have stated reasons for buying, or not buying the pack/hypercrate, thus impacting Bioware's decision on the price adjustment. I never said they were a shady company; I said it was a bit of a shady move. If I believed Bioware was a shady company, trust me, I wouldn't even have the game.
  3. Because they set the standard of keeping the price constant with the other shipments, perhaps? I never said they were hiding anything, nor was I stating the prices haven't fluctuated. And thanks for pointing out the obvious with identifying the price and making the informed decision on whether to, or not to purchase it
  4. This is the first time that I can recall a cartel coin price hike in the middle of a shipment. If you want to adjust the price, fine, do it when you come out with the next shipment. Bit of a shady move here.
  5. According the Q&A from the NY cantina tour, we're not getting new companions in 3.0. Kinda a bummer because I honestly thought that at least one of the three characters we've been working with throughout the Forged Alliances story line would have joined our crews. I know the developers can't go into details for the sake of spoiling what's coming, but why is this the case? Oh well, here's to hoping for eventually getting a force using companion for my agent.
  6. Now that you mentioned it, I always thought it was a compromise between brotha Jace and Satele. Although, Thē-ron does have a nice ring to it.
  7. I have a feeling (just a gut feeling) these class story missions may have something to do with the emails our characters received after finishing the FA story line. If so, the teasers for what each class can expect is already out there
  8. If we're only discussing Crit and Power: The only crit stat you should be concerned with is 'Critical Chance'. Get it to 25% (whether it be by gear or skill tree) and then stack as much power as you can.
  9. Yes, both factions have story lines on Taris, but they are separate instances and there is no interaction between them. This is why Pub side Taris is set during the day and Imp side Taris is set at night.
  10. I'm sorry, am reading this right? A thread dedicated to boasting about beating teams in lowbies? Oh, and in other news, little Tommy "Rifle Arm" Johnson won the blue ribbon in the softball throwing event at yesterday's school Olympics.
  11. Part of me hopes that at the end of the Forged Alliances story line you're given a choice on taking either Lana, Theron, or Jakarro as a companion. Bioware is big on choices. It would be sweet to be put into a position for that choice since we have a bit of an attachment to them, whether is by taking your pick at the end - or - by putting you in a situation where only one of them can be saved. This way you can have access to all three, depending on what your main or alts choose.
  12. /signed Isn't this one of the reasons why there are officers in guilds?
  13. *Upon realizing you're the 8th member of another guild's super queue in a WZ* "Sorry, I'm dropping out because I don't believe this is fair."
  14. The entire accounting staff at EA disagrees with you
  15. I don't know if this idea was mentioned before, but how about putting usable slot machines in strongholds. OK, that part was most likely mentioned before BUT How about making them so that the owner of the stronghold can donate BOE items, or cash as prizes? How it could work: Depending on how expensive the prize is, the owner can set up minimum bets. For instance; lets say the owner buys a slot machine. This slot machine has a prize bank (low, medium and grand prize). The owner chooses what to donate and sets a minimum bet price (credits). It's on the owner to keep their slots full of prizes. If any prize is depleted, then the machine will not work. This eliminates the possibility of false advertisement and a greedy owner making money off of an empty prize bank. For the sake of this example, they put in a purple grade crafting material as the low prize, a 5,000 credit prize as the medium and a Rancor as the grand prize. Free spins would also be available. Each prize level will have set RNG odds of winning to make it easier for the owner to select the prizes and cost per spin. These decorations could be sold as a single slot machine, a bank of 4 together, or have it as an arrangement like the center kingpin area and have the grand prize the owner selected rotating on display like the Vectrons do in the Festival of Splendor Event. Long story short, the owner can make money off of something and it gives the people visiting your stronghold something to do (and maybe win)
  16. So developers, we've now reached 25 pages of some solid ideas. Can you let us know which ones we've mentioned have at least a chance of being implemented
  17. A few things: The giant missiles from the Balmorra arms factory. A 3d table top model of each warzone (not a hologram). Planetary cannons from The Civil War wz. Pretty much any statue outside of Organa castle on Alderaan. The stasis chambers the Dread Masters were kept in on Belsavis (With different kinds of captives inside for the sake of variety) The temple guards on Korriban that kneel when sith pass. Trooper guards that salute when other troopers/imperial agents pass
  18. Really? This link is posted under the 'New Galactic Living Twitch Series' on the front page of swtor.com. And guess what? Yesterday's episode is the first one available to watch.
  19. Or just group with them and dismiss your companions, perhaps? You can do that at this very moment and it takes a total of zero development time and resources. Yes, I get yours and everyone's point where that person also has to be online for this to happen. Look, I think you're on to something, but this sounds like more of a solo player idea, rather than a multiplayer (what this game is designed to be). This is why I think a legacy option is more plausible.
  20. I don't know. Maybe it's just me, but that completely goes against the second letter in 'MMO'. In fact, having them actually with you as opposed to a mindless NPC would improve the community more.
  21. I'm all about my family tree having a function other than helping me figure out how to spell the name of a new alt so I can send them starter gear and money. They could just be a basic NPC who doesn't add anything to conversations and gain no affection points. That would save on asking all the main character's respective voice actors to come back and add dialog. Friends on the other hand... no. I understand the fact that not everyone thinks this way, but people's characters are an extension of themselves. Some even go to great lengths to get them looking just right, myself included. I'll be damned if I'll allow someone to let my character trot around in a bikini on Hoth because they want her dressed that way.
  22. I understand why they keep the leveling parts of the planets locked in whatever day cycle it's in and if it came down to it, I would be in favor of purchasing a stronghold with a day/night function separately. Yes, I would have to decorate my place the same way twice to get the same feel and yes, that could get expensive. On the other hand, that's a great way for the game to make money as well because not everything can be crafted, found in drops, achieved, etc. Which means RL money can factor in. That being said, based on what we've seen in the latest livestream for Galactic Strongholds, the lighting system is limited to only a small area and wouldn't illuminate a room as much as it should. I'm not a game programmer, but I'm assuming they would have to adjust the bloom of these lights to make that a possibility. It would be really cool to have a place with a night theme, but only if the lighting system was able to handle it. Decorating with furniture is one thing, but light can make the same stronghold look completely different at night. However, if adjusting the bloom is the solution (again I have no idea if it is), then the people who are playing on computers that can't even handle a lightsaber/blaster bolt bloom are going to be out of luck. TL;DR - The opportunity to buy a day, or night themed stronghold would be nice, but the programming currently does not look like it's built to support a true night theme.
  23. It was mentioned in the latest livestream that guild mates will have the ability to decorate the guild stronghold. If that's the case, then what kinds of decorations are available? What I mean by that is say Lenny Lowbie, an elite interior decorator, just joined and offered their services to decorate an elite raiding guild's stronghold (bear with me here). Lenny clearly doesn't have the achievements and/or drops from any of his guild's accomplishments. So, since this is a stronghold tied to a guild, would there be a pool of decorations which every person in the guild can access (specifically for the guild stronghold), or is all decorating limited to a character's personal achievements? If it's limited to a character's personal achievements, is there a way to make the higher end decorations available? Putting these items in the guild bank, perhaps?
  24. It was mentioned in the livestream that crafters will be able to make components which can traded in to a crafting droid in exchange for decorations. I don't know if that's the extent of a crafter's roll, but they also said that more information on what crafters can actually make is coming Soon™.
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