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Everything posted by Raynn

  1. Cleared everything on HM. Some things are buggy (ie Revan one shotting people with lightning) but you can still do it. Bulwark is a gear check/dps race. That stupid BH in Illum is rough but its all about controlling the 4 adds he spawns. Everything currently in the game can be completed. It just takes work and a little communication. My advice is find a good guild and run with them. That will make the teamwork easier. Second, learn your character and the encounters. Every time new dungeons/flashpoints/runs come out in any MMO we get people crying bout how hard they are, demanding a nerf. Games are supposed to be a challenge. If they weren't, we wouldnt play. Others have cleared it. You can do it as well. Practice, learn, apply. Simple stuff. Last time I checked no one wrote Nintendo and cried when they died countless times in Super Mario. Don't ruin the game for other people just beacuse you fail.
  2. Ive been 3 shotted a couple of times and its always lvl 50 snipers who have had time to set up. Those guys can hit like trucks and because of their retarded little walls we cant jump or pull em at us. I electro dart em to get em up and then u can pull or jump smash their faces in. Shield spec doesnt lose alot of dmg, but its not gonna melt anyone super fast either. Its a survivor spec. You have to lose something to gain something. Although if u move a couple of pts around and drop the 31 pt heat blast (which kinds sucks in pvp anyway) you can get enough to get Retracable Blade, which seriously puts the hurt on people when combined with ur IGC and flamethrower. Thermal detenator and pyro rains havoc down on tight groups of people (aka huttball). Its pretty brutal but you do lose a little tankiness for the trade in dps. Just the nature of the game.
  3. We currently out tank everything. Assassins are close, juggs are lagging behind. The manuverability around the battlefield, the AOE CC(even if its only 2.5 secs it saves lives), grapple and an AOE dmg debuff are awesome! The thing I like is that (with relics) you can always have an 'oh ****' button rdy to go. I pop a relic and both my shield absorb and shield rating go up above 50%. For 20 seconds. Thats insane for dmg mitigation and thats not even using our class abilities. Kolto overload and Energy shield are perfect for those moments when ur healz need a breather and they are on a short CD. Yes we are currently sitting nicely at the top of the tank tree.
  4. Never had an issue with PvP and I'm a shield tech PT. I usually sit at roughly 7-9 medals when we play Voidstar and Alderran. Huttball is a ton of fun pulling peeps into fire and acid not to mention strolling across the goal line with the ball while the entire other team attempts to kill you. Main issue is that you are 27. If you;renot upwards of 35 then ur gonna get pawned. While the game raises ur dmg and health to 50 lvls when ur under the cap, it still cant help with the gear stats or ability pts. So far I have yet to see any real class have an advantage in PvP if we're all at lvl 50. They each have strengths and weaknesses.
  5. Bump for the IGC bug. Hve to currently rotate my single trgt taunt into my rotation to keep aggro. Hope they fix this soon.
  6. It is currently bugged. At max level, fuly specced for it, its only hitting for roughly 40% of the dmg that the tooltip says it does. Its bugged. Ony thing we'v found that works is rotating your single trgt taunt into your rotation. Seems to work untl Bioware fixes this particular issue
  7. Have to beware because IGC is currently bugged....its only doing about 40% of its dmg value thats claimed in the tooltip. Simple fix is to work one of your taunts into the rotation until bioware decides to fix this.
  8. This right here. Over and over. WoW just made the genre easily accessible to everyone, over time. The game still had a rather high learning curve and 'grind' when it first released. For all those who say SWTOR is dying and blah blah blah. I remember WoW's launch and it was even worse the SWTORs is now. Seven hour ques to get on, falling thru the floor in Strat because of collision bugs. It was horrible. Before we all jump up and down and throw our tantrums let BW handle some issues and see where they are in 6-7 months. If being patient isn't your style then go back to WoW and check back in a few months. If BW handles this correctly they will have no issues getting subscribers. For some reason everyone seems to assume WoW launched with 14 million people. Active accounts, realistically, were probably where SWTOR's is at right now.
  9. I hit lvl 50 first week of launch (combined with the 4 day early release) and I didn't skip over one line of dialogue the entire time. The story was top notch and I enjoyed every minute of it. One thing is you have to remember that most people were on Christmas break or in my case leave from the military so we had alot of free time. For those that are complaining that there is no end game, they're full of crap. I still play, we started our op runs every thursday now, and a couple heroics every day. I have yet to meet someone whose run EV on nightmare mode and whats wrong with hanging out with friends and enjoying the game even if you've alrdy got 'Epic Gear'. MMO's are supposed to be a social and fun experience. Not about gettting gear and clearing content super fast just so you can validate your whinning on forums about how 'there is no end game'. Plus, there are 7 other classes with story lines you haven't seen yet. Go spend time with them. I can bet you'll still enjoy yourself.
  10. You just won't get the loot from the last boss in hard mode BP. Chest is bugged.
  11. I have no issues with a server LFG tool being added to the game. I don't believe that it would destroy the community aspect of SWTOR at all as long as it was in server. I am very much against the addition of cross-server LFG. Main reasons are because it breeds self entitled a-holes. How polite do you really think people are when there is a damn fine chance the 3 'random' people they are suddenly grouped with will never see them again? This type of freedom is what killed the close knit community in WoW. BEfore cross-server lfg we all knew who the ******es were on our server. You knew who didnt care to understand their characters mechanics. And those were the people who were rightfully ostracized by the community. You were an *** to work with, well you didn't get to run stuff. Ninja looter? Well good luck ever getting anyone to trust you on a run again. With the addition of cross-server LFG it was a crap shoot. It was mostly a safety feature to help ensure that people were somewhat civilized. Because there were consquences to being a douche.
  12. Got our butts kicked around the first time, but after we figured out the encounter we had no issues. 2nd time thru one shot eveything. I like what the did with the gate 'puzzles'. Something new and refreshing to the dungeon scene.
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