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Everything posted by VaceDemon

  1. yea same issue here too. bioware is working as intended. at least working as expected.
  2. Cant get in game. every time I put in my password, it says the service is down.
  3. It really sucks that bw is forcing people to do hours of pve content. I never do pve, just pvp. but if I want the stronghold, i'm forced into it. Just like how people feel forced into doing pvp to buy gear. I don't need the stronghold that bad. You can keep it.
  4. that's not true at all. i'm 2700 and have never win traded, paid someone to throw, I even made a toon in the middle of the season and got to 2k in a week. It's the system that's messed up. It puts the high rated dps,tank,healer on the same team which allows them to farm less skilled players and gain rating easily. If they made it to where the dps went on a random team, it would balance it a lot more.
  5. what you can expect is more of the same... mercs are still op cuz of the survivability, snipers still hit like trucks and take a ton of damage. the good maras will also dominate. The good healers will farm the bad ones. That goes for tanks also. sounds just like season 8.
  6. they have been "trying" to "balance" the classes since launch. good luck with that. Not holding my breath.
  7. they really need to make the req for ranked to be valor 60+ if anything, to keep the damn hackers out. most of them play on ftp toons that get a free week from referral links.
  8. Battlefront2 this nov. I'll be playing that instead of this. at least most of my time.
  9. theres a hacker in que. and part of his hack is vote kicking his own team mates so he gets more elo. Don't give him matches. just don't q pubs.
  10. 1v1 would not work. not only because tanks and healers would be excluded, it would be exploited way too much by stealth classes. Operatives could sit in stealth until acid. sins could put on insane high end gear and win acid, it would invite more hackers. the elo from these would be a joke. Not to say that it's not a joke now.It would also be very easy to q dodge good players. If you want 1v1, give owpvp incentives like components or chance cube loot from enemies. Either way, people will find a way around the system to benefit them.
  11. I kind of like the idea. A lot of people, like Doc said, get to t1 then pretty much stop playing ranked. It makes people play in ranked more than just the first few weeks to get the rewards. Too many players stop doing ranked or stop playing the game all together once they get T1. Making the system to where you had to grind games to get rewards would help the ranked population. my opinion only. I enjoy ranked
  12. I heard that they will convert to credits
  13. i'm sorry, most pvp'ers refer to solo que as ranked. maybe the OP should have been more specific. regs are regs
  14. are you guys blind? He asked about solo ranked not regs. There's some issues with queing on pub side... A few people sit in que all day waiting for it to pop but they are really bad. 1 guy in particular will sit in que all day just to throw when it actually does pop. Here's an even bigger issue....when the imp side queue is soo full of really bad players, some of the imp's will go to the pub side and que over there. A few thing's happen next.... When other pubs see that ranked is popping, they actually que up. The other day there were 3 pub matches going on because of this effect. However, The imp's do not like it when pubs que solo ranked so there are a couple of imp guilds that will have people they know, THAT HARDLY EVEN QUE RANKED log onto the pub side with the sole purpose of throwing on the pubs in que. This seems soo counter productive to me and extremely childish. Especially when the people that are throwing or having other people throw do or have done the exact same thing! makes sense huh. They call in que syncing since there are soo few pubs in que. But within 1 or 2 matches, there will be 2 or more teams worth of pubs in que the chances of there actually being a que sync with all 4 people in comms is minor. Those complaining should be thanking those that go to pub side and actually get other pubs in que. Especially since all they want to do is farm bads anyways right? The people that complain about the pubs queing claim that they are bad players and they get farmed but they still feel the need to log over and throw on them. That makes sense too. How about we just get rid of the pub side all together since the casual ranked players and I do mean casual, don't want to see pubs in que anyways. Rename the game to imperial faction or something... I hope this answered your question. good luck, have fun...notoxic
  15. am I missing something? the relic [iokath MK-5 Relic of Devastating Vengeance] which is the 242 crit relic, does not have a 248 version! so I cant trade it in for a 248.... why is this??
  16. I can't even stay logged in for more than 5 minutes before I get kicked to the server select screen. Most of the time, the servers don't even show up so I have to close the game out entirely and restart it... I've never had this problem before. I have an excellent gaming pc and good internet so it must be on your end with this latest "fix".
  17. This is one of the things that is wrong with games. Kids want everything now. This is what eventually killed SWG. You had to grind your butt off to become a jedi but eventually kids like this complained so they just let everyone roll a jedi if they wanted to. If you bolster everyone to max lvl, the MMO grind becomes pointless, no incentive, boring. I would like to go right to the NFL or Major leagues also but you have to put in your time first. It's not hard to get gear or grind CXP. you can get to rank 300 in just a couple weeks depending on how much you play. You can even fully gear out your toon in 246's with credits which are insanely easy to come by. Hint- use command tokens to buy Iokath recombinators and sell for 80-100k each! that's 6 tokes to make close to 100k cmon, how much easier does it get than that!
  18. You must not be a good sorc/sage healer if you think the nerf will get rid of healers. The bad healers may struggle but the good ones will still be good. the class was way too OP. It needed a nerf.
  19. We are all meme's and need all the help we can get am I right? make gear obsolete! give us bolster up to 250 or higher so the meme's don't have to worry about playing the game to pvp. Remove augments so no one has an advantage while you're at it. Get rid of all objective based pvp maps since everyone just plays death match anyways. Put the players spawns right next to each other so the stronger team can farm the other one.
  20. I was playing hatred sin yesterday and I don't know how I did it but, I hit someone for just under 39k. otherwise hatred is pretty fun.
  21. Here's a couple ideas... Increase the amount of components we can hold and make then legacy bound. It can't be that hard since you did it with tokens. GTN- give us an option to right click the sellers name and report them for being gold farmers. when you see someone with multiple stacks of 1k, you can tell that they glitch on a Zakuul to get the materials. The game DESPERATELY needs some sort of moderator in game. MERGE SERVERS. Guild ships- When a GM places a decoration, that deco should unlock on that toon so if the guild dies out like most of them do, that GM can join another guild and contribute by placing those unlocked decos on another guild ship. Fix the tethering on toons. I can't tell you how many times I try to force speed away from someone only to be in the same spot. Fix the powertech leap! it hardly ever works. Even on level playing surface.
  22. I enjoy ranked. Not many care about elo anymore. If you do, get over it. The rewards are crap. If you aren't top 3 for your class, your elo REALLY means nothing. So yea, I do my daily's on my merc, sorc, and pt. When i'm really bored, I'll queue up on my mara or sniper just to try to get better at them. Regs don't teach you anything.
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