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Everything posted by VaceDemon

  1. here you go http://www.swtor.com/info/news/article/20190909
  2. can you do a transfer sale please? you did one as a pre-Onslaught special and I couldn't play at the time so another one would be great thnx
  3. So will this just be a story content based livestream? Nothing addressing some of the awful pvp changes? Issue with hyperinflated augments that were totally unnecessary in the first place? I hope some of these issues are addressed along with what's next for PvP
  4. I get what you were saying but he’s wrong about that too. A guild name is never “released” afaik. The only time a guild name is available is when a guild doesn’t have it. I’m certain that if a guild exists and even if all of the characters in it are inactive the guild name will not be able to be used. It would have to be disbanded for it to be released.
  5. I was able to buy a guild on my new server and it’s only me and a new friend who I have contact with on discord too so this will not happen to me again. It just sucks and its so unnecessary that I would have to always keep someone around to prevent this from happening again or purge the guild of anyone I have to deem as not close with/not trustworthy enough by having a friend login to my account and then having to restart the guild all over again in terms of membership once I’m able to come back
  6. I’m sorry this happened to you too friend yeah what you say could also be a possibility and that would suck too. idk about couldn’t make anyone else leader. anyone who logs in gains GM control and can transfer (afaik but are you saying it’s technically not possible to transfer to an inactive character?) but likely they didn’t know or didn’t care to know how to transfer GM to some other character and could’ve just asked gen chat how to disband and the guild is gone. I would say such instances are rare but do happen, unfortunately as it did with you
  7. it was out of my control, simple as that. I didn’t even have any friends with alts in the guild. most of the them were moving off SS to SF anyway cause SS was a dying server for pvp’ers. BW still needs to change the system. it should not be prioritized by character activity
  8. remember that the referral link only gives a free transfer one time. no new clicks will give more free transfers. are you sure you haven't used one before?
  9. that's not the same thing. you got your guild back. I'll likely never find it again and never will
  10. The person who ninja'd my guild had no input in the small history of activity in its existence, I can tell you that much. BW should change the system. That's what I'm saying
  11. My toons are no longer in the guild. It was purged by someone else who logged back in and the game "gave" the guild to
  12. Here's an idea. They can just... idk... /gquit. No one is "stranded" in a guild. There is nothing compelling them to stay if it's inactive or the GM goes AWOL. That's on the GM, not on the rank and file members. Also my guild was dead already. It was not an active guild at all around the time of my forced departure.
  13. All of my alts were removed from the guild. Idk who the GM is. Idk if the guild name is still the same. Idk if it was sold
  14. Some of you guys need to actually read what I said and stop being so rude like saying you have no sympathy. It's not my fault I had no PC. My laptop stopped working and it happened by complete surprise. Things completely out of my control have prevented me from playing the game. Also, my guild was DEAD already. I was keeping GM rank on an alt and had a lot of other alts in the guild. The thing is is there were a few other characters from other accounts in the guild but they were, at the time, inactive AF. None of my toons are in the guild anymore meaning someone else must have logged in after a long break and GM transferred to them and they nuked the guild of all the other characters. The only way this could've been prevented, hypothetically speaking, at the time this happened, is me having a friend of mine log into my account and nuking all the other characters besides my own out of the guild. And that technically is fraudulent account activity and is against the ToS. It is illegal for anyone that isn't the account holder to access an account. I'm sure people still do it but I didn't do that and I didn't think I had to do that. I thought I wouldn't be gone this long but here we are and this happened to me. Some of you can go eat bantha poodoo. This. System. Sucks.
  15. Note to BW: new augments are NOT new content. Pls stop with this nonsense. One augment costing 3/4ths of a BILLION credits? Are you *********** kidding me? Stupid stupid stupid. Stop this nonsense, find other ways to do credit sinks and make some actual content. This is so unfair to people who do ranked or PvP in general but do not have the means of getting these
  16. I'd rather have that issue. My guild was not active but I was keeping it on alts for sentimental value. Had characters from a few other accounts but I left them there because they hadn't been logged into for a long time. idk if maybe one of those characters logged in and decided to ninja the guild but that's what I assume. I hadn't played for a year and a half because I had no PC
  17. Most of my alts are still on the guild ship but when I called cs (for an entirely different issue but then got into this) they told me its a bug. I won't actually see anyone else on the guild ship and I'd have to basically be lucky and find whoever's still in the guild to invite me and hopefully give me back GM if they are also GM. I was not subbed during the time I was gone because it didn't make sense to spend money on a game I wasn't able to play for so long, but today I also learned it's tied to player activity first and foremost. It should at least be tied to sub status or preferably allow the character of GM to keep the guild no matter what and only allow an officer rank the privilege of gaining the GM rank in the event the GM stops subbing and the guild can avoid turning into a f2p guild. So dumb. This is a guild one of my good friends gave to me since he essentially quit swtor and even though he likely won't come back I wanted to keep it cause it had a fully unlocked guild ship and ultimately for sentimental value. THANKS A LOT BW. CHANGE THIS DUMB SYSTEM PLS :mad:
  18. Just bought 5500 cc. I need to transfer off dead SS all the pvp'ers moved to SF. Sale pls
  19. why did the monthly pvp updates stop? was it cause of covid? I hope you guys return to doing them again, or at least on a bi-monthly basis
  20. More events are fine but not this one. And it seems like I'm not the only one who shares my disgust for this. People are offended and it's time BW Austin make a statement regarding this issue
  21. If people have complained already then it only serves to prove my point. People find it appalling and shameful that BW would promote an event where people literally infect and kill others. I mean you get major coughing and shortness of breath and high fever - the same exact symptoms as coronavirus! - which make your character totally unplayable before it results in your death. I recommend everyone write a strongly worded email to BW or tweet them to show the world what kind of people are running this game if they move ahead with this event. Absolutely unacceptable.
  22. I'm appalled by your decision to have Rakghoul event be scheduled at a time when the coronavirus pandemic is plaguing the world right now. The US is set to see this pandemic spike in the next week and the Rakghoul plague event is set to begin in 3 days on April 7. What great timing I play video games as a way to escape real world problems, and so why would I want to play your game this month when I'll be reminded of the ongoing pandemic irl? Fleet announcements are going to trigger many people by being constantly reminded of coronavirus. Way to sabotage the escapism of your own game. Seriously who in the studio approved this? You guys should be ashamed of yourselves. I implore you guys to pls cancel and reschedule this event when the real world pandemic calms down!
  23. VaceDemon

    This is a joke

    To be fair, I think he's saying that it "sucks" not in literal terms, but in the terms that the system is drowned in cheating, wintrading, que manipulation BS, along with the super low population which exacerbates egos and toxicity because almost everyone knows everyone. Though I'll add that toxicity, no matter the size of the population, will always be an issue because that's just the nature of the internet (but that's a different topic entirely). I love the ranked format and think arenas are fun and I consider myself a hardcore/competitive player, but I agree with his assessment that SWTOR's current ranked environment and format "suck".
  24. VaceDemon

    This is a joke

    It's not that they can't do anything about it, it's that they clearly won't. They want to avoid perma banning in any which way they can, no matter how it looks or what it takes, all because of money. They ban the cheaters, they lose revenue. It sucks.
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