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Everything posted by Mofotrey

  1. It would help a little bit... Some people are straight up tasked out or not even in the same room as their computer while "guarding" turrets in Alderaan or "defending" the goal (Or inside the garbage containers) in Huttball. They'd all get removed. I don't see any other way to do it because if you make it to where you HAVE to interact with another player, turret guards are going to become nonexistent. I know I wouldn't be caught dead watching a turret to make sure that my team didn't lose the game if I thought that I was going to get kicked and not get credit for anything as a result of it. If you add in the component that Naserick just mentioned about "non-objective areas" it could be fairly effective. If you're in a legitimate guarding situation and get prompted to do something or get kicked and you quickly heal yourself, you're fine. If you're in a non-objective area, maybe then you'd be forced to either heal another player or attack another player in order to not get kicked. I'm not sure how difficult it would be to separate the two scenarios into coding, but if it would be done, that'd be pretty fair.
  2. Maybe combat wouldn't have to be the requirement, though. It could be extended to casting a heal, throwing out a stealth scan, rebuffing, etc. So if you're voted idle and the prompt pops up, you just have to do SOMETHING to show that you're actually there and paying attention.
  3. I think if the vote to kick option prompts a timer on you where you have to do something within X amount of time before you get kicked, that would be fair. Then it's not all in the voters' hands; if you're actually idle, they can vote you out and you'll be removed, if you're not, even if they try to vote you out you can keep yourself in. Doesn't seem that difficult.
  4. If this is true, then it's pretty ridiculously sad... I played on Firetree, a PVP server in WoW, and stuff like this was not only part of the game, but sometimes more fun than actual raiding. Want to raid Gruul's Lair at 8:00? Better get there at 7 and start killing off Alliance scrubs as they show up. SSC at 9:30? Oh crap, it's going to take us 20 minutes to get in there because there are 3 or 4 Alliance guilds summoning for their raids! Is half your guild on during a non-raiding night, feeling bored? Why not get everyone together to camp Karazahn and deny any Alliance guilds from being able to raid that night? Awesome! It's rivalry, it's competition, and it's fun. That's what PVP Servers are for. I understand that Bioware doesn't want constant STV-type ganking (Though nights where you're getting camped and have to call in back up and wind up starting a war instead of questing are far more memorable than the nights where you killed 10 tigers and looted 15 raptor claws), but open world PVP ought to be allowed in every form on PVP servers because that's why PVP servers exist.
  5. I wasn't making an argument, genius. I was making fun of you for somehow thinking that your opinion is fact. Speaking of good ways to debate things, shouldn't you know the difference between opinion and fact and treat them both accordingly? And besides, using an appeal to emotion, even in a debate, is not always a bad thing. Making a blanketing statement that very strongly implies that anyone who thinks the prequel films are good has bad taste and implicitly states that anyone who thinks that the prequel films are good has worse taste than those who don't is a pretty silly thing to do. You can't "prove" that a movie isn't good. You might argue that a movie has a boring, confusing, unfocused, etc. plot, or that a movie has substandard acting, but some movies with bad acting are actually pretty good. Just look at some of Keanu Reeves' movies.
  6. Multi-server everything killed WoW for me because you no longer had to be held accountable for your actions in dungeons; you could be an absolute A-Hole, ninja stuff, Leeroy Jenkins something, not heal someone on purpose, etc. and get away with it because you were playing with 4 people all from different servers and would never see them again. It also didn't help you if you ran with some good players because you couldn't add them to your friends list to group together again in the future. Keeping everything server-based builds community. It builds rivalries. It builds competition. I'm not saying your idea doesn't sound cool, but I really hope everything stays server-based. I like going up against someone in Huttball and thinking, "Dang, not this guy again, this time I've GOT to take him down!".
  7. Congratulations on becoming Opinion Emperor of the Universe!! With your new position, you get to decide who has good opinions and who has bad opinions! The choice is solely yours and extends to every aspect of one's life. If someone disagrees with you, you are able to label them as stupid, tasteless morons, which will undoubtedly make you feel better about yourself as you reaffirm your own misguided opinions by bringing down the opinions of anyone who disagrees with you. I hope that you have a long and glorious reign as Opinion Emperor of the Universe, just remember that it's all in your mind.
  8. I don't understand the anger here... You get a list of the digital items you're going to get before you pay for the Collector's Edition, so how anyone can complain about the digital items in game not being enough is far beyond me. As for the Collector's Edition store, who knows, maybe they'll add more stuff to it later? I was a bit disappointed by what was available in the in-game CE Store, too, but I'm enjoying driving around on my 1.5 million credit speeder from the CE Store because not as many people have it compared to the PVP one. Once they fix all of the bugs and issues, it wouldn't take them long to crank out like 4 or 5 companion customizations per companion. I'm sure mo0re is coming on that front. But seriously, if you buy the collector's edition, you're paying for the collectibles. My Malgus statue fits in nicely between my Vader and Boba Fett statues and the CE Box itself looks really cool. Also, having a physical security authenticator is nice. The sartphone app is all well and good, but anything connected to the internet is subject to hacking. Having been hacked THE NIGHT OF WRATH OF THE LICH KING'S RELEASE (After I had installed it and everything, of course)back in the WoW days, having the 1 ounce piece of plastic in my hand makes my account feel safer. And $160 really isn't all that bad a price. I remember when Warcraft III first came out way back in the day, like ten years ago, I went to SAM'S Club and paid $70 just for the game itself. When you take into consideration inflation over the last ten years and the fact that it's a Collector's Edition, $160 really isn't that bad. Stop eating Barba-QQ sandwiches and washing it down with whine.
  9. Out of the "normal" humanoid-sized and shaped races I'd really like to see: Wookiees Trandoshans Bith Mon Cals Quarren Gran Neimoidians Rodians Devaronians Bothans Caamasi Duros And it would be nice to one day see non-humanoids like: BARABELS! Noghri Whiphids Dug Sullustans Ithorians ....Hutts! Perhaps a Death Knight-like super class limited one per account? Chadra-Fan I understand why the races available are all basically from the same model with different exterior skins, but it doesn't make sense for a Star Wars game to only feature very human-looking races. Star Wars is notorious for its unique-looking races; it'd be nice to see some implemented in the future.
  10. Hopefully that end will come in about a month or so...
  11. That's the way it ought to be for everyone...
  12. I can't imagine Lucas ever OK'ing post ROTJ material, but a Bane movie would be really awesome and easy to do without having to tie it into anything else.
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