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Everything posted by Mofotrey

  1. So you join the problem instead of trying to fix it. I mean seriously, do the Houston Astros just leave the stadium when they have to face the Milwaukee Brewers? Chances are, they're GOING to lose, but they still play the damn game because that's the whole freaking point of baseball. You compete! These self-righteous little whiners who quit every game that they would have to work hard to win don't deserve anything other than a deserter debuff. When you quit a warzone that you think you might lose, you're basically saying, "I'm entitled to win every game that I play. I'm way more important than anyone else and I would rather screw over tons of other people by quitting than to suck it up and actually learn that you can't always win everything in life.". If everyone quits when they're going to lose, NOBODY would ever win!! If people automatically quit when they get behind, and everyone on a team actually does it, the replacer wouldn't work quickly enough to stop the WZ from ending prematurely, especially as the new people that replace in also leave when they see what they're getting into. At that point, instead of PVP you have a queueing game for gear. I don't want to queue for gear, I want to PVP for it. And if you disagree, then get out of PVP.
  2. I'd probably go with Voss, Alderaan, or Wayland. Voss looks really pleasant, like it's always fall, which would be pretty cool, plus if you ever had a bad dream, it'd be easy to ask people for advice about it! Alderaan is really peaceful, despite the douchebag killiks, and has some awesome mountain views. I think I'd move before Grand Moff Tarkin came to visit, though. Wayland would be a really good way to get away from everyone, and if you're a decent thief, Emperor Palpatine would be dropping off some pretty legit stuff there all the time. Or, if you want to talk to your planet, just live on Zonama Sekot!
  3. Did you look at their resolve bar? If it's full, that's probably why.
  4. Keep on PVP'ing. Gear isn't as important as intelligence in actually winning the Warzones. As long as you have a healer or two on your team and you play smart, you can win any of the three WZ's with inferior gear. I hope you don't expect to be able to hang with fully Battlemaster geared veteran PVP'ers one on one while wearing level 45 blues and greens. That wouldn't make sense. The whole purpose of improved gear is that it gives you better stats, resulting in higher health and more damage done than people with inferior gear. A valor level 70 BM player is supposed to be able to cream a valor level 20 player who just hit 50. That's how gearing works.
  5. Uuuuuhhhhhh........ New 50's have like 12,000 HP... Fully geared 50's have anywhere from 16,500 to 19,000. It's kind of really obvious who has good gear and who has crappy gear. I never look at the visuals of their gear, I look at their HP. It doesn't matter if they have the level 40 PVP set on, if you look at their health bar when you click on then and they have 18,000 points, OBVIOUSLY they're not a brand new level 50. If you look at their title and it says "War Hero", OBVIOUSLY they're not a new 50. I don't even understand how this could be construed as an issue. You can't hide your health total, therefore you can't hide the fact that you're geared or not.
  6. "Don't giva up Jar Jar, wesa thinken of someting." - Captain Tarpols "My give up. My give up!" - Jar Jar Binks So what you're really saying is that you want a Jar Jar option.
  7. Or we just enjoy PVP and want to actually play full matches instead of just vulture hunting for easy wins for dailies? Maybe we want competitive matches instead of facerolls?
  8. Obviously Warzone groups aren't the exact same thing as a sports team. I never said that, I merely used the illustration of a power play to point out that when a team is outnumbered, it is at a huge disadvantage. An entire team should not be put at a disadvantage just because some whiny baby who isn't man enough to actually TRY to win a game wants to keep quitting until he finds a faceroll WZ. And, of course, I'm not saying that everyone who quits WZ does so in this manner, but there is a VERY large number of people that do, and it gets worse every week as more and more people get fed up with being bailed on and start bailing themselves. It's getting to the point where as soon as one team scores, successfully plants and detonates a bomb, or caps 2 turrets, the game is pretty much over, and that's not how it should be.
  9. That's all true, and that is frustrating, but you're not always going to get perfect teams. There's a difference in getting stuck with a team of morons from the get go but having a full game to make an impact on your own, starting with an even slate, and coming into a game down 4-0 already with 11 minutes to go and having to waste an entire match knowing you've already lost.
  10. This is an illogical way to look at it. It's not a matter of being carried by people that leave, it's a matter of being hurt by people when they leave. When someone leaves a WZ, a replacement has to be found. When the replacement is found, he or she has to accept the WZ queue and then has to load into the game. For some people this may only take 15-20 seconds, but for others, it takes 60, even 90 seconds. During this time, the other team, who has obviously just taken the lead, now outnumbers their opponent, too. If several people leave at one time, which is what's happening now that this foolish habit has caught on, the other team has a huge advantage and can easily score once or twice in rapid succession, without hardly any resistance because they can send a full team against 2/3 or even 1/2 of a team. Beyond that, think about where these new players are coming from when they replace quitters. Yeah, it's by the goal line. A place where only idiots and bad PVP'ers hang out. When 2-3 players replace into a game, they pretty much create a jumping path that leads directly to the goal, giving the other team a chance to accelerate their scoring even further. Is wanting to have a full team to face another full team considered wanting to be carried? I don't think so. I just don't want to be handicapped. I do my part in WZ's, but even the very best PVP'er can't win a match by himself.
  11. People in WoW didn't leave as much as they are in TOR and in TOR when people leave they're directly destroying your opportunity to get your daily and weekly PVP quests done unless you quit every losing match too. Why should anyone be forced to constantly quit matches to have a fair chance at winning? I like to finish my games, personally. Even if it's 5-0 I'm not going to bail out like a vag that's too pathetic to accept a loss. It's no different than the people who play sports games online and cut their system off when they fall behind the other team. There's absolutely no sportsmanship involved in that, and ultimately PVP is a type of sport.
  12. Want to head to the Cantina and catch a few drinks? I've got VIP access to a wide array of two vendors with minimal items for sale!!!
  13. Except that then someone else is screwed over after waiting for a queue and getting thrown into someone else's mess that they had nothing to do with and have literally no chance at winning upon entering. And also, many people leave the second they fall behind. "Oh, it's 1-0, time to leave and requeue." even though the game is absolutely salvageable. Unfortunately, when 2-3 people leave a game simultaneously, it gives the other team a huge advantage for the 15-60 seconds that they outnumber the other team, so they usually score again, which causes more people to leave, and then it repeats itself. It's like a power play in hockey, basically, only more OP. Most of the time people don't leave because their teammates are medal farming, they leave because they're ******* who want to keep requeueing until they get a surefire easy faceroll win.
  14. Read the patch 1.2 discussions. It's coming next month.
  15. Well, my barbaQQ sandwich got all effed up somehow between me posting and the post popping up... Now my life is ruined. But still, don't QQ. Heals restore life. They make it take longer to die. That's the whole point.
  16. Chugga chugga chugga chugga... Wait, what's that? CHUGGA chugga chugga chugga... Hmm, that sounds familiar... CHUGGA CHUGGA chugga chugga... QQ! Could it be?? Yes... It is! It's the....: QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQ"""""""""" Q" ___ ___________ II__[w] |QQ Train | {======|_|~~~~~~~~~| /oO--000'"`-OO---OO-' Aaaaaalllll aboooaaardd the QQ traaainn!! And what meal do they serve aboard the QQ train? A barbaQQ sandwich, of course!! __________________ _.-" , ,' . '. , ` . . "-._ .'. ` . , ` . ' ' `. .`____________________________'. $$$$$$$BarbaQQ Sandwich$$$$$$$$ `""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""' `____________________________' Seriously, I mean what do you want, for nobody to be allowed to receive a heal? We already get a 30%, yes, THIRTY PERCENT reduced healing debuff and you want more than that. At that point, why not just take heals out of the game? Yeah, healers can be ridiculously good at staying alive, especially if it's you vs. a healer 1v1, but damage classes and tanks can be really good at staying alive, too. At least with a healer you can spam DPS on him and rack up Damage for the WZ and get your 2.5k and 5k hits in.
  17. I was a tank my whole time in WoW, over five years, and though I loved tanking, I grew to hate the responsibility that came with it. "No, you can't hang out with friends tonight, how are we supposed to raid without our main tank?" "We really need you to help gear up these new players quick, can you tank a bunch of heroics for them?" etc. I like helping people, but I like helping people because I choose to help or offer to help. I also wound up leading a lot of raids because as an MT I always had studied fights in advance anyway and knew better than most how everyone needed to do things. I hate leading raids because then you're worrying about 24 people in addition to yourself. Also, in PUG's, everything is always the tank's fault. "You didn't have enough health!" "You didn't pop enough cooldowns!" "Why didn't you call out that you lost a ton of health in a millisecond?" etc. If a pull goes badly, the tank should have picked everything up better, even if some dumb hunter auto-shot into a group of mobs while you were sending a tell. With DPS classes you can sit back and enjoy doing what you're doing without worrying about everyone else as much or having as much riding on your shoulders. If a DPS misses a raid, you just get another one to take his or her place. I'm enjoying that a lot better so far.
  18. I agree that elitism like in the post above yours is immature, silly, and probably pure stupidity, but I disagree that DPS meters and aggro meters are not needed. From a personal standpoint, I want to know how my DPS is stacking up against others to ensure that I'm doing the best that I can do. Currently, I can't tell if I'm being lax with my rotations or priority system as a bounty hunter DPS because I can't measure it against other characters or against myself from instance to instance. DPS meters can be an important self-evaluation tool. I think that the fools who "laugh" about "baddies" on DPS meters ought to DIAF, but there's too much good in a DPS meter to want it to never come into fruition just because of a low percentage of morons. Those morons are going to be morons regardless. Threat meters are also really important in end-game raiding. In WoW, had I not had threat meters, my destro warlock would have never survived more than 1 minute or two in almost any boss fight, especially in TBC with shadowbolt spam annihilating everything. Having a threat meter enabled me to know exactly how far I could push without pushing too far. If I'd simply gone out, I'd have pulled aggro every fight and would have at the very minimum gotten myself killed, possibly wiping the entire raid in the process. At the same time, they're vital for tank/off-tank combos to work together efficiently.
  19. Me too. It enabled you to see who wanted to run a dungeon without having to spam general or trade over and over again. The problem is that most people are too lazy to send someone a message saying, "Want to DPS WC?". For 5 seconds of your life, you can eliminate the need for a massive, automatic cross-server LFG.
  20. Mofotrey

    Add a PVP quest

    You could buy a full set of orange PVP gear for very cheap while leveling PVP, too, so I don't see much of a difference, besides the fact that with PVP you also get all the commendations towards epic gear.
  21. It's 4 levels. It's not going to "cripple" teams to have a few level 12's running slower than everyone else any more than it is for the other team to have a few 49's running around with almost all of their abilities. It's not that huge a deal, really, so you gotta learn to live with it. There are bigger issues than this, like fixing Illum.
  22. You can usually manage a 2.5k damage, 2.5k healing, and killing blow in 4 minutes on most classes. It's actually better commendations per second that way.
  23. Illum obviously needs a ton of work, but the three Warzones are way more fun than any other MMO's PVP areas, lets call them BG's, that I've played.
  24. If you're going to keep playing WZ's after you get your bags then it doesn't really make sense to leave to begin with because in those additional matches, it'd be easy to get 3 victories. Even if your faction sucks massively on your server, if you play 15-20 games or so, AND ACTUALLY FINISH THEM, you're going to be able to get three victories out of that. You can finish 20 games in probably 3 - 3 1/2 hours tops, and that's using an extreme example. Doesn't that make more sense than being an absolute d0uchebag to everyone else by leaving a match and leaving your team short a man until they replace you and then absolutely screwing over whoever replaces you by sending them into an already losing warzone match? That's just selfish, inconsiderate, and wrong.
  25. But you do need to recognize the difference between an opinion if fact if you're going to try to lecture someone about debating. Ignorance to the differences between the two is a big knock on any debate, even one solely in your head! I was thinking more like Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, but the Matrix works, too. And again, taste is absolutely dependent on an individual person. Some people like asparagus. I think it's terrible. It doesn't make either side's taste bad, it just makes them different. I grew up loving the Original Trilogy, but I see a lot of good things in the prequels as well. The plots are actually more complex than with the OT, which more or less follows Joseph Campbell's Hero/Myth theory to a tee. Obviously I prefer the scripts and acting in the OT, and I actually prefer the "look" of the OT to the shiny look of the PT, but the PT movies are still enjoyable movies, especially RoTS. People that like them don't automatically have bad taste, or even "unrefined taste". That's an opinion of bad taste in itself!
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