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Everything posted by Gemin

  1. One of the weekly Achievements for this Galactic season is "Complete Chapter XVI: The Battle of Odessen on Veteran or Hard Mode" and when I got to Arcann, the Shield ability disappeared making it impossible to complete the fight. Big waste of time as there is no way to get a Shield without resetting the Chapter. FRUSTRATED.
  2. Same for me. Was quite... upset when my Reaver's armor set didn't unlock and said I was 2/7 bound to the char because the boots and greaves were purchased off the GTN. I have a Xoxaan's set and Visas Marr set that are sitting in my stash because of this waiting to be unlocked...
  3. I have a 6-month recurring sub and I did not receive my reward.
  4. I don't ever come on to the forums, and I used the search function first and did not see any threads about this. And, yes, I meant Republic. You know what I meant.
  5. Since all the vendor customizations are BoP, Republic players cannot customize Vette outside of CC customizations, which, quite frankly, are pretty meh imo (you are entitled to your own opinion). So, more options would be nice. Thank you.
  6. I've always said this about companions: #1- They CANNOT be used in PvP. #2- They CANNOT be used in Ops. #3- They CANNOT be used against World Bosses. ^^^All of that, is JUST FINE. The rest? Those situations while grinding out Weekly Heroics on Alderaan/Tatooine/etc/etc? Who GIVES A **** that at lvl 65 you're nigh unkillable. That is not content with which we want to be tested. Remember when Oricon first came out? It was *********** frustrating as hell because you couldn't go anywhere without getting rooted/stunned/knocked off your vehicle by almost ANY NPC. And of course, there were those players applauding it for the challenge. I wonder how often they went back after doing it once? I never went back after I got my rep done there. Why would I? I don't find wasting my time fun. World grinding/missions/etc are not things where we should be FORCED to run in groups for. That stuff is for figuring out your rotation, testing different specs, etc, etc, etc. Does it really matter to the elder game if I want to send my DPS companion into a Sandpeople camp and watch them wipe them all out with a childish grin and giggle? Dear BioWare, the definition of "insanity" is performing the same action under the same circumstances and yet expecting different results. Good grief you guys NEVER LEARN. It's almost sad at this point tbh.
  7. Class: Jugg lvl 65 Was not in Chapter 7 before maintenance. Quest where T7 slices some nodes and then has to make contact with a contact bugs when you need to click the terminal to have T7 contact his contact.
  8. Sarcasm? On a forum? Perish the thought! I'm allowed to voice an opinion based on extensive gameplay with both classes. I don't really care about theorycrafting or your opinion of my opinion.
  9. Just logged on to the PTS to see the changes, I go from 36% to 43% DR if I keep my stacks up. And no more healing- not that it was a lot, but averaged about 270 EHPS during a boss fight. I'm not going to number crunch but it doesn't *feel like an improvement. I don't care what KBN says, Juggs/Guardians are still the best tanks in the game. The ONLY thing Shadows have over them is consistent aoe threat/damage.
  10. Unfortunately no. They haven't done a very good job of making Synthweaving a viable skill for anything other than augments.
  11. You may actually find that it is worth the money and time to just buy it off the GTN. The schematic drops from Underworld trading missions, probably lvl 41-48 and only on a crit, and then it's only a chance to get one of many schematics. You would very likely spend several hundred k credits and days upon days of sending guys out on missions to get it. Then again, you might get lucky on your very first try.
  12. My only real problem with the changes is that I have to ask myself, why play a Shadow Tank when a Guardian has Leap, Throw and Reflect on top of a similar armor rating?
  13. I can't believe no one has started a string of "Hodor?"s yet...
  14. James Ohlen? Not sure if the spelling is correct there...
  15. ...so... does this mean healing Phase Walk circles can be re-applied when they wear out if we don't use teleport function of the ability? If so, that's something, right? ...right? Seriously though, my main is a Shadow tank in full 72's with a couple 75 mods and such and I take an absolute beating in NiM TFB. It is very frustrating. It's not even that I'm dying or the first to die or something. I think that perhaps I'm soaking up a lot of heals that could otherwise be going out to the raid which might keep my fellows alive longer in certain fights. Also, I've been playing my Infiltrator offspec dps and I'm constantly checking forums and such to see rotations because it is a hog on energy and difficult to keep dps numbers high. Force Speed needs like a 10 sec cooldown though to make some of the gap-closing issues better, imo. Better yet, give Shadows something that acts a lot like Biotic Charge from the Mass Effect series. That'd be so cool. And helpful. Anyway, I may maintank HM/NiM TFB/S&V and play around with dps, but I'm not a number cruncher so I'll leave that to the brilliant minds here on the forum.
  16. DR buff would be helpful. NiM TFB Kephess hits like a truck. Like 14-18k per hit. My Shadow has 43k health, 35.4% DR, 22% Def, ~50% Shield with KW and ~40% base Absorb. I am using cooldowns to survive the first 10 sec of the fight. He was also putting a beat down on our Guardian tank that tanks with me. What sucked in that fight was the third ball and the unpredictability of where it would spawn. The giant yellow circle is great. NiM Writhing Horror isn't bad for a well geared Shadow tank. It still hits hard and there is usually a "I am not going to survive this..." moment, but if you use your CD's properly, things should work out. What I'm not happy about as a Shadow tank is how some Op bosses abilities were changed from Force/Tech attacks to Ranged. HM TFB's Scream is now apparently a Ranged Attack. I was saving Resilience for it to help my healers but it still hits- not that it's really an issue any more. The real issue in the TFB second phase fight is how I can be at full health and drop off a platform to clear the Scream debuff and come out the other end dead. Terminate is not a force/tech attack. The End is not a force/tech attack. These things would not be such an issue if Shadows had a bit more DR. Making attacks that can't be mitigated by the class with the lowest DR isn't creating a "challenge" for the players, it's just lazy mechanics programming causing one class to be far less useful than another for tanking. Guardians with Saber Ward and Reflect are now the best tanks in the game in terms of mechanics survivability.
  17. It does feel like the Subscriber model is being slowly pushed to the wayside. When they do drop it, and I suspect they eventually will, I will stop playing. I simply cannot justify using real money to buy fake money. It is far easier to accept the idea of a monthly sub, IMO. For CC's and in game curreny, you can have everything a Sub has for equal to or less than $15. And F2P players have never even had to pay for the game. When I consider that I bought the CE for $150, did I get my money's worth? Well, I got a cool Malgus statue so I guess that will have to do. And the monthly stipend Subs are given has already become obsolete. All of the things Subs already get are the affordable stuff in the CM. I'm kinda pissed that the lvl 12 Char I was preparing to change into a Cathar is now going to cost me 800CC's. So, realistically, it's just going to make more sense to re-roll the character and start over. ....and I'm sick of Tython.
  18. Operative: SCORPIO- she has stated several times that she looks forward to breaking me. She witnessed my pain threshold and shuddered a bit at the thought of passing it.
  19. Flushed dns, nothing changed. My ISP is good. It's hard not to be permanently pissed at a company that is unable to deliver Cartel Coins on time to an accout, lets content patches out with absolutely amazing bugs and now I can't even launch the game? Frustrating.
  20. This is a terrible idea. But whatever, I don't "expect" or "deserve" something decent for playing since the start, so I don't really care. Gonna be interesting to see all the graphics-lag complaints hit the forums though... Seriously though, you want to REWARD players? Give us a Campain Mainhand token for each char we have at lvl 50.
  21. Well, it was sure heavy on the hype, but that is what customers of BioWare have come to expect. The "high quality" experience- which used to be what we expected- is waning. So apparently F2P is "SCHEDULED" and coming in "MID NOVEMBER", however we don't have a release date. One just shakes their head when they read these things. On the positive side, as a subscriber, I am looking forward to having the buying power of items in the Cartel Coin Market. There are some neat vanity items and armor sets in there. I still want to see customizable gear specifically for companions- each of their starting outfits for example and then a few others of varying unique style that can be purchased. Akaavi, Lord Scurge, Nadia Grell are a few examples of this. Keep plugging away BioWare but cut down on the bs already.
  22. I didn't see this on the list, but yesterday in KP SM, whenever you died, if you had a group member still alive and clicked "Revive at Medcenter", you'd revive on the spot you died at full health. Also, in the Bonethrasher fight, when the cats came out (~60% Bonethrasher health or whatever) he disappeared and reset to his introduction animation walking out at full health and the fight continued from there.
  23. Really? Because they poured their heart and soul into games fans didn't like? I don't begrudge the Doctors for leaving BW. It is quite frankly, a sinking ship. But come on, you gotta have thicker skin than that. Honestly, it was likely more the top end of EA than anything, but online BW and EA *****-kissing sites need to continue to take pot shots at the fans to keep their 'exclusives' and what not. Here's some truth: if you produce a product that sucks, it doesn't really matter how much blood, sweat and tears have gone into it. No one pays you for that, they pay you for a quality product. You just gotta shake your head. So what, fans should just give you their money and say you're doing great when you're not? Crazy.
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