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Everything posted by VoidSpectre

  1. I think this may be the case. Not sure but if I understand correctly only PVE gear can be reverse engineered for augments. That may mean firstly that a PVE or orange set is required, though not necessarily end game but I don't know. In order to get off pieces like ears and implants with augments they must be PVE then since PVP items can't be reverse engineered. Also with all mods being interchangeable per same item(chest to chest) will that not mean that that in order to have the most stats per single item you have to mix the expertise mods from PVP with the end game operation mods from PVE in order to max stats. Keep in mind this was proposed as a question because I am not sure. However, it is seeming more and more likely that if you want to have top gear stats to stay competitive for rated warzones that running top end operations is required? If so I hope they change it. Last thing many PVPers want is being FORCED to run Operations if they don't want to. edit and possible solution: bring the same tier raiding mods down to the same tier PVP mods while inside of warzones/Ilum PvP area so that people who do raid aren't punished for using those mods and so that people who only PVP to have access to BIS PVP simply through PVP
  2. way better than queueing solo for rated and join a losing one IMO
  3. they said sometimes people who queue for non rated will get in rateds that will probably happen when some1 quits a rated
  4. PVP wise per class maybe. since it's almost 4 expansions in they expanded on classes multiple times one thing about WOW PVP doesn't even remotely have to worry about is tanks. tanks in PVP in this game add a whole additional dynamic that wow doesn't have with it's DPS or Heals only in PVP. adding the the meta complexity as opposed to the micro complexity
  5. you picked the easiest faceroll class in the game of course it seems easy. pick a marauder, powertech, sniper and talk about skill curve then
  6. looks like some1 made a sorc/sage and fear they will get picked on for being a squishy even more
  7. because that is the weakest PVP spec right now
  8. all classes need interupts do they? yeah sarcasm can work both ways. the point is that as a class that has so many tools, adding an interrupt would be over the top. not because interrupts themselves are so powerful, but because no everyone can have everything. I would kill for my marauder to have a knockback, or 2 like commandos(who seem to forget that since interupt only works for 4 seconds on one spell a knockback does almost the same thing) but i realize some classes have some tools and some have others and wanting everything is asking to be OP
  9. thought I would quote myself because all the bad warriors/knights seem to skip over this. imagine if the target you were focusing filled up it's resolve a bit every time you charged them. that would destroy the chance to chain stun an enemy with teammates and people would be shouting at you every time you used a gap closer. dumb people don't think ahead. it's good in it's current form. a mechanic that is useful for and against us is something I considered balanced.
  10. I'm a marauder and I think having roots affect resolve will hurt more than help. Having my gap closer with a root fill up resolve is a terrible idea.
  11. this thread is pointless. they are already doing a percent of HP in 1.2 the people who are sad(probably 20k HP tanks) will just have to learn to avoid these obstacles like the rest of us
  12. because marauders are ranged killers. every1 and their mother rolled sorc/sages and merc/commandos for their mains. now they are sad they get killed by a class thats good against them. so they perceive that as strong. once all the rerollers get to 50 they will realize some other class has a slight advantage over a melee and will all roll that. It's hope or stupidity(probably the latter) that people keep thinking the thing that killed them must be OP and they need to be too. people can't accept the fact that it might just be them that didn't figure out how to play
  13. you obviously didn't read much. i didn't know about the 1.5mil since it says nothing about that in the video. but good job on the whiner crackdown bud. keep up the good work. /sarcasm
  14. let me tell you something that will save you time and a headache. MMO forums are where the unhappy whiners come to whine. to new people this makes it feel like the general consensus is that everything is bad. the people that enjoy the game are usually playing it not on forums, or like me make posts that are mostly swallowed up in the ten thousand whine posts. just decide for yourself if you like something or not. don't come to the naysayers lair and expect anything but naysay
  15. thank goodness. 1.5mil seems pretty intense/high but doable at least.
  16. First off let me preface that the idea of more race class combinations is a good thing. But there is an inherit flaw in the way race unlock works. According to the video you can unlock races for classes IF YOU HAVE A CLASS WITH THE RACE ALREADY AT 50. That is the flaw for a two main reasons. 1: Many people make alts to be different. They have played one thing and want something different. Forcing a person to play one race on another character they may not care about is not a good way to get them to play that race on the character they do care about. 2: It punishes people who made common race choices like human, cyborg, and zabrak. Currently people may have a lvl 50 character with a common race and will have no meaningful race unlock because this system was not in. It means being forced into leveling yet another 50 to even get a race unlock first For some it will be fantastic. For others, including myself, it will mean nothing. I played my Zabrak Sith Warrior to 50 with no regrets while waiting for this fabled unlock to try and play a Twi'lek Bounty Hunter. Now that is not even possible without first playing a class I do not care about as a Twi'lek. I propose allowing more ways to unlock races than already having played one. Even if it's more difficult or costs more at least people won't be forced to preplay a race.
  17. 100% is better than duration and speed. I'll wager most anni will not even get that talent.
  18. ataru form is carnage not annihilation. force camo is 100% now with talents in anni so it got nerfed to 50, and we had a talent to increase predation to 80% speed instead of 50, that is now in carnage. so all in all anni got nerfed a little. i don't know what people are talking about.
  19. because that doesn't already happen right now?
  20. I don't think people are getting this it's about tank classes IN TANK SPEC IN DPS GEAR which is pretty damn good. OP is suggesting it's overpowered, not sure about that but it is a way better thing than tank gear since the stats suck
  21. you only need one reason when it's an insanely good and game changing reason
  22. the thing that pisses me off the most is when the circle doesn't show up. all the sudden some1 else has the ball
  23. I would love it Here is what I don't get. People obviously like different kinds of PVP over other kinds, but isn't having more options always a good thing? If you don't like one aspect don't participate in it. People act like WOW arena touched them when they were kids and it sucks because developers get scared to make something that is better than that.
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