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Everything posted by Dire-Wolf

  1. I was actually thinking how awesome she would be as a companion for my female Sith Warrior when I was doing the quests that involved her. She felt like she's be the perfect rival and possible lover for my character.
  2. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/22/magazine/george-lucas-red-tails.html?_r=4&pagewanted=3&hpw TLDR He's sick of fans insulting him and telling him how to do his job so he's not going to bother making any new Star Wars films. Thoughts?
  3. Something like TERA's doing could be cool for TOR. http://www.kotaku.com.au/2011/12/i-never-considered-running-for-office-until-tera-came-along/ Edit: Beaten to it.
  4. That would be cool but the problem would be that if they're only holding the sabers like that while running or idle it's going to look a bit strange when they enter combat. Imagine running around with your sabers reverse gripped and then your character having to flip them around every time they start attacking something. If they could get around to making combat animations for reverse grip though so your character wouldn't have to flip their lightsabers around when they attack it would be awesome.
  5. Actually I'm playing it because it's the only mmorpg currently available that's actually an rpg. Also I'd much prefer it if they'd made a fantasy mmo over a sci-fi mmo. I'm still holding out hope that they'll make a Dragon Age mmo one day or maybe even A Song of Ice and Fire mmo like they were talking about doing before they got permission to make TOR. I'd also rather have Mass Effect over Star Wars.
  6. Except being social isn't just standing around in the middle of the fleet chatting, it's actually going out there and doing content with people. It's called social gear because you earn it with social points. They're called social points because you get them by being social, which in BioWare's mind is doing quests, operations, warzones etc with people. Claiming that they shouldn't have stats or come in medium and heavy versions because it's social gear is stupid. Social in an mmo is doing content, which requires gear. If all you wanted to do was chat with people then go to a chat room or forum.
  7. I'm disappointed with the digital side of things. The CE store has almost nothing in it and is only really useful for Inquisitors. I haven't seen the Republic store so that might be better but the Empire side sucks. That combat droid thing isn't a pet. The holodancer is only out for about 10 seconds. The STAP's sort of ugly. All those hover segways are ugly though. The only item I really like is the flare gun. The physical stuff is cool. The box and case are nice, the journal is interesting (though Satele's writting is a little hard to read) and the statue is awesome.
  8. Issues I've had with abilties: 1: Abilities not working immediately when I activate them. I guess this is the ability delay most people are talking about. 2: Animations resetting. Often on my Marauder an animation for my attack will start and half way through will reset and start to play all over again. This means attacks take a lot longer then they should. It happens most with Ravage but it also happens with my other abilties. 3: The global cooldown restarting itself half way through. That is to say I'll use an ability, the global cooldown will start to countdown and then half way through it will reset and start the countdown all over again meaning I have to wait longer before I can use my attacks again. 4: Abilities just straight up not working when I hit my hotkeys causing my to have to mash a button multiple times to get the ability to fire off. 5: This one doesn't relate to ability delay but it does relate to combat so I'll post it here. Companions not attacking when I engage in combat and then teleporting ontop of whatever it is I'm fighting. I don't know if this happens because I use Charge to open my attacks in solo play or what but it's quite annoying. These problems don't make the game unplayable but they do make it less fun. Hopefully BioWare will get around to fixing all these issues soon.
  9. I haven't been doing heroics, space missions, warzones or operations and I've managed to stay at the right level for quests. I'd love to do an operation, warzone or space mission every now and then but I don't want to out level my class story and sidequests. I hope BioWare adds some sort of lessen xp option for warzones, operations and space missions. You'd still gain xp but not much so you wouldn't have to worry about out leveling.
  10. Let's be honest, how many rpgs actually let you change the outcome of the story until the very last choice of a quest chain? No matter what you do in Kotor Taris will be destroyed, you'll go from planet to planet looking for the galaxy maps and have a final confrontation with Malak. No matter what you do in Mass Effect you'll become a Spectre and end up facing Saren and Sovereign on the Citadel. No matter what you do in Oblivion you and Martin will be facing Mehrunes Dagon in the middle of the city. It's not just the main story this happens, it's the same for a majority of side quests you'll do in rpgs. As I said before, the only time you'll really be able to change the story in a meaningful is at the end when you wont have any real interaction with the characters again, aside from maybe a few lines of dialogue that they'll say over and over again every time you speak to them. TOR's really no different to any other rpg out there. It just seems different because there aren't as many tricks used to make you think you have an impact on the story. The fact that it's an mmo and not just a single player rpg means you're already not expecting to have any impact on the story. It's all in your perception.
  11. Cross species will probably be limited to marriage or family friend, maybe step parent/child.
  12. That's pretty much the exact system I was thinking I wanted for TOR. I hadn't realised there was another game out there that was like that.
  13. I'm not big on sandbox games but I think it would be cool to see a couple huge, completely open planets with no npcs where players can go and build houses towns and bases, destroy other players houses, towns and bases, set up their own stores, place bounties on other players (that can only be collected on that planet) etc.
  14. Well they were innovative in that they made an mmorpg that was an actual rpg. As much as I love the game though they did pretty much copy what was standard for mmo's several years ago without making any changes of their own. I guess the moddable gear is sort of innovative, I can't think of another mmorpg that has that, but I'm sure most players would have prefered an appearance tab. Edit: In regards to the live mounts thing (because the poster above me reminded me about them). I can understand having animation issues with regards to living mounts but technical issues make no sense. I'd really like to see BioWare clarify exactly what the issues are.
  15. There was an interview about the system where it was mentioned that sharing legacy accross accounts may eventually happen, though it wasn't made clear whether they meant it for people who have multiple accounts or meant it for people who want to share their legacy with a friend or family member. I'm afraid I can't link to the interview. It was posted in another thread and I forget what the thread was called, who posted the link or even what site the interview was on.
  16. I don't know about losing legacy levels but I do know that the name is still locked to the server. Even if you delete all your characters on the server any new ones you make there will share the legacy name you chose.
  17. Pretty much every Jedi shown in the prequels, even the ones who only appear as extras, are better characters then that mary sue with the bad haircut called Luke.
  18. The sharding is way over the top. I play an Imperial on a pvp server (Infinite Empire) and I'm level 34. In all my hours of playing I've only seen four Republic players. Two in a sanctuary on Nar Shaddaa, one in a cave on Tatooine about to enter a phase and one riding a taxi on Alderaan. There is no such thing as world pvp in TOR. I get that the Empire out numbers the Republic but this is ridiculous. It's not just world pvp that suffers either. You only ever see 3-5 other Empire players on the entire planet and it makes it feel like the game is empty and dead. I really hope they remove sharding soon or at least increase the amount of people per shard. The servers can't be that bad that they can't handle everyone on one world, surely?
  19. I know Rakghouls are part of Star Wars lore, it's just that I've always hated them. They were incredibly annoying in Kotor. I've actually always thought of zombie as a state of being, rather then just meaning undead.
  20. I'm a big zombie fan but this doesn't look that great. If they had to have space zombies they should have at least had interesting ones, like Dead Space's Necromorphs. Rakghouls are boring.
  21. I'm playing Empire. I'll try out Republic eventually but not for a while. The reasons I don't really want to play Republic are: 1: I've just never been a fan of the Star Wars Republic. 2: The classes aren't very appealing to me. The Trooper holds a bit of interest but only because the female one is voiced by Jennifer Hale. The class itself doesn't look that great.
  22. What I don't like about strong npcs is the inconsistency between them. Some strong npcs I'll be able to down easily but other strong npcs at the same level will be tougher them some epics.
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