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Everything posted by wrong_turn

  1. Fixed. But to your question. I think this game skews older judging from what I've seen on the forums. That could be because the youngsters generally stay away from the boards or any number of other things that could alter that observation. But the population for all of its trolls generally seems to be older (i.e. not teenagers). I myself am 30.
  2. No, no, no. Zaalbar was the Wookiee with Mission Vao in KOTOR.
  3. The episode started out a little off-putting. I mean Bobba's gang asks Ventres to join after she kills one of them and without knowing anything about her. But it got better, and seeing Bobba in action was pretty cool especially when he has not being a whiny ****. It was really nice to see a force user portrayed in a slightly different way. I appreciate how Ventres' path is sort of the reverse of Anakin where she is finding that her anger is a burden. Overall this was a refreshing episode especially given how much i disliked the last one.
  4. There is a part of me that loves the fact that a sizeable portion of the forum goers don't get this because the are too young. Then there is the other part that realizes that that means I am old. Also those were pretty great.
  5. Thats not a flaw in the design. Swordsman and gunman have worn their weapons on the opposite hip for nearly as long as these weapons have existed. The only thing I can see to make it more accessible is if the saber hilt was turned at an angle and more a little more toward the center of their belt. That way the handle might be better oriented and the user might not have to reach so far across their body. Besides not all saber users carry their weapons the same way. Ventress for example wears hers behind her back, which I am surprised more Jedi/Sith don't do.
  6. My first and still main toon is a smuggler/gunslinger. He's knocking on the door of level 40 but I admit that I split a lot of time with my Sentinel who is level 32. The smuggler has by far my favorite story, but the thing that clenched it for me when I decided to make one was seeing the video feature dirty kick. The best power in the game. I will say the cover system can get a little tedious especially when you keep going into cover in places you don't intend to.
  7. A couple of things. You mentioned that you've tried ever class, does that mean you've tried every advanced calls? If not that consider trying different ACs because they play very differently. There is also the talent trees. These can change the play style quite a bit also that might help you find a character you enjoy. If its an issue with the story, the only thing you can do is power though it. Your late teens and early 20's is where you hit Taris which for a lot of people is not fun. That could be your issue. Just tough it out it gets better. If neither of those suggestion helps then this is probably just not the game for you.
  8. Anakin could have easily won that fight. From my perspective, toward the end I think it was becoming obvious that Obi-wan was running out of steam. Anakin probably would have won if the fight continued a little longer on even ground. Also, if he took a different approach like charging Obi-wan instead of trying to leap over him I think he probably would have succeeded. Obi-wan was an expert swordsman, but he was fighting a defensive battle and which is a losing proposition the longer it goes on.
  9. I'd stick with being human, probably pick something with a purple or blue blade and maybe go with two lightsabers but only wear one that was in view with he other like on the back of my belt. Since Jedi don't usually have ridiculous names like the Sith do, I'd stick with what ever I was given.
  10. Yeah, the server transfers and cosmetic changes are things I'd really like to see. I kind of understand why bioware may not have developed the character customization very much since there was so much to do in the game. I just hope they add it sometime soon.
  11. Fairfax, VA! If anyone is playing on Lord Adraas, feel free to friend me or look me up if you want to run some missions. Republic: Callen, K'hol, Mal'colm, Rolin, Keparun Empire: Hood, Miral
  12. C2-N2 from your ship can heal you. Alternatively, if T7 is geared up try using him. He is a tough little tank and can take a lot of the attention away from you.
  13. Personally I wouldn't mind it if this is how he dies. It may not be as sexy as going out in a blaze of glory fighting a thousand bounty hunters and Rancors but it'd be nice to see all those years of service rewarded.
  14. I never really thought about this but its interesting. I'm inclined to think that yes, Qui-gon would have done a better job the Obi-wan. As much as I live Obi-wan, he seems a little too permissive and friendly with Anakin. Like he is more interested in being palsies rather than his Master. I don't think Qui-gon would have tolerated that. I think that kind of mentoring would have helped Anakin who needed someone to guide him rather than be his bestest buddy. Not only that, Qui-gon seemed to be the only person who really understood Anakin's potential. I think he would have kept a close eye on him and never allowed Palpatine to get as close as he did.
  15. Yeah, I have been hoping for something that bridges the gap between EIII and EIV. I remember hearing originally when the SW TV show rumors came out that it was going to be about that period and focus on the politics that lead to the rebellion. I thought that story would have been really cool. Supposedly none of the characters from the movies would have been on the show too. That seems to have gone away and now its more clone wars stuff and time travel. But who really knows I guess. I'd always wanted to see a show either about a Jedi living in exile and/or hiding from the empire. Or a show that focuses on a group of troopers that hunts the remaining Jedi.
  16. I've always wanted to do this myself. Like you I don't really know anyone who plays the game so I just rely on pick up groups mostly. I'm on lord Adraas also and I have a low level trooper and a JK guardian at level 21, Id be interested in joining you one or two days a week if you still need people to fill out the group. My main is Callen if you want to try and chat in game some more. He isn't one of the characters I would bring just the toon I play most often lately.
  17. Some people just don't age all that well. Plus fighting on the front lines of a war for a bunch of years, then living in a desert probably didn't help.
  18. Great guide. Hopefully this gets stickied.
  19. WANT. It was what I expected from Bioware but I really really really want the full game. I played the demo on my new TV and I had to change my pants. I may pass out when the game arrives.
  20. Ahh yes, the days when Carrie Fisher didn't look like Elton John. The original Slave Leia still holds up.
  21. I'm not in love with the idea of Maul coming back. But he was pretty cool in a very superficial bad *** way and I wouldn't mind learning a little bit more about him. I'm curious to see how they explain his survival.
  22. Fixed because that was driving me crazy. And the answer is Boba Fett. He doesn't even put up a fight he just gets knocked over into the Sarlacc. Despite this people freaking love him. And it happens at least one other time in the EU that I can think of. Galaxy's greatest bounty hunter my white ***.
  23. A couple of reasons: 1) They are extremely dangerous. The lightsaber blade has no weight, or rather no significant mass and has an omni-directional cutting surface. Without Jedi reflexes, swinging one around is more likely to get you killed rather than the person your fighting. So even using a short blade saber is more dangerous to the user than the attacker. 2) Availability. Most Jedi use their lightsabers all of their lives. Despite what the game would have you believe lightsabers aren't just laying around everywhere. Making them requires specialized skills. Its probably possible for someone to learn to make one, but then there is the danger of using it (See 1 above). 3) Practicality. The truth is, for most sentients, using a lightsaber just doesn't make a lot of sense because it would take years of training to use it effectively. The reality is, nothing beats a good blaster at your side. Also as a side note, there are non-force users who wield lightsabers. General Grevious is the most prominent. But then there is also Pre Vizsla, a Mandalorian who uses a black lightsaber carried off from the Jedi Temple.
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