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Everything posted by Pumpp

  1. Since class buffs are gone as an ability to press can we get emotes for the animations that played when we hit the ability? Sell them as a pack of 8, empire/republic side only, or individually doesn't really matter.
  2. There is but one. The Terentatek as seen on Korriban. Uses the Rancor animation so should be an easy implementation.
  3. All the armor from the class trailers prelaunch, however in adaptive form and clearly marked in the Cartel Market with a special notation "as seen in the class trailers." Some of the gear was Battlemaster I believe and the one that I really want is the last set from the Sith Marauder trailer. It's the silver Battlemaster with a Jugg/Inquisitor helmet. If those could be made adaptable and purchasable as direct items that would be great.
  4. Intents and purposes, does that appease the internet grammar gods now?
  5. I’m concerned about the fact that for all intensive purposes we have to play 1 spec in pvp. I’m sure there are Darkness pvp tanks out there that do well, I just don’t see a lot of them and when I look at the utility my Guardian and Vanguard bring to the table, it just isn't enough for me. Personally, I’m concerned with what happens at the next level increase and talents get mixed up. I don’t play full Deception as it doesn't fit my play style and I think it hinders you from a lack of utility, especially when I can grab Death Field for such a low trade off. So, if Deception is our PVP spec is that really ok considering what the other two tank classes can do with their DPS specs? Compare Deception/Madness to AP/PyroTech or even Vengeance/Rage, are we even close to being on par? I don’t think so.
  6. Wildcard of Wildcards This will never happen in a 2.X patch, maybe in an expansion….maybe. The following is wildcard: Assassins no longer have the ability Force Speed, it becomes a Sorc only ability. In exchange you get Force Step (or whatever you want to call it), it’s shadow step from the Rogue class in WOW. The ability functions in and out of stealth, with a 15-20 second cooldown. The talent in Darkness called Disjunction allows the ability to be used while rooted or maybe usable on friendly targets. Why? Huttball is getting a new map soon, which means another map in which multiple level mobility or z-axis gap closers are huge. Without the ability to transfer levels quickly it makes playing these maps exceptionally painful for a melee class. Not to mention the space station and Makeb arenas have similar issues. At one point our assassinate ability had a teleport attached to it (early trade show build) and many npcs demonstrate the ability as well, so we know the tech is in the game. Here’s to hoping….
  7. XInika, The problem is you are kinda talking out of both sides of your mouth here. On one hand stating Sin's have to play near flawless in order to stay competitive and to be on our toes at all times. However, your video shows a 95% win rate or roundabouts. I doubt seriously anyone will listen to your suggestions with that kind of win rate. If you, as an elite player, were unable to put up those kind of numbers then I would think Bioware would have to pay attention to your analysis. Now I completely agree with the problems you have listed but like I said, your team/personal win rate is working against you.
  8. More heavy armor looking pants and boots that I can use on my Assassin. I really like the silver Battlemaster set as seen in the Sith Warrior progression trailer, also worn by Sith NPC guards in Illum. Just make orange versions of all the Battlemaster gear but in different colors.
  9. 15 Second Force Speed is going to be nice, what they didn't mention is what is going to happen to Elusiveness which currently can reduce the CD of Force Speed by 10 seconds. Would be nice if they moved Mind Over Matter to this spot.
  10. I have been having a lot of success with this spec. It allows me to maintain the deception talents that I enjoy the most while giving me the survivability from the darkness tree. I don't watch anime so I don't have a cute name for it but I have seen my fair share of Godzilla films, plus I play an assassin and the lightening thing just seemed to fit. King Ghidorah
  11. I have been having a lot of success with this spec. It allows me to maintain the Infiltration talents that I enjoy the most while giving me the survivability from the tank tree. I don't watch anime so I don't have a cute name for it but I have seen my fair share of Godzilla films, plus I play an assassin and the lightening thing just seemed to fit. King Ghidorah
  12. 1. How do you think your Assassin spec is perceived by other classes? When Darkness spec Assassin's are seen as normal and somewhat on the over powered side, though nothing like before 1.3. When Assassin are in other specs such as Deception or Madness it's seen more as a non-factor, in Warzones at least. Tank spec is to be considered as they are tuff to take down and have nice mobility and survivability. The other two specs are seen as gimmicks and leveling specs. 2. How do you perceive your own spec? I play Deception 95% of the time, though after 1.3 I am only 24 points in Deception instead of 31. The reason being as 31 point Deception you are a joke of a player in PVP. Without relics and adrenals a deception assassin isn't bursting anyone down and their mobility is practically pathetic. When I play and see another player cast CS or VS with that spinning animation I target them the rest of the match because I KNOW that's any easy kill. The fact that I can only stealth in combat every 2 mins and this is only IF I can cast Force Shroud with Force Cloak, otherwise you just wasted a GCD watching some fancy animation, does nothing for me. My mobility is just terrible because I have to spec 7 points in a tank tree to lower the cd of Force Speed is insulting, not to mention Disjunction requires me to give up my 31 point talent. Playing Huttball is painful as every other class has some sort of knock back and I end up play snake up and down the ramps. The survivability as 31 point Deception is terrible as self healing is non existent and I have no real cds to keep myself alive. You want this spec to work? Give us a "shadow step" on a sub 20 sec cd along with lower cd to Force Cloak. I don't understand how marauders can have a 45 sec cd vanish that can remove snares or reduce damage, and don't say perma-stealth makes up for it because being able to "sap" someone is hardly worth the effort most of the time given the resolve that it uses.
  13. What's disturbing is what these statements mean for the future of the spec. With a content pack/expansion coming most likely at the end of the year I personally was hoping for a revamp of the tree with added survivability and legitimate mobility, instead it looks like that stupid AOE ability they showed in the video is all we need. I mean is it TOO much to ask to have our 1 class specific DPS tree to function in a PVP environment? Do we really have to spec as tanks or hybrids to see success? Looks like it we had better settle into the hybrid role, not that we haven't already.
  14. Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. I have an assassin and marauder which are close in gear and rank and every time I play the marauder I feel like I've got cheat codes.
  15. Austin Peckenpaugh First, as to whether or not they're operating close to what we envision, the answer is "depends who the operator is." From the videos, logs, and anecdotes players provide us, it's really very much the answer for all specs - some people "get it" and play it to its potential, and some people don't. Frequently, the ones who "don't" are hitting brick walls because their expectations for what a spec should be like or should be capable of are different than what the spec is designed for. In the case of Deception Assassins, we see and hear about a lot of players expecting to go toe-to-toe with tough enemies. They expect that since they're a melee spec, they should have the survivability they need to withstand the frontlines. That's true for some melee specs, but that's not what Deception Assassins were designed for. Deception should epitomize "hit-and-run" and "lone wolf" gameplay. Obviously that's less the case in Operations boss encounters, but if this is a question of sustained DPS, the short answer is that they hit within the same 5% "grace window" targeted by every DPS spec in the game. In solo and PvP environments, Deception is meant to be a high burst, high mobility, shutdown spec. When played properly, they provide some of the highest burst and highest pressure in the game. However, Deception is not a great partner. He can't take hits, his shutdown requires that he set the pace of the fight, and his escapes leave allies open and vulnerable to counterattacks. I say that, but I've seen players dash my expectations and turn Deception into a spectacular teammate. Unfortunately, I've seen many more players try to facetank and fail. Assassins have a great team support role - Darkness; they also have a great well-rounded, high utility role - Madness. We left Deception to take the opportunity to do something fun and very different, but that comes with the risk of missing player expectation. If you like Deception and you want to pull it off, my suggestion is that you pick your fights and plan ahead, but I'd also warn that Deception is a spec of extremes - I would not describe it as "well-rounded." Link from the Q&A: HERE I'm speechless really, We have to spec for mobility (7 points in the tank tree) and can only exit combat once every 2 mins, wow, just wow.
  16. Our damage is fine, I've been playing the 0/24/17 spec this past week and I can put up similar numbers to my slightly less geared marauder. The problem is HOW deception/infiltration does damage. Anyone who even kinda pays attention to to this game knows that it's 2 x spinning animation and then unload. This is easy to avoid much like Rage/Focus smash bombs. What that tree needs is more survivability, less predictably DPS, and a legitimate Z-axis gap closer. Anyone who tells you they enjoy playing a Shadow on Huttball without Force Pull is lying to you and themselves. There is nothing fun about playing snake as you go up and down the ramps while everyone and their brother has a knock back you have to avoid like Bruce Lee.
  17. Nice video but I have to ask, why haven't you changed your interface?
  18. Dreaming of a more rogue like Shadow/Assassin: CS- each hit reduces the damage of Project by X and increases the stun duration on Player targets by 2.5 seconds. Stacks 2 times. Secondary effect: CS grants 2 charges of Exit Strategy stacking up to 4 increasing the damage of your next Force Breach by X. This would make CS a "combo point" builder that allows us to do damage or create a 5 second stun, which coupled with a lower force costing Shadow Strike makes for an interesting rotation.
  19. I like the new "shadowstep" ability and I think that it's something that the devs have played around with internally because the animation is in the game on a few mobs. As long as the CD on it was 20 secs or less I think we have a winner. I would like to see CS grants stacks of Force Breach so that after 2-3 CS you would be sitting at 5 stacks for a huge Force Breach. This would allow CS and Force Breach to work more like a combo point system as seen in other games. That being said I also liked the idea of CS granting a buff to Shadow Strike, but would like to see that stack to 2 instead of 1 just to avoid dancing between the two abilities during a fight. I would be happy either way. As long as we are brain-stormingI would take Low Slash and switch it with Stasis as I feel Stasis seems to fit more in line with the Infiltration tree anyway. Low Slash just seems better suited to the the tank tree as a way to control multiple mobs, I enjoy having it as Infiltration but without a lower CD "kidney shot" like ability low slash just doesn't mix well with the rest of the tree IMO.
  20. It appears that your request has been answered, at least to some extent (3:40 in):
  21. This is unfortunate as I enjoy infil/deception and the loss of the on-use items will severely nerf the burst and thus kill the play-style and spec. But on the bright side I just got a few awesome key binds freed up and ready for a new spec.
  22. What we need is already in game, via NPCs. On the Warrior class quest near the end on Corellia you have to storm a tower and fight off a bunch of assassins. These guys will "shadow step" or teleport behind you once you engage. This same ability I believe was part of the assassin class except it was built into the execute ability. There was a video floating around from one of the trade shows that clearly showed it. If they made a "shadow step" ability for us it would have to be in the Deception/Infiltration tree. I think it would go a long way to increasing the tool kit to this lacking talent spec.
  23. I have a 50 Assassin and a 50 Marauder. The best part of the Marauder is Force Camo IMO, it allows for quick target switches and the ability to re-engage your opponent on your terms. I think a similar ability to Shadows/Assassins would really improve the gameplay. The Shadow Dance ability from WOW's rogue class would fit nicely. Set the ability on 1 min CD and allow the use of Spike during it, possibly a "proc'd" Maul as well, maybe reset Force sprint?
  24. What does your Darkness PVP spec look like?
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