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Posts posted by Jaavik

  1. We waited this long because they automated the process, it's not manual anymore. So, no "man-hours" involved, except to throttle the software, which is opened in the "phase" you speak of.


    Is it automated? I've seen people theorize that it was and I've seen people say that they were doing it manually, but I haven't seen anything concrete.

  2. Here's a decent question that I don't think has been addressed.


    We're being told that this first "phase" of initial transfers are specifically being made to increase server populations so we all have more people to play with. We're also being told that those of us who either want to transfer to an alternate "server type" (PvE to PvP, RP-PvP to Pvp, etc.) or want to consolidate all our characters on one server, may have to wait for the "next phase" of transfers and these transfers MAY be free as well (possibily not).


    If I were to transfer my characters in the "initial phase" of transfers to go to a populated server, but my ULTIMATE goal is to consolidate all my characters on the same ALTERNATE server (PvE to PvP), would I be exempt from the "next phase" of free transfers since I already accepted a free transfer?


    This is something that would DEFINITELY need to be answered before we accept the transfer. I'm sure Bioware doesn't want to "re-transfer" the same characters over and over again due to the man hours involved, but I don't want to accept the "initial phase" if I only get ONE free phase of transfers and the second phase is the one that solves my problem.


    Any ideas?

  3. I guess I did overlook some obscure post. That's quite possible. I also guess, that as a paying customer, I should have the information I need presented to me in an "easy to find" manner, for example, this sticky thread that I have bookmarked. But hey, I guess that's too much to ask.


    Read the "Dev Tracker"; it IS your "easy to find" source of information. It doesn't get any more simple...

  4. I get your point with this, but with so many servers that exist, what are the odds that you have re-rolls on the 1 destination server that will be chosen for you?


    This first round of transfers is specifically being done to deal with population issues, not consolidation of characters. It's being said that consiolidation will be addressed "later". There is a possibility we may have to pay to transfer characters specifically to merge legacy. This was my issue as well...

  5. Wait, you're an RPer who is upset that you are being directed to an RP server? Huh?


    The problem for the RP players is that in many cases, there is only ONE origin server (US RP-Pvp, EU RP-PvP, US RP-PvE, etc) , therefore if there is only one origin server, and only one destination server, a transfer doesn't solve their population problem. I'm sure they will address the situation by tomorrow, but that's why they're upset. After these transfer, specifically being done to increase server population, their situation won't change.

  6. They won't make them pay for transfers in those RP-PvP and RP-PvE situations where players have no place else to go. Just wait until phase 2. Those transfers will be free as well. :)


    I'll be the first to admit that I may be COMPLETELY making assumptions that this is going to go badly. I will definitely give them a chance.


    But I'm wondering if you have a source for the statement that there are going to be multiple "phases" of free transfers, or do you just believe that this is how they are going to do it? I can't seem to find any information on it.


    From the information I can see, there only seems to be mentions of two "phases":


    1. Free Transfers from 1 specific server type to same specific server type.
    2. Paid Transfer to any server you choose


    I'd really like to believe that Bioware is going to work more with the community to get the game back on track.

  7. I've heard that you only have one server that you can pick to transfer to. Is this correct? That ppl playing on pvp server can only transfer to one server that is pvp. Same for pve and rp-pve


    Correct. Although many are saying that this is only for the "initial phase" of free transfers. Not much information has been released yet about what is going to happen after that.

  8. You're very naive and pessimistic if you don't think they will have multiple phases of character transfers. There's ZERO chance they will go from highly restricted free transfers in phase 1 directly into unrestricted paid transfers in phase 2. No chance at all. Just sayin'. :rolleyes:


    I really hope you're right. I will stick it out a little longer in hopes that you are.

  9. I think you've got the right idea here, but the only minor nuance of this whole thing, is that they were, if anything, recommendations. They weren't "forced" upon you. But I definitely see where you're coming from on this, and I do certainly hope that this transfer process can at least get your toons settled in on a more populated server. It's a long and frustrating process, I've got 3 50's and a 43 currently, on Vornskr, and we're in the same boat, trying to get groups to do anything is like pulling teeth, and even most of the guild I'm in has taken a step away from the game, either to try others, or simply to take a break from it all until things improve, community-wise. I am quite confident that once the transfer process is started, and people start seeing the results of a bigger in-game community, people will start returning (which in turn will start increasing some of the fleets on individual servers) back to at least somewhat playable levels until this whole transfer process is completed. The "soon" thing, personally, doesn't bother me, although it has been getting a little on the redundant side. I'm not going to say that this final scenario will be the truth, this is speculation from me, but I do have a feeling that once the free transfer period is done, and they open up paid transfers, the paid ones will specifically be "Server of your Choosing". Which I can only assume also includes different server type transferring (PVE to PVP, RP-PVP to PVE, et al.)


    True, I absolutely wasn't forced to do it. But as a business, if you make a suggestion to a customer to try something (whether or not it's true - just for the sake of argument), should the suggestion make you in any way responsible (morally if NOT financially) for the outcome from your own product?


    If Bioware was going to make an arbitrary decision that they weren't going to allow you to transfer characters from the DEAD server you were on to the other Server you eventually played on while paying for the product - A decision the customer made because they WANTED to play the game - shouldn't that information be made available to the public so they DON'T invest both time and money on the other server only to be charged to unite those characters under a legacy system this company developed to encourage playing more types of characters?


    I'm not saying Bioware owes me anything. But I do wish that Bioware believed they did since I remained a paying customer on an MMO that wasn't able to be played as an MMO until these transfers arrived. The legacy system is their idea and i think it's a great one. But unless the characters are played on the same server, they don't receive the benefit.


    Now, after paying for multiple months of NOT being able to build that legacy properly, I'm possibly being asked to pay MORE to receive those benefits (but as far as I know, only the unlocks - I'm not aware if the actual LEVEL XP will carry over as well). That's what many of us are frustrated about.


    As far as what you said at the end. I truly hope you're right. But if I ran this company. I would be doing backflips at this point to improve the game's reputation. I've been hearing about these problems from friends of mine that don't even play the game. Word is definitely getting around and I really want the best for this game. This is the MMO for me. I truly love playing it.



    PS - sorry these are so wordy.. I'm SO bored at work...LOL

  10. A quote has been provided in one of these threads, it does indeed date from December 11 before BW opened up the new servers. No one has provided a quote yet that is from after the extra servers were added to show that BW were telling people to reroll.


    Fair enough.


    But here's my question. If the quote had to do with the clogged queues at launch (before the new servers were added). Then what would it have to do with "re-rolls"? Nobody had established characters at this point (nobody's character from beta carried over), only established "guilds" that were arbitrarily put on targeted servers that Bioware chose on their own. The only people that felt they couldn't re-roll on another server were those who were in a "pre-approved guild". They wanted to play on the same server as their friends. So if the suggestion was offered by Biowware to re-roll at THIS time. Who was it meant for?


  11. Proof? and if you're talking about about what they said on 12/20/11. It doesn't apply and you're taking it out of context.

    Since I don't have the quote from almost 6 months ago recorded anywhere, I obviously can't "prove it". It's entirely possible that you may be right and I'm perfectly willing to admit it. Since YOU are claiming I'm taking a quote out of context, do YOU have the quote?


    Let's say you're right and they NEVER suggested it. Would the fact that I continued to pay for a subscription to play on a server that I couldn't get a group together to play PvP, Flashpoint, Operations or even a simple Heroic mission mean in any way that Bioware benefited MORE from my subscription than I did? Would a "good company" take that sort of thing into consideration when the customer is unhappy and they have the capability of repairing the relationship?


    If I was NOT expected to re-roll on a populated server to be able to enjoy the game in the way the developers intended me to, then that only leaves two options.


    1. Unsubscribe from the game - Which has subscriptions drop even more for this game and makes a bad image for the company so close to post-launch.
    2. Pay full-price for my subscription - which means I give up on the possibility of getting a group together for several of the mission types and essentially pay $15.00 a month to play a 1 player game


    Let's pretend Bioware is YOUR company and you find your game in this condition and your loyal customer would like a suggestion of what to do to make the game worth my price of subscription. What do you recommend?


    Ultimately, I'm pretty sure I'll pay to transfer my mains to the server I want to play on. I like the game that much. But I'm really disappointed with the customer service if that is how it's going to play out. But ultimately this is going to depend on how long Bioware is going to take in making the paid transfers available. After all the waiting, I'm right back to square one and waiting for a transfer service that's "coming soon!"

  12. No you are not paying, this round of transfers is free, paid transfers are something that may (but I think its highly likely) happen in the future. If you want to move to a server of your choice from a decently populated one I don't see why a fee should not be charged.


    BWs mistake was in opening too many servers so that many servers have ended up with low populations, they are fixing that problem without charging us any money.


    You are also ignoring the entire time period where many of us continued to pay our subscriptions under the claim that "transfers are coming soon!". If we were to choose NOT to re-roll, then we would be paying for a subscription on a game that was (in many cases) unplayable. Since most wouldn't pay a subscription as "a favor" to Bioware, that would result in players cancelling their subscriptions while waiting for the problems to be fixed. Bioware wouldn't want that. So they suggested "re-rolling" on a populated server temporarily.


    They didn't tell us WHICH server to roll on or what TYPE of server to roll on. In hindsight, it seems that this information was extremely necessary to have in order to take advantage of free transfers. But the information WASn'T provided, and now I am possibly expected to pay for it.


    Is it your contention that Bioware never intended to allow us to unite these characters under their own proprietary "Legacy System"? If so, don't you think that should be mentioned? If it was, people would have unsubscribed. So ultimately it SEEMS (I don't presume to KNOW) like Bioware deliberately kept information to us to a minimum as "damage control" because of the disgruntled customers flaming the forums and the bad press they were getting on game review sites, etc. This would all be understandable so long as the company attempted to make good with the customers who continued to pay them money while waiting patiently.


    But now that doesn't seem to be the case.They are allowing transfers in a way that makes it that your characters will be able to play with other people, but the Legacy is worthless between characters that aren't on the same server.


    If the servers didn't have the population problem (not caused by the customer), then people would have built up the legacy all this time on ONE server.

  13. Actually Bioware DID suggest re-rolling on populated servers because people weren't able to play with other people on their main servers. THEY suggested it, because the only other option for those players was to unsubscribe as they weren't able to take part in much of what the games was "supposed' to have available to them (however temporary). The community absolutely BEGGED for more information about what was going on. But all we ever got was "transfers are coming soon... it's our priority!"


    Their suggestion was the attempt to keep players subscribed with the "dangling carrot" of server transfers "coming soon". No information was shared by Bioware to only roll on the same TYPE of server or, in fact, ANY information about what the players SHOULD do to prepare for the transfers so we aren't wasting our time building a legacy.


    The legacy system is specifically made to be improved through having multiple character types included with it. Most players, being left to their OWN devices to continue paying a subscription and finding WORTH in the subscription, built up characters on their main server and whatever server they re-rolled on.


    This entire situation was either caused by Bioware having two many servers opened before the initial population drop (thus resulting in the remaining players spread out over multiple servers), or Bioware OWN SUGGESTION to re-roll on a populated server as a "temporary fix" to be able to play the game until these "transfers" became avaialble.


    Now we are finding that the transfers are ONLY to move characters from 1 specific TYPE of server TO 1 of the same specific TYPE of server. This only solves a FRACTION of the problems that Bioware needs to take ownership of.


    In all fairness, we don't have all the information yet, but if they are going to charge their subscribers to fix a problem caused by their own choices and suggestions to us, then it comes off as VERY unethical. This game is already having problems with subscriptions, customer satisfaction and gaming media. I was hopeful they would help us, the subscribers, turn the image of this game around.


    It's becoming too difficult to defend their decisions. I seriously hope they reconsider how they are doing this. It may end up being the "gamebreaker" for much of the loyal community.

  14. Complete rubbish, you end up with 10 empty servers and 1 server with around 11 times as many people online. So if you see 10 people in fleet you will see about 100+ after the transfers.


    Of course your whole argument is specious as they are not transferring 10 empty severs to another empty server, they are transferring 10 empty servers onto 1 non empty server.


    I had the feeling he was being sarcastic as he was referring to "empty" servers, meaning ZERO. Zero, multiplied by any number always equals zero. I may be wrong, but that's the way I took it.

  15. Not really trying to scroll through 150+ pages of arguments, so pardon my ignorance, but why can't they just do it like Rift did it? Make it free. Anywhere you want to go. Much like the free market let the players decide what servers they want to play on.


    The issue being that they are trying to consolidate the population so they can all play together. To allow the population to transfer to any server they want wouldn't unite the player base so there are more people to play with on each server, and hopefully eventually close down some of the servers.


    You may mean it the same way I was discussing as far as Bioware making 1 of each type of server available to a server and allow them to transfer to a specific type. I believe MOST would choose the type they are already playing (many already know what they like). But apparently the RP crowd are unhappy as for many of them, there is only one US RP server and transfers to the exact same type of server isn't going to change anything for them. So I believe they are being excluded (so I've heard on here).


    With My personal situation, while waiting for the transfers, i re-rolled on a populated server. During this period, I discovered I enjoy PvP more than PvE and I was eager to bring my PvE character onto a PvP server. Apparently this won't be allowed with the initial free transfers and I'll be waiting an unknown amount of time before I can do that, and will possibly have to pay for it.

    I mean the only thing I don't like is that I may have to pay to transfer. I'm on Vulk Highway atm and we're not looking too good. If it were my decision I'd transfer right now. However I don't like the idea of paying for my transfer. I really like to think that'd it'd be included in my subscription every month.


    I would think that, under the circumstances of all the bad press, flaming forums and subscriptions dropping, they would work WITH the customers that are being loyal and maintaining their subscriptions throughout this time. Unfortunately, we're still being kept in the dark. Hopefully these issues will be addressed by Tuesday when the free transfers begin. We want the game to succeed as much (if not more) than they do.


  16. I was just in the game. Someone said that you could only transfer one toon per server. Is that true? That if I transfer that the majority of the toons I have worked on will be left on a dead server?


    Here's a quote by Allison Berryman on the Community team that will help clear up your question:


    If your server becomes eligible for free character transfers, you'll be able to move all your characters from that server onto the destination server.
  17. No thats not true.



    on another note its funny to see the same 2 lips attached Bioware's rear posters trying to fake assure promises of multiple phases and happy joy times none of which has been hinted at by the bioware people.


    And QFT Jaavik...seriously on the same page as you with whats going on. Like the game, hate the treatment of customers and constant lack of communication and I especially hate loose ends. Bioware gives us nothing but loose ends. They drive me nuts professionally and drive me nuts when it comes to things that affect my money.


    The ironic thing was I was originally one of the ones telling people "just re-roll on a populated server to enjoy the game in the meantime" and "Have a little patience, they are working on it". But Even my limit has been reached, I guess. After all the waiting and patience and keeping my subscription running and trying to support the game I love, finally the transfers are here but there's all sorts of restrictions and arbitrary conditions that only fix a portion of the problem.


    And now we're being told, "Oh, you re-rolled on a PvP server and want to bring over the PvE Legacy you've built up and was waiting to unite? Well, what were you thinking? Why would we possibly allow a PvP server to transfer in a PvE character... thats just silly... well, maybe at a later time..." and now I'm right back to other people telling me, "have a little patience".


    It has a kind of twisted irony to it

  18. They wouldn't be moving millions of characters for free if they were all about making money. This is only the first round of free transfers. There will be more free transfers later with less restrictions. Paid transfers are only the last phase. :rolleyes:


    Not trying to argue, just curious if there is a standard way that these things happen that you are aware of, since you mention "phases" and are insinuating that there will be OTHER phases of "free" transfers. That would be awesome, but so far, you are the only one i see "assuring us" that it's going to happen. If so, how does it usually happen? Bioware isn't really giving us information on how "the phases" are going to go (ie how long the "first phase' will take, how many other phases, how long to the NEXT phase, etc.), unless you have access to some information that I don't .


    We obviously like the game because we've waited THIS long, but there are limits to how long we are willing to wait for what is "necessary" to enjoy an MMO, and part of that is being able to play the characters we worked on and built up. I don't think it's NEARLY as unreasonable as you are trying to make it sound.


    Saying "have patience" is all fine and good, but eventually, the subscription fee won't be considered worth it to just keep waiting for results and information to trickle out at such a slow rate. The obvious solution is to unsubscribe and "maybe" come back once transfers that allow us to unite our characters are ready. Bioware doesn't want us to do that, and WE don't want to do that. But sooner or later, something has to give.


    Wouldn't you agree?

  19. I am currently unsubscribed with a few paid days left. I wonder what happens if while I am unsubscribed, the few people that still play in my dead server, move out via transfers and BW decides to close the server. Will I lose my chars? Do I have to resub, in order to transfer them?

    Note : I ll be far away from any internet connection for the following 3-4 months so swtor.com and any news on that subject, won't be available to me.


    I don't believe they will be "deleting servers". They may just remove them from a selectable list so when anyone who still has a character on that server comes back, they can log into them

  20. If the goal is to get fully populated servers, or as fully-populated as possible, then that means that any server TYPE shifting must be restricted, otherwise the RP players may jump ship to Non-RP servers and leave the RP servers dead.


    Not trying to be difficult, but that doesn't make any sense to me as far as if I'm leaving the RP server to go to either another RP server or a NON-RP server, I'm still leaving (jumping ship from) that "origin" RP server and the population will be "dead" either way.


    If the player doesn't want to play on an RP server anymore, they will either STOP playing, re-roll to the server they want to play on or pay to transfer to another server at a later time. Either way, the RP server would be losing a player. So what difference is being made? Except that it's creating an opportunity for Bioware to charge us for something that can be done as a free transfer.


    I hate to sound cynical, but all this talk of it being "messy" or "disorganized" if they allow us to transfer to specific server TYPE (not choosing our OWN server) when each server type will be made available to transfer to either way, just doesn't seem to wash. :(



    Or the PVE servers may overwhelm the PVP servers that exist. As you will note, there are far more PVE servers than PVP servers.


    To allow each of the PVE servers to have a XFER->PVP option leaves those PVP servers vulnerable to huge overpopulation issues, which I expect they want to avoid in the first phase.


    I don't know I have a hard time believing that there are that many of us that want to switch from PvE to PvP (or vice-versa) that it would cause that much of a problem. I think most people already know if they like PvP or PvE more already.


    I have absolutely ZERO problems with them charging for character transfers between types. Those restrictions had nothing to do with population issues, and were chosen by the players specifically for the type of server they were. That's a totally different scenario to people who chose a PVE server but their PVE servers dropped to low populations, and now they just want to transfer to a full PVE server.


    But once again we're back to the issue that most of us who are having this problem are having it due to the "population issue". We were told to "re-roll on a populated server" until the transfers are available so we are able to enjoy the game. We were never warned to only re-roll on the same type of server if we want our new and old characters to eventually be placed together. Had I personally known that, I wouldn't have been building up my Legacy on my PvE mains so that I could bring it over to the new re-rolls.


    I'm not BLAMING anyone, I just wish that Bioware would give a little consideration to those of us who stayed with them, patiently waiting for them to get around to "transfers" only to find out that in order for us to unite out legacy with the re-rolls we were playing in the meantime, we have to "wait" some more, for however long and to be charged however much.


    I don't think it's an unreasonable request. After all, if you are "re-rolling" a character, and were to look at the current servers to see which one would give you the best chance of finding people to play with, you will see "Fatman" as the MOST populated (a PvP server). The VAST majority of the other servers say "Light" populations, which looks the absolute same as my DEAD server - There's no distinction between different levels of light servers.


    It's not like Bioware can't track how many transfers they are allowing onto a server. You just make 4 servers available. 1 PvP, 1 PvE, 1 RP PvP and 1 RP PvE. When your server comes up ready to transfer, you track what player wants to go where. Once that server fills, you make the next targeted server available to transfer to. Would that really be too complicated?

  21. So, basically, if I have 2 characters on the Kellian Jarro (PVE) which is low populated I most likely will be allowed to transfer both of them to The Red Eclipse (PVE) which have standard to high population over a day, correct?


    Only if The Red Eclipse is the "targeted server". They are basically going to notify the server that you're on (If it's considered low population) that, if you want to, you may transfer from your dead server to this one specific Bioware-selected server that was chosen to be built up. If you want any kind of control over where you are going, you have to "wait" again for an indeterminate amount of time until they are ready to allow that.

  22. To BioWare: Fine. Fix your population problems. Then allow us to consolidate our characters on the server of our choice for free. Then, after you've solved your problem and helped us solve our problems (created by your problem), feel free to charge people for frivolous server transfers. Pretty please with sugar on top.


    Well said!

  23. Okay, that with the priority is understandable now that I really think about it carefully, but still ... yes, it sucks.

    Well, yep, there are still workaounds like alternate spellings, accents, and so on.

    Or I just hope that the names of my characters are that stupid, so that no one else came up with such names...

    That's pretty much the way i try to do it..LOL

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