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Posts posted by Jaavik

  1. Yeah, I've been one of the ones that would strongly defend Bioware with it being a new game and this being their first MMO. I really hope this is figured out quickly.


    I had to have my roommate log me on to the game about 1 1/2 hours before I even got home just so I could play when I got there, and STILL had to wait 1/2 hour more to get on. After I got to play for 3 hours, the client crashed on me and I tried to log back on at 2am EST and there were 837 people in queue before me. I wasn't about to wait 2 hours again...


    I'm not gonna stamp my feet and throw a tantrum about this, but it's really too much and I would definitely appreciate some kind of acknowledgement of the problem along with some kind of explanation about how and when this will be fixed.


    I don't know if it has already been addressed or not, if so, can someone post a link?



  2. Yup you are right, that are the benefits of electronic communication, they can abuse it. It said clearly get 5 days early acces when I preordered it on november 29th.


    Funny, because I Pre-ordered in October and they DIDN'T say that. It said "Up to 5 Days". My best friend ordered 3 days after Pre-Orders were available, and it said "Up to 5 days" then as well... I guess they changed it just long enough to trick you and then change it right back. Those devious bastards...


    That IS one of the marvels of the digital age, because you don't have to take responsibility for being wrong. You can just call the other guy a liar since there's no way to prove either way. Have fun with that...

  3. Sad reality of this whole fiasco is they know how many pre orders they have, they know the market anticipation and they're still going with the "well what we want matters, they don't know what they want, WE know what they want" ideology.


    Speaking of SAD realities... sigh... SUCCESSFUL Businesses, when creating a new product, will get a basic idea of what the public wants and then seeks a balance with "what the public wants" and "what will actually work" in the amount of time they have to release the product. They will take notice if enough people want something to change once it is released, but they don't scan the forums looking to create a laundry list of everything everyone is asking for. What YOU want in an MMO can be in STARK contrast to what I want . Everyone has a different idea of what would make "an ideal MMO".


    And YES, what BIOWARE wants DOES matter. THEY (being the market) want all sorts of different things which may or may not work. And as far as "WE know what they want". That's true to an extent too. Throughout the beta-testing phase there were several requests for things like a modifiable UI and guild banks, etc. They DID take notice of these things and are working on adding them as soon as possible. Keep your corset on and wait.


    Vague terminology and such don't hold up under scrutiny, it also doesn't inspire customers to buy your product, stay with your product, or give you a second chance.


    please... please ... PLEASE!!! I am begging you !!! Please explain what was VAGUE about the phrase "UP TO five days of early game play"? How does that translate to EVERYBODY gets to play a full five days early? If you read that and then pre-ordered the game SOLELY on the assumption that it was getting you 5 full days of early game play, then maybe.. just MAYBE the problem is with YOU and not Bioware?


    First impressions are the KEY in any mmorpg.

    They dropped the ball.


    I agree, and my first impression of MANY of the posters on here is that they have a SERIOUS lack of comprehension skills, lack the ability to read, and expect that if they throw a big enough tantrum, that the developers will drop what they are doing and rush to powder your rashy bottoms.


    I'm still trying to figure out how these new mmorpg teams that come out don't learn anything from the past mistakes of previous ones, or they do learn and yet somehow make the past mistake seem far less worse in comparison.


    I've said it before and I'll say it again.... If you aren't happy, move along. Stop clogging up the forums with your tears, go back to Warcraft and play a Panda.

  4. Here is a reality, while it states "up to 5 days" most everyone who pre-ordered probably did so with the belief their pre-order was buying them access 5 days early, not just 1 or 2.


    Here's ANOTHER reality. Pre-ordering with the "belief" that pre-ordering would get you 5 FULL days of early access doesn't in THE LEAST BIT change the fact that it was NEVER promised to you that way. It had always said "UP TO 5 days of early access".


    It's a good thing this game is completely voiced, because so many players apparently can't read...


    Why, because customers had no way of knowing how many of those 5 days they would get depending on when they ordered. A person pre-ordering on December 12th was given the same promise as the person who ordered on July 1st, yet the reality is that the person who ordered on Dec 12th in no way shape or form will get more than 1-2 days early access, yet he paid the same early access cost.


    It was made CRYSTAL clear when the offer was made that the earlier you ordered, the earlier you would get to play. Nobody is a victim here...


    If anything you could make a somewhat valid argument BioWare was using deceptive marketing techniques to play on this belief when in reality they knew fully well most people probably won't get anywhere near to 5 days of early access.


    The argument wouldn't be the LEAST bit valid unless you deliberately misrepresented what was offered. If you show exactly what was posted, they provided exactly what they offered. If you don't READ the offer carefully, it's not Bioware's responsibility to dumb it down for you. They said what they meant and it wasn't the least bit misleading. You simply HOPED they didn't mean it and expected them to predict that people wouldn't pay attention and do everything to protect the "player's feelings".


    It's about as honest and ethical as saying you created and/or saved jobs.


    I suppose if you were dumb enough to believe that statement when it was uttered, you might believe that "Up to 5 days of early access" means "YOU GET TO PLAY A FULL 5 DAYS!!!".

    If anything this staggered launch will go down in the annals of MMO history as an abysmal customer service fiasco, or people will rapidly forget about it and the bottom line of BioWare will show it was a financial success (at the cost of a little customer satisfaction capitol) and you can rest assured future MMO launches will replicate it.


    It won't go down in history for anything, drama queen. These sort of things pop up with just about EVERY major MMO launch where we get to see a steady parade of people get on the forums and pout and stomp their feet that the developer's aren't sufficiently smooching your backside. The rest of us sit back and laugh at this crap.



  5. You do realize that early access is the ONLY incentive to pre-order, right?


    Actually it isn't the ONLY incentive. Many prefer to have a physical copy of the game (including the Collector's Edition) and they want to be certain to get it as soon as possible and not have to wait for stores to restock their shelves.


    This is the year 2010, and digital downloads have the concept of "sold out" obsolete.


    This is actually the year 2011. (rolling eyes...)


    If they want our money before the game actually comes out, they better give us something worth it. I didn't preorder for an asterisk, I preordered for early access.


    They DID give you something "worth it". They gave you EXACTLY what they said they would.


    It was NEVER promised that you would get a full 5 days of early game access. It was ALWAYS stated "UP TO 5 days of early access" and made it very clear that the earlier you order the game, the earlier you would get to play. You technically DID pre-order for an asterisk, you just didn't read it...


    Don't act like it's someone else's fault you didn't get what you were never promised.

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